Melbourne / April 2015 Introducing DataFrames R on Spark Large Scale Machine Learning Speakers Ned Shawa Mark Moloney Dr. Zhen He

Apache spark-melbourne-april-2015-meetup

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Melbourne / April 2015

Introducing DataFrames

R on Spark

Large Scale Machine Learning


Ned Shawa

Mark Moloney

Dr. Zhen He


• Apache Spark 1.3 Overview 6:15 – 6:30 (Ned)• DataFrames for Apache Spark 6:30 – 7:00 (Ned)• R on Apache Spark 7:00 – 7:30 (Mark)• Large Scale Machine Learning on Spark 7:30 – 8:15 (Zhen)


• Hadoop + Strata• Jobs• Meetup Update• Personal Announcement• Call for Contribution

Contributions so far…..

• Mark with R on Spark, Scala 101• Tim with Building Spark on IDEs• Con with building Spark with Gradle• More?

Whats new in Spark 1.3

• Multi Level Aggregation Trees• Improved Error reporting• SSL Encryption for Control messages and WebUI• DataFrames API• Backward compatibility for HIVE• Writing data in source• JDBC Driver• New Algorithms for MLLIB• Direct KAFKA API

More Data Sources APIs


What are DataFrames?

• Distributed Collection of Data organized in Columns• Equivalent to Tables in Databases or DataFrame in R/PYTHON• Much richer optimization than any other implementation of DF• Can be constructed from a wide variety of sources and APIs

Writing a DataFrame

val df = sqlContext.jsonFile("/home/ned/attendees.json")



df.select ("First Name").show()

df.select("First Name","Age").show()



DataFrame with RDD

case class attendees_class (first_name: String, last_name:String, age:Int)

Val attendees=sc.textFile("/home/ned/attendees.csv").map(_.split(",")).map(p=>attendees_class(p(0),p(1),p(2).trim.toInt)).toDF()


val youngppl=sqlContext.sql("select first_name,last_name from attendees where age <35")

youngppl.map(t=>"Name: " +t(0)+ " " + t(1)).collect().foreach(println)

DataFrames and Parquet


val pfile = sqlContext.parquetFile("/home/ned/attendees.parquet")



val old_ppl=sqlContext.sql("select first_name,last_name,age from attendees_parquet where age >=35 order by age desc")

old_ppl.map(t=>"Name: " + t(0)+" "+t(1)+ " Age " +t(2)).collect().foreach(println)

DataFrames and JDBC

val jdbc_attendees = sqlContext.load("jdbc", Map("url" -> "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/db1?user=root&password=xxx","dbtable" -> "attendees"))




val countall = sqlContext.sql("select count(*) from jdbc_attendees")

countall.map(t=>"Records count is "+t(0)).collect().foreach(println)

Dataframes for Apache Spark

Spark Components

Introduction to SparkR

Mark Moloney

April 2015


R• A language that targets statistical and general data analysis• A package for nearly everything in this space• Great for exploratory analysis – rapid statistics and plots• Single threaded• Datasets limited to memory

2013 Rexer Analytics 29

Tool Selection

*Cluster analysis was conducted on data miners’ ratings of the importance of 22 tool selection factors.

Primary Analytic Tool





Cost is important

Cost is not important





E Ease-of-use & interface quality are important

Ability to write one’s own code is


Everything is important


Data miners are a diverse group who are looking for different things from their data mining tools. They report using multiple tools to meet their analytic needs, and even the most popular tool is identified as their primary tool by just 24% of data miners. Over the years, R and Rapid Miner have shown substantial increases.

Cluster analysis* reveals that, in their tool-selection preferences, data miners fall into 5 groups. The primary dimensions that distinguish them are price sensitivity and code-writing / interface / ease-of-use preferences.

2013 Rexer Analytics Survey of 1,259 analytics professionals from 75 countries.

Spark• An evolutionary step up from Map-Reduce programming on Hadoop• Do more with less work• Simpler API than Map-Reduce. Apply functional transforms to datasets. The

framework takes care of distribution of work across multiple machines.• Can cache interim results in memory, which speeds up iterative procedures

SparkR• An R API to Spark’s RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets)• Work with massive datasets in R• Works on top of YARN or Mesos• Interactively run jobs on a cluster from the R shell• Exposes the RDD API of Spark as distributed lists in R• Packages and ships variables in the closure to each node• Use includePackage to include third-party packages on

other nodes• Currently only suports R lists and vectors. Data frame

support is in the works.

map / lapplymapPartitions / lapplyPartitiongroupByKeyreduceByKeysampleRDDcollectcachetextFileparallelizebroadcastincludePackage

How does it work• The R executable must be installed on each node• Work is sent to a Spark Executor (Java) on each node• Some overhead in starting R interpreter – looking at background process as in PySpark


Spark Context

Java Spark

ContextJava Native Interface (JNI)using rJava

Local JVM

Local Machine Remote Machine

Remote Machine

Spark ExecutorSpark


Spark ExecutorSpark






broadcast vars, packages

broadcast vars, packages

Send R environment of vars usedUses R save() function to serialize closure

Roadmap• Feature-complete DataFrame API• MLLib integration

DataFrame Methods•Filter

– filter(df, df$col1 > 0)

•Sort– sortDF(df, asc(df$col1), desc(df$col2))

•Join– join(df1, df2, df1$col1 == df2$col2, "right_outer")

•GroupBy– groupBy(df, df$col1)

•Agg– agg(groupDF, sum(groupDF$col2), max(groupDF$col3))


Document Similarity Example• Collection of inaugural speeches of US presidents• Using Shingles and Jaccard similarity

– A k-shingle for a document is a sequence of k characters that appear in the document– Example: k = 2; doc = abcab. Set of 2-shingles = {ab, bc, ca}– Intuitively, documents that are similar will have many shingles in common– Robust to small changes, e.g. reordering a paragraph only affects the 2k chingles that cross

paragraph boundaries– Jaccard similarity is intersection / union

k = 6doc1: “The cat sat”doc2: “The cat ate”

‘The ca’‘he cat’‘e cat ‘‘ cat s’‘cat sa’‘at sat’‘ cat a’‘cat at’‘at ate’



characteristic matrix:

too large in real-world problemstherefore use minhashing

Machine Learning ExampleDigit Classification (MNIST database)


Digits consist of 784 pixel valuesTraining set: 60,000 images; Test set: 10,000

Citations• http://amplab-extras.github.io/SparkR-pkg/ - main site• http://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/5/exercises/sparkr.html - hands-on exercises• http://spark-summit.org/2014/talk/sparkr-interactive-r-programs-at-scale-2 - MNIST example• https://github.com/kiendang/sparkr-naivebayes-example - how to integrate with MLLib now• https://github.com/cafreeman/Demo_SparkR - New API


Spark Machine Learning Experiences

Speaker: Zhen He


Talk Outline● Spark is awesome!● Example of spark in action● Why spark is good for machine learning?● Big Data versus big parameters● What I wish you could do in spark● Competing scalable machine learning systems● Dispel some common myths about spark and

Scala● Current spark machine learning projects from our

group● Conclusion● Demonstration


Spark is Awesome!


Focus of Talk is on Performance


Example of Spark in Action

● Recently did some work with an Australian Government Agency

● Taught Mastering Hadoop and Spark course● Students loved it

● Brain dead at the end ● Use Spark for Machine Learning● Really made excellent use of skills leant in the course for

their project.


Summary● Initial R solution

● Never finished● Approximate R + C single core solution

● A couple of days● Accurate spark parallel solution

● 18 minutes● The model worked very well in initial



Lessons Learnt● First reduce complexity of problem● Pre and post processing performance is

very important● Spark is excellent for both the modeling

and the pre and post processing


Why Spark is good for machine learning compared to MapReduce?

● Machine learning algorithms are iterative● The following happens when using MapReduce

● A lot of reading and writing to HDFS● The following happens when using spark

● Reading and writing to RAM instead of HDFS

iter. 1iter. 1 iter. 2iter. 2 . . .





iter. 1iter. 1 iter. 2iter. 2 . . .



Make sure you actually cache the data!

val data = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc, ”datafile.txt")val LR = new LogisticRegressionWithSGD()LR.optimizer.setNumIterations(10)val model = LR.run(data)

The above runs 10 x slower then the code below!

val data = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc, ”datafile.txt").cacheval LR = new LogisticRegressionWithSGD()LR.optimizer.setNumIterations(10)val model = LR.run(data)


Big Data versus Big Parameters

● Spark is great at doing machine learning on Big Data as long as the size of the parameters is small.

● Big parameters is hard for Spark to handle efficiently.


What is Big Parameters?

● Big parameter is caused by high dimensional data● Modeling high dimensional data requires a large number

of parameters● In the example above the parameters are the b0, b1, b2,

… bn


Examples of High Dimensional Data

Time series





Varying dimensionality (100 – 10, 000, 000)

● Logistic regression on 30 cores, 10 iterations● Dimensionality shown in [ ]● The second number is the number of training instances● Total data size is constant● As dimensionality increases execution time increases significantly!


e (s

ecs) Low dimensional data

High dimensional data


Varying number of cores

● For high dimensional data (10 million)● Using more cores actually slows execution!● 1 core is the optimal!

● For low dimensional data● Execution time decreases with the increase in the number of



e (s


# cores

10 million dimensional data

# cores


e (s


100 dimensional data


Why is big parameters / high dimensional data so

hard for spark?


Why is big parameters hard for spark?

mini-batchof data

Master node combine separate models

Broadcast combined model


Reason 1: Requires all nodes to synchronize

mini-batchof data

Master node combine separate models

Broadcast combined model


Reason 2: Inefficient memory usage

● Although all cores working on same set of parameters they all have their own copy

● It would be nice if they can all share the same copy


Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4

within one node

42Parameters can be multi-GB is size

Reason 3: High shuffle costmini-batchof data

Master node combine separate models

Broadcast combined model


Reason 4: Master node is a bottleneck

mini-batchof data

Master node

Broadcast combined model


What I wish we could do on Spark

● All machines share the same a single copy of the shared model in the shared RAM.

● All cores can update the model asynchronously.● No bottleneck master node


Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4


Core 1 Core 2 Core 3 Core 4

Node 1 Node 2

Parameter Server

Async update parameters Async update parameters


Such a system already exists

● Google’s DistBelief system● J. Dean, G.S. Corrado, R. Monga, K. Chen, M. Devin, Q.V. Le,

M.Z. Mao, M.A. Ranzato, A. Senior, P. Tucker, K. Yang, A. Y. Ng. Large Scale Distributed Deep Networks. NIPS, 2012.

● Closed source● Only people in Google can use it

● Used to train deep learning system with 1 billion parameters on 16, 000 cores


Comparison of some key machine learning algorithms in Spark

● Linear Models● Logistic regression● Linear regression● Support vector machines

● Linear kernel● Random forest


Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Linear Support Vector Machines (SVM)

● Need to repeatedly merge parameters● High dimensional data => Big parameters => high communication



Random Forest

● Can be trained very efficiently● Each task trains on the data of its own partition

● Each tree can be trained separately● No communication or synchronization needed


Competing Scalable Machine Learning Systems

● Greenplum● Machine learning via SQL

● Mahout● MapReduce based● Moving to using spark as underlying engine

● Vowpal Wabbit● Good performance● Specialized system

● Graph Lab● Good performance● Need to turn everything into graphs


Spark Misconceptions


Common Misconception: Spark is only good if data fits in RAM

● From inception Spark was designed to be a general execution engine that works both in-memory and on-disk

● Almost all operators perform external operations when data does not fit in RAM.

● Spark breaks large-scale sort record


Results of Large-scale Sort

● Spark is 3X faster than Hadoop using 10X fewer machines● Spark sorts 1PB in 4 hours on 190 machines

● Compared to 16 hours for Hadoop using 3800 machines● All sorting on disk (HDFS) no use of Spark in-memory cache


How did they do it?

●More efficient Shuffle

●Very efficient scheduling of tasks


A little bit of RAM can go a long way● Performance degrades gracefully with decreasing RAM size


A little bit of RAM can go a long way

● Just cache the small parts of the data that you will use again● Use filter and projection to reduce the amount that is cached.

● Spark SQL stores data compressed in columns● Fast compression/decompression● Column-stores have been proven to be way better than row-

stores for analytics● 100x better

● For normal Spark code (non-SparkSQL), you can store data serialized and compressed in RAM.

● RAM is cheap now days● Aggregate RAM on large cluster can be very large


Common Misconceptions● I need to learn a new language Scala

● Scala is easy to learn● Can program in Java and Python● Distributed Dataframes● SparkR

● I have to rewrite all my code● Spark will run MapReduce code unmodified● Spark SQL runs HiveQL


Some Real Problems● Scala allocates a lot of objects

● High GC overhead

● The nice functional scala code is much slower than writing C-styled while loops

● For example:● val y = x.map(x => x * x)

● is slower than● var i = 0● while (i < x.length) { y(i) = x(i) * x(i) i += 1



Our Work


Spark API Examples● Almost no good examples on the Spark API calls.● Matthias and I have written examples for over 110 Spark

API calls● http://homepage.cs.latrobe.edu.au/zhe/ZhenHeSparkRDDAPIEx

amples.html● Great reference ● Currently over 33, 000 hits● Often top Google page returned when searching spark

API calls


Deep Learning on Spark● Deep learning is currently very popular● State-of-the-art performance in area such as

● Image recognition● Speech recognition● Natural language processing● etc.

● No good existing distributed open source deep learning implementation

● We are implementing the first serious deep learning implementation on Spark.

● Implemented in Scala


Features of our Open Source Spark Deep Learning System

● Stacked auto-encoder● Convolutional neural networks● RICA● Sparse coding● Fully connected networks● Many many different state-of-the-art optimization tricks

like● Dropout, reLU, adagrad, momentum, RMS prop,



Other Current Projects● Zendesk

● Australian institute of sports

● Precision agriculture

● More welcome


Mastering Big Data Analytics with Hadoop Course

● 3 day course on Hadoop and Spark● Only pre-requisite is Java programming experience● More than 35 programming exercises● Contents● Hadoop and MapReduce● Hive● Hadoop 2 ecosystem

● Storm, Yarn, Giraph● Spark and Scala● Spark on Amazon


Recruiting PhD Students● We have a lot of real world projects to do.● A lot of projects from industry

● Zendesk● Australian Institute of Sports● Precision agriculture● UXC Professional Solutions● More welcome

● We need to expand our research group.● Topics:

● Text mining● Time series mining● Reinforcement learning combined with deep learning● Video mining● etc.


Conclusion● Spark is best open source software for distributed

machine learning on Big Data● Be careful of using spark for high dimensional

data● Random forest does not suffer from

performance penalty● Spark programming using Scala is great for ease

of use● Spark is good even if data does not fit in RAM



R versus Spark Fight!


ScoreR Spark

Round 1 Load + count 56.8s 10.6s

Round 2 Selection 2.5s 0.86s

Round 3 Sample 50% of data 7.1s 0.38s

Round 4 K means clustering (10 centers, 5 iterations)

100.0s 53.0s

● Results are for single core Spark versus Single core R● Size of data is around 250 MB● Data has 5 dimensions● Clustering done on 3 dimensions



● Name: Zhen He● Email Address: [email protected]