Copyright BSG BSG Grad Share 2014 Computer Science

Enter the mind of an Agile Developer

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Enter the mind of an Agile Developer, BSG shares with you how we do software development and how to embed agile methodologies into your development process.

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Page 1: Enter the mind of an Agile Developer

Copyright BSG

BSG Grad Share 2014 Computer Science

Page 2: Enter the mind of an Agile Developer

Plan of Action

• Software Development at BSG

• What is Agile?

• Internal vs. External Quality

• Test Driven Development (TDD)

• Behaviour Driven Development (BDD)

• Ping Pong Pairing

• Our Testing Strategy (TDD / BDD Hybrid)

• Demo

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Software Development at BSG

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• Agile / Lean Development Methodology (JIRA Greenhopper)

• Architecture and Frameworks used Depend on the Project

Conventional JSPs and Javascript libraries

Google Web Toolkit (as used to write Google Wave)

Tomcat (servlet container) or full application server

JPA, Hibernate, Hibernate Search, Lucene

• Our Developers use Windows, Linux (Ubuntu) and Mac

• Development Tools

IntelliJ IDEA or Eclipse IDE

ANT for build scripts

Junit, Hamcrest, Jmock and Jbehave for automated testing

Jenkins for continuous integration

Github for version control

Team members are active contributors on global forums, such as

A choice is made for each project

• Database is usually MySQL or client's choice (we have used Oracle quite often, for example)

Java Development at BSG

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What is Agile? • The highest priority of Agile is to satisfy the customer through early and

continuous delivery of valuable software

– Working software is the primary measure of progress of a project

• Common traits amongst agile methodologies include:

– Frequent product releases

– High levels of real‐time collaboration within the project team and with


– Reduced time intensive documentation

– Regular, recurring assessments of value and risk to allow for change

The Agile Manifesto values: Individuals and interactions over processes

and tools

Working software over comprehensive


Customer collaboration over contract


Responding to change over following a plan

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What makes a code base agile?

• Properties:

Lean (least quantity of code to get the job done)

Well designed (modularised, layered)

Tested (comprehensive testing strategy)

• Advantages:

Easy to change without introducing regression issues/bugs

Easy to maintain (localisation of issues through tests)

Easy to understand (code = documentation, tests = specification)

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• Internal quality determines your ability to move forward on a project

• It is about “building software in the right way” which is achieved through white box testing (e.g. unit tests)

• Internal quality = all the properties of the software as seen by the developers that are desirable in order to facilitate the process of creating a good product:

concision: code does not suffer from duplication

cohesion: each module / class / routine does one thing and does it well

low coupling: minimal interdependencies and interrelation between objects


generality: the problem domain bounds are known and stated

clarity: the code enjoys a good auto documentation level

• External Quality determines the fulfilment of stakeholder requirements

• It is about “building the right software” which is achieved through black box testing (e.g. acceptance tests)

• External quality = all the properties of the software as a product that users can experience and enjoy:

conformity to their expectations (and evolution thereof)



ease of use and comfort (including response delay)

robustness (or adaptability to some unforeseen condition of use)

openness (or adaptability to future extensions or evolutions)

Internal vs.

External Quality

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Test Driven Development

• Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development process that relies on the repetition of a very short development cycle:

First the developer writes an (initially failing) automated test case that defines a desired improvement or new function

then produces the minimum amount of code to pass that test

and finally refactors the new code to acceptable standards

• Advantages:

Reduced need to use debugger

Test driven design (design for testability, “listen to the tests”)



Encourages modularisation and decoupling

All paths through the code are tested

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Behaviour Driven Development • Behaviour-driven development is an

“outside-in” methodology

• It starts at the outside by identifying business outcomes, and then drills down into the feature set that will achieve those outcomes

• Each feature is captured as a “story”, which defines the scope of the feature along with its acceptance criteria

• Ubiquitous domain language

• Non-technical / analytical techniques as well, e.g. feature injection

• Advantages:

Better commitment and buy-in

Right focus

Evolutionary design

Breaking the knowledge silos in distributed team

Greater ROI

Predictability & confidence

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• Pair programming is an agile

software development technique

in which two programmers work

together at one workstation

One, the driver, writes code while the other, the observer or navigator, reviews each line of code as it is typed in

The two programmers switch roles frequently

• Ping Pong Pairing (P3) combines

the concepts of TDD and Pair

programming, therefore mitigating

some of pitfalls while realising the

benefits of both

Better engagement from developers

Complete code coverage

Concision, least quantity of code to get the job done

Reduced corner cutting

Ping Pong Pair


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Our Testing


A hybrid of BDD and TDD. We use a

combination of state and behaviour


Language through all tests uses the

same Domain Specific Language


Name tests in an intent revealing

way i.e. test<Method and fixture to

test>_should<Expected result>.

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What tests do

we write?

• Acceptance tests

• Integration tests

Query smoke tests

Query semantics tests

Round-trip tests

• Unit tests

Presenter tests

Service logic tests

RPC service tests

• Regression tests

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A Layered


• Presentation layer

MVP to allow for testing this layer

• Service layer

Mock out lower layers

• Persistence layer

Interact with the DB )

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Model View Presenter (MVP)

• A design pattern which facilitates unit testing:

The model contains the data to be handled by the

presenter and displayed in the view.

The view simply displays data passed to it from the

presenter, and routes events from the user back to

the presenter.

The presenter fetches data (the model), performs the

required logic with that data, and passes it to the view

to be displayed.

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• We use JMock

Behaviour verification

Fake dependencies

Return expected values without touching layers below

• Some other popular mocking frameworks include:



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Builders - construct and

persist domain objects to be

used in tests.

Matchers - to make

assertions and compare

the state of objects.

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• Developers run tests locally before

pushing changes

• Our Continuous Integration (CI)

server runs the tests as well

• We use Jenkins CI

• A build is triggered when code is

pushed to GitHub

• Jenkins compiles the code and

runs all tests

• If any tests fail a notification email

is sent to the team

Running Tests

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Testing and Code Coverage Demo

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• http://agilemanifesto.org/

• http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?InternalAndExternalQuality

• http://meekrosoft.wordpress.com/2010/10/31/internal-and-external-software-quality

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior_Driven_Development

• http://dannorth.net/

• http://blogs.agilefaqs.com/2012/11/11/benefits-of-behavior-driven-development-bdd/

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pair_programming

• http://behave.readthedocs.org/en/latest/philosophy.html

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