Configuration Config/BuildConfig


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Basic ConfigurationEnvironmentsDataSourceExternalized ConfigurationVersioningProject DocumentationDependency Resolution

Basic Configuration



BuildConfig.groovy, is for settings that are used when running Grails commands, such as compile, doc, etc.

Config.groovy, is for settings that are used when your application is running.

This means that Config.groovy is packaged with your application, but BuildConfig.groovy is not.

Both BuildConfig.groovy and Config.groovy you can access several implicit variables from configuration values:- userHome, grailsHome, appName, appVersion.

BuildConfig.groovy has:- grailsVersion, grailsSettingConfig.groovy has:- grailsApplication

userHome:- Location of the home directory for the account that is running the Grails application.grailsHome:- Location of the directory where you installed Grails. If the GRAILS_HOME environment variable is set, it is used.appName:- The application name as it appears in application.properties.appVersion:- The application version as it appears in application.properties.grailsVersion:- The version of Grails used to build the project.grailsSetting:- An object containing various build related settings, such as baseDir.grailsApplication:- The GrailsApplication instance.

BuildSetting (BuildConfig.groovy)

Grails requires JDK 6 when developing your applications, it is possible to deploy those applications to JDK 5 containers, and also Grails supports Servlet versions 2.5 and above but defaults to 2.5. Simply set the following in BuildConfig.groovy to change them:-

grails.project.source.level = "1.5"grails.project.target.level = "1.5"grails.servlet.version = "3.0"

Runtime Setting (Config.groovy)grails.config.location

grails.views.gsp.encoding - The file encoding used for GSP source files (default: 'utf-8').



LoggingGrails uses its common configuration mechanism to provide the settings for the underlying Log4j log system, so all you have to do is add a log4j setting to the file grails-app/conf/Config.groovy.

log4j = { error 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet', // controllers 'org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.pages' // GSP

warn 'org.apache.catalina'}

EnvironmentsThe Config.groovy, DataSource.groovy, and BootStrap.groovy files in the grails-app/conf directory can use per-environment configuration using the syntax provided by ConfigSlurper.:-


These are the available environments possible in grails:- development:- Developertest: Testerproduction: After releasingcustom:- User environment

Packaging and Running for Different Environments

grails [environment] [command name]grails test war

To target other environments you can pass a grails.env variable to any command:-grails -Dgrails.env=UAT run-app

To run the project on different portgrails -Dgrails.port=port_no run-app

Programmatic Environment Detection

import grails.util.Environment


switch (Environment.current) { case Environment.DEVELOPMENT: configureForDevelopment() break case Environment.PRODUCTION: configureForProduction() break}

DataSource.groovyDrivers typically come in the form of a JAR archive. It's best to use Ivy to resolve the jar if it's available in a Maven repository, for example you could add a dependency for the MySQL driver like this:

grails.project.dependency.resolution = { inherits("global") log "warn" repositories { grailsPlugins() grailsHome() grailsCentral() mavenCentral() } dependencies { runtime 'mysql:mysql-connector-java:5.1.16' }}

Note that the built-in mavenCentral() repository is included here since that's a reliable location for this library.

If you can't use Ivy then just put the JAR in your project's lib directory.


dataSource { pooled = true dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourDB" driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect username = "yourUser" password = "yourPassword"}

Advanced ConfigurationdataSource { pooled = true dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/yourDB" driverClassName = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" dialect = org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect username = "yourUser" password = "yourPassword" properties { maxActive = 50 maxIdle = 25 minIdle = 5 initialSize = 5 minEvictableIdleTimeMillis = 60000 timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis = 60000 maxWait = 10000 validationQuery = "/* ping */" }}

More on dbCreate

create - Drops the existing schema. Creates the schema on startup, dropping existing tables, indexes, etc. first.

create-drop - Same as create, but also drops the tables when the application shuts down cleanly.

update - Creates missing tables and indexes, and updates the current schema without dropping any tables or data. Note that this can't properly handle many schema changes like column renames (you're left with the old column containing the existing data).

validate - Makes no changes to your database. Compares the configuration with the existing database schema and reports warnings.

any other value - does nothing

dataSource { pooled = true driverClassName = "org.h2.Driver" username = "sa" password = ""}hibernate { cache.use_second_level_cache = true cache.use_query_cache = true cache.provider_class = 'net.sf.ehcache.hibernate.EhCacheProvider'}

environments { development { dataSource { dbCreate = "create-drop" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:devDb" } } test { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:h2:mem:testDb" } } production { dataSource { dbCreate = "update" url = "jdbc:h2:prodDb" } }}

Dependency ResolutionGrails features a dependency resolution DSL that lets you control how plugins and JAR dependencies are resolved.

To configure which dependency resolution engine to use you can specify the grails.project.dependency.resolver setting in grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy. The default setting is shown below:grails.project.dependency.resolver = "maven" // or ivy

Grails only performs dependency resolution under the following circumstances:project is clean, --refresh-dependencies,

Build, Compile, Runtimebuild:- dependency that is only needed by the build processruntime:- dependency that is needed to run the application, but not compile it e.g. JDBC implementation for specific database vendor. This would not typically be needed at compile-time because code depends only the JDBC API, rather than a specific implementation thereofcompile:- dependency that is needed at both compile-time and runtime. This is the most common case.test:- dependency that is only needed by the tests, e.g. a mocking/testing library

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