Python Projects

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Projects Worked

Core PHP Drupal Magento Python

Joomla Wordpress Code Ignitor Laravel

The main purpose of this Application was to develop a miniature version of what Olx or Quickr does. The site had to support multi-language since it is targeted for multiple locations.

Technology Stack




•Dynamic sliders with dynamic content

•Responsive design

•Custom advertisement implementation

•Google AdSense implementation

•Search post category wise, region wise

Event Management website where the users can register for events for individual as well as group, purchase products based on events, make payment. Event can also have sub events and it also includes admin panel to control everything.

Technology Stack




•Dynamic website

•Social Media Integration

•Dynamic calculation of age

•Admin management

The Equipment Inspection Software Solution was carried out for Nigerian Government. The main purpose of this software is to generate a pdf report on the basis of the equipment details provided.

Technology Stack




•User login and registration option

•E-signature functionality

•Generating reports in pdf having user’s signature

•Search option functionality

The project is regarding online recruitment having three users where the jobs can be posted as per the vacancy, the job seeker can apply for the jobs and the admin can manage jobs and job seekers.

Technology Stack




•Login and registration

•Admin management

•Manage jobs and job seekers

Drone Control System project was about Drones and this were not simple robotic drones available as toys, they were the flying Drones of high quality and manufactured and supported by ArduCopters (3D Robotics). The main purpose was to have a custom computer based navigation and control of the drone.

Technology Stack

•Drone Control System


•Easy control of Drone and GPS detection via simply plugin USB GPS

•Predefine routing of Drone location

•Simple interface for user

The main purpose was to create scalable user accounts with hosting of 300MB, 500MB and 1GB on Google App Engine via Python code. Further the logged in user will be provided with editable HTML templates which they can edit, save and download.

Technology Stack


•Google App Engine

•Google Cloud Storage


•Choose plan for hosting and storage

•Responsive design and user dashboard

•Editable HTML Pages and Templates

•Implemented Non-Rel Database

VidaStyle: A Fashion Blog that provides information on various celebs, latest fashion trends, events and news.

Technology Stack


•Python Website

•Responsive Design


•User login and registration option

•Custom rotating banner with updated blogs

•Display blog in iFrame

•Searching and sorting Blogs

•Like/unlike blog

This project is part of other 3 projects and is going to be a SaaS based project. We were responsible for phase 1, in which we had to provide option for Gun dealers for sign-up and login so that they can access a common database of 4 gun dealers.

Technology Stack





•Salesforce API integration

•Settings to change user credentials, distributor login information

•Ability to interface with phase 2 and 3 of client’s project

This Licensing portal project was also a Government Project. Part of our job was to demonstrate a solid Django website/portal that could process online licenses.

Technology Stack




•Login and registration

•Robust Admin management

•Customized admin viewing for reports/ forms

•3 License forms

•Renewal, Cancellation for Forms

After successful completing first project with client on licensing portal, the client awarded us with another project related to maintain and tracking of pension, which involves various features like adding pension, changing of pension automatically, creating monthly reports and so on.

Technology Stack




•Login and registration

•Create user profile, employee profile

•Edit Employee records, manipulate ability for past records of employee and even future for generating reports

•Pension report/statement

This was an ecommerce website developed in an Oscar Django framework. The website involves the purchase of the product, payment integration and admin management.

Technology Stack

•OSCAR Django


•User Registration / Login

•Browse Products

•Showcase Home Products

•Product Details

•Advance Search by category, price, address, date, keyword, title, description and so on

•Ads Options

The main purpose is to design and develop a Sportivore website in Django framework with complete responsive layout.

Technology Stack


•Responsive Design


•Fully Responsive website

•New Icons and Design

•Implemented new CSS without affecting code and current design.

•Implemented Facebook Login

50-50 Accounting Software is an automation process where initially user puts the details which are stored in a database, secondly user is able to input sales invoices, and last user is able to input purchase invoices and store multiple scanned files with the entry along with other detailed features.

Technology Stack




•Easily produces management accounts

•24/7 access to your financial information

•Best software for automation, because of its built-in features as well as because of its integrations.

Social Media Analysis, a web based social media monitor tool that tracks and compares how brands (Fan Pages/Titter Users) are performing on Facebook and Twitter. The main purpose of this tool is to analyze the data for “Facebook Fan Pages” & “Twitter User Data”.

Technology Stack




•Users can now analyze Facebook fan page/Twitter user data with different parameters & metrics that give deep analysis with graphical view.

Fiarro is a social enterprise, dedicated to alleviating poverty. The requirement is designing and developing a CMS based website using web2py framework which places a strong emphasis on ease of use and productivity.

Technology Stack


•Web2Py Framework


•Single page website

•Blog Feature

•Responsive Website

•Content Management

•Optimized for sponsorship

ThatsCookedBy is a leading community based website dedicated to foodies. The requirement is to develop an effective and manageable data parsing Python script that can pars recipe data from various websites with specific formats.

Technology Stack




•Viewers are able to view many food recipes on one platform

•Now websites gets effective and manageable recipes from different websites automatically

Coinluck’s origin is potluck party in which each of participants brings a pot (food) and shares various foods together hoping everyone’s luck. The main purpose is to build a peer to peer lending platform based on SNS were users can be investor, borrower, trader and even supervisor.

Technology Stack


•Web2Py Framework


•User can post their loan request, get investments and pay via Coinluck

•User can also invest in various loans, share the credits with friends, invite friends or chat with them.

Omnipon is a unique solution that works on creating a network of retail brands and service providers. The main purpose is to develop a web application using Django framework for better scalability and performance including a predetermined email template, which would be used to email the deals to the subscribed users.

Technology Stack




•Easy to use processes

•Able to track the campaigns and its results

•Speedy sales and promotion were possible

•Targeted local advertising based on the location

The requirement is to create a Python script to get a current position of vehicle using GPS receiver and draw a viewport to display the vehicle position. Here we have provided a software platform for the farmers that can help farmer to track the activity and location during the seed process and can guide the actual line for seeding process.

Technology Stack




•The accuracy of GPS allows farmers to create farm maps with precise acreage for field areas.

•Calculated parallel lines helps farmer to get the proper location for the crop seeding.

•Pest problem areas in crops can be pinpointed and mapped for future management.

The main purpose of this project is to develop one Enigma2 Plug-in for its Set-Top Box that can help company manage its users and subscriptions through a user friendly interface. Client required another “plug-in” that would work with “Live streaming Channel “.

Technology Stack



Features•Able to maintain user wise channel subscriptions

•Able to manage 3 types of channel categories:

a) Satellite channels

b) VOID channels (Video on demand)

c) Live streaming channels

BEADGENiUS Game Application turns UCMAS scientifically proven brain development program into reality using Google App Engine.

Technology Stack




•Students were easily able to identify or rectify their knowledge skills.

•The interface became much more interactive with a better user experience.

•Customization allowed the client to provide a functional system which is now accurate and better than before.

Having desktop application for printer ready, we have done some enhancements and some bug fixes. Mainly it included changing the UI, showing proper printer list, show cartridge ink level, clear windows warning messages.

Technology Stack




•New UI and design

•Show printer names

•Added some alert messages

•Added username field for users to save app with their name

•Solved the existing bugs in application

•Removed warning messages

Main purpose of adherence system was to provide patients services whereby they can remind patient about their medication schedule.

Technology Stack




•User management

•Manage staff users, group users and patients

•Add patient profile and medication report

•Search for medication


Event management Application is an idea of socializing the Events management with users able to not only view Events, but do social activities like sharing, commenting, liking, inviting, chat with friends or meet new people.

Technology Stack




•User management

•Sign-In Sign up via FB and Email

•Multiple Events view and Event details

•Easy yet powerful Backend

•Social media sharing via Twitter and FB

•It includes an iOS app as well

VOIP is a very well known protocol for voice calling. Main purpose is to develop a solution similar to SipScan which can upload usernames and check for VOIP address.

Technology Stack

•Python 2.7




•UI using PyQT

•Scan and generate VOIP calls automatically

•Upload username, password, IP address

•Generate call report

Mailchimp is a very well known email marketing and campaigning service provider. Main purpose of this project is to have a couple of Python 3 functions which can be used with MailChimp (wrapper) module for retrieving the MailChimp mailing list information and for sending campaigns.

Technology Stack



•A fast reliable API

•API running from command line

•API which can be modified in future

Micro Compiler project requirement is to create a micro-compiler using python language in which it takes text file as an input, read different types of expressions from it and convert it in to machine code and display it in to command prompt.

Technology Stack




•Microcompiler.py file works as a compiler.

•Compiler reads all the text files line by line and shows messages if there is an error in expressions.

•Easy to use and faster execution

•User can also store output code in text file.