Why business owners should be using social media marketing July/2016 by Leanne | Social Media Coaching | socialmediaspecialist.com.au | copywright 2016 | become a social media manager today!

Why business owners should use social media

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Page 1: Why business owners should use social media

Why business owners should be using social media marketing


by Leanne | Social Media Coaching |

socialmediaspecialist.com.au | copywright 2016 | become a social media manager today!

Page 2: Why business owners should use social media

Hi, and welcome to my social media minute this week. I have a very, very, very, very important question to ask you.

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Page 3: Why business owners should use social media

Are you and your business one of them?

Now, I think you’re probably thinking, “What is that? What is one of them? ”

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Page 4: Why business owners should use social media

Who and what one of them is

30% of people owning businesses, small to medium business owners, are using social media

for their marketing.

60% of business owners are not using social media for their business.

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Page 5: Why business owners should use social media

Well, whatever the case is, let me share with you today on this social media Live a few reasons why you should be using social media.

You ready? Of course you are.

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Page 6: Why business owners should use social media

The first reason is branding. When you use social media to let the world know about your brand, you’re creating a recognizable product that people

can actually relate to.


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Page 7: Why business owners should use social media

Create a buzz

Get people talking about your brand and your services in a way that’s beneficial to your business.

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Page 8: Why business owners should use social media

Online reputation

People today are going to get online and vent or have their opinion on what your business is doing, so it’s extremely important that you actually keep an eye on what other people are

saying about you and your brand, and fix those issues if you can.

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Page 9: Why business owners should use social media

Establish yourself as an expert

You want people saying, “You know, that business owner knows exactly what I need, you want people to know that you are the expert in your space,

that you are actually respected in your niche.

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Page 10: Why business owners should use social media

Word of mouth marketing

76% of people use their mobile devices to find

your local business, and whilst their looking for

your local business, 76% of them actually purchase.

People like to trust those that they’re connected with, and will often ask their friends and family,

“Have you used, or do you know?”

People will share who and what they’ve experienced, word of mouth marketing

is the only form of marketing, and it’s like steroids when you use

social media.

Customers need to create trust with you before purchasingsocialmediaspecialist.com.au | copywright 2016 | become a social media manager today!

Page 11: Why business owners should use social media

Build relationships







June Ju

















Being able to build trust, customer relations, relations with people before you even get to know them is very important.

You build relationships with people and you become more personable, like we are connecting now.

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Page 12: Why business owners should use social media

Lines of communication

Just recently, Facebook has allowed us to download our icon, and it’s scan able, so that people can communicate directly from whatever platforms that

we use. That means that you can put this little icon onto your Facebook page, you can put it onto your website, and people can message you

straight away. That means that they communicate with you instantly. How cool is that?

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Page 13: Why business owners should use social media

Small businesses can compete in the big space

Yay! Finally, we don’t have to worry about the big competitors. We can use social media to compete, and get our word out there, and you know, if you know how to,

you can hijack their clients.

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Page 14: Why business owners should use social media

Social Media Networking

Social media networking is a potential platform for clients all over the globe. If you’re looking at expanding your product or your services or going

online, well, you could use social media for that.

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Page 15: Why business owners should use social media

Get anywhere from 100,000 to 

1,000,000 viewers.

Yahoo! Buzz

I’ve got a client who told me yesterday that they went from

300 Instagram followers to 31,000. Oh, my god. Do you

know that’s just amazing? all they did was increase the

hashtags by one. One hashtag, and they had that many

followers. So just think about how much traffic you can


Great traffic

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Page 16: Why business owners should use social media

Increase your likability

If you’re putting your social media platforms and icons onto your website, onto your blog, it’s creating a thing called link juice, which is really good for your social media search engine optimization. It helps search engines find you. If you were to type in your name, on Google, LinkedIn, if you have a

LinkedIn profile, will probably come up first.

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Page 17: Why business owners should use social media

Cheaper than traditional forms of marketing

Now, I’m not dishing any other sort of media. I’m just saying, it’s cheaper. A lot cheaper.

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Page 18: Why business owners should use social media

Your company is more accessible

People can communicate with you.. You can have a direct conversation in a specific niche. You can join groups.

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Page 19: Why business owners should use social media

A way to find clients

You can go out and join groups that are already there.

If you’re in the fitness industry, you can join Mums with bubs looking for weight loss, and


Just have a look at how many different groups are out there

and be proactive in taking actionable steps to get your

brand amongst those potential clients.

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Page 20: Why business owners should use social media

It’s a way to explain yourself

A way to showcase your brand, your products, your staff, behind the scenes.socialmediaspecialist.com.au | copywright 2016 | become a social media manager today!

Page 21: Why business owners should use social media

So think about being a business owner outside of the box. Don’t be a business owner that’s stuck in a box and that doesn’t know how to get your potential clients.

Don’t be a business owner in the 63% that aren’t using social media. Be one of the 33% that’s powering through and getting all those leads and sales, and using social media to your advantage. I hope you’ve enjoyed this social media minute, the Live video is below, I was having a great time recording this, and showing that I am authentic,. If you’ve got any questions, leave them in the box below. Ha, excuse that for a play on words. But

leave them in the comment section below and I’ll get back to you. Thanks for connecting with me today, and if you want to know any other way to, you know, be outside the box,

contact us. Ciao for now.

socialmediaspecialist.com.au | copywright 2016 | become a social media manager today!

Page 22: Why business owners should use social media

For More Information aboutBecoming a Social Media Manager

Go towww.socialmediaspecialist.com.au

Facebook.com/socialmediaplusTwitter: @leannepeardSnapchat: @peardie

Instagram: leannepeard

socialmediaspecialist.com.au | copywright 2016 | become a social media manager today!