Effective SOA Lessons from Amazon, Google, and Lucidchart By Derrick Isaacson

Effective SOA

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It has been observed that "A distributed system is at best a necessary evil, evil because of the extra complexity." Multiple nodes computing on inconsistent state with regular communication failures present entirely different challenges than those computer science students face in the classroom writing DFS algorithms. The past 30 years have seen some interesting theories and architectures to deal with these complexities in what we now call "cloud computing". Some researchers worked on "distributed memory" and others built "remote procedure calls". More commercially successful architectures of late have popularized ideas like the CAP theorem, distributed caches, and REST. Using examples from companies like Amazon and Google this presentation walks through some practical tips to evolve your service-oriented architecture. Google's Chubby service demonstrates how you can take advantage of CAP's "best effort availability" options and Amazon's "best effort consistency" services show the other end of the spectrum. Practical lessons learned from Lucidchart's forays into SOA share insight through quantitative analyses on how to make your system highly available.

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Page 1: Effective SOA

Effective SOALessons from Amazon, Google, and Lucidchart

By Derrick Isaacson

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Can I get that

without the bacon?

Said no one ever


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Simplicity of Single Component Services

• I can’t remember if that getter function takes 100ns or 100ms. - Said no engineer ever• Should I try to model this server request as a “remote procedure call”?• 6 orders of magnitude difference!

•My front-side bus fails for only 1 second every 17 minutes! - Said no engineer ever• 99.9% availability

•Our internet only supports .NET. - Said no engineer ever• Do we need an SDK?

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"A distributed system is at best a necessary evil, evil because of the extra complexity...An application is rarely, if ever, intrinsically distributed. Distribution is just the lesser of the many evils, or perhaps better put, a sensible engineering decision given the trade-offs involved."

-David Cheriton, Distributed Systems Lecture Notes, ch. 1

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Distributed System ArchitecturesDoes it have to be “Service-oriented”?

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Distributed Memory

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<I’m> <not> <making> <a> <service> <request>

<I’m> <just> <calling> <a> <procedure>

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Distributed File System

mount -t nfs -o proto=tcp,port=2049 nfs-server:/ /mnt

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Distributed Data Stores

• Replated MySQL• Mongo• S3• RDS• BigTable• Cassandra…

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Streaming Media

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Service-oriented ArchitecturesSocial Bookmarking App

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GET /profiles/123

GET /users/123

Calculate something

GET /users/123/permissions

If user can’t view profile

send 403

POST /eventFeed {new profile view}

GET /users/123/friends

GET /bookmarks?userId=123

GET /catalog/books?ids=1,3,10

Calculate something else

GET /bookmarks/trending

Send response

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Lucidchart.com by Status Code

96.5%2xx or3xx

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Lucidchart.com 1s+ Latencies

10.8%> 1s

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What Happened?!?I though SOA was supposed to make my app better!

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Simple SOA Availability





.995 * .998 * .998 * .996 = 0.987

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A distributed system is at best a necessary evil





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The CAP Theorem


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The CAP Theorem1

• Safety – nothing bad ever happens

• Liveness – good things happen

• Unreliability – network dis-connectivity, crash failures, message loss, Byzantine failures, slowdown, etc.

• Consistency – every response sent to a client is correct

• Availability – every request gets a response

• Partition tolerance – operating in the face of arbitrary failures

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Consistency: Nothing Bad Happens

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Assumption: Failures Happen

Availability Consistency

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ResponseHandler<User> handler = new ResponseHandler<User>(){

public User handleResponse(final HttpResponse response) {int status = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode();if (status >= 200 && status < 300) {

HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity();return entity != null ? Parser.parse(entity) : null;

} else {…



HttpGet userGet = new HttpGet("http://example.com/users/123");User user = httpclient.execute(userGet, handler);

…except it

doesn’t 1

0 of every 1000



Works great to calculate a user!

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GET /profiles/123

GET /users/123

Calculate something

GET /users/123/permissions

If user can’t view profile

send 403

POST /eventFeed {new profile view}

GET /users/123/friends

GET /bookmarks?userId=123

GET /catalog/books?ids=1,3,10

Calculate something else

GET /bookmarks/trending

Send response

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Best Effort Availability -Euphemism for not always available

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Best Effort Consistency -Euphemism for not always consistent

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Google File System: relaxed consistency model



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Amazon Checkoutx http://highscalability.com/amazon-architecture

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“WOWI really regret

sacrificing consistency for


-said no amazon ever

That’s $74 Billion

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Hang Consistency!

Add• Caching• Timeouts• Retries•Guessing• Anything!

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Tip 1:HTTP Caching

Availability/Performance Consistency

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Tip 2: HTTP Caching as Fallback

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Tip 3: Retries

• Exponential backoffs & max retries

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Tip 3: HTTP Caching Technologies

• Apache HttpComponents – HttpClient Cache• Ehcache• Redis•Memcached• CloudFront• Akamai• Berkeley DB• AWS SNS (for notifying caches components of changes)

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Segmenting Consistency and Availability1. Data Partitioning

Shopping Cart

Warehouse Inventory DB

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Segmenting2. Operation Partitioning





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Segmenting3. Functional partitioning

User Service, Document Snapshots

Document Service

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Segmenting4. Hierarchical Partitioning



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Stop Guessing and Just Calculate It

• Max I/O wait time = # of threads * (CONNECT_TIMEOUT + READ_TIMEOUT)• 9 front end servers received 1900 requests in 60 seconds

and 300 for Flickr resources (16%).• 35 requests per server per minute• Max 100 threads, => 6,000 thread seconds in one minute• Goal: ensure < 10% of thread seconds spent blocked on

Flickr I/O• 600 < 35 requests * (CONNECT_TIMEOUT +


TCP Connect


Request Block on socket read Read response


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Best Effort Consistency System





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Wow, my pizza has too much

cheese and toppings

Said no one ever


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“WOWMy system has

too muchcaching,

timeouts, and availability.”

-said no one ever

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