© 2013 AZSocialMediaWiz.com 1 1 Giselle Aguiar, Social Media Strategist & Trainer AZSocialMediaWiz.com | @AZSocialNetWiz Understanding Social Media Marketing

Understanding Social Media Marketing

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It's extremely important that business owners understand how the components inbound marketing work: SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing. They all work together. And each social network "drives" differently.

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Giselle Aguiar, Social Media Strategist & TrainerAZSocialMediaWiz.com | @AZSocialNetWiz

Understanding Social Media Marketing

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Outbound vs. Inbound


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Panda & Penguin

✦ Google changed the game with their algorithm updates Panda, Penguin the latest: Hummingbird

✦ Lowers the rank of low-quality sites

★ Duplicate content

★ Keyword stuffing

★ Back links to irrelevant sites

✦ Giving the searcher exactly what they’re searching for

✦ Google wants fresh, relevant content written for the human reader in natural language = SEO


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Paradigm Shift

✦ Think like a searcher

✦ How will they find you?

★ Website

★ Blog/Video

★ Social Media

✦ The consumer is in control


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Inbound Marketing


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Social Media Membership

✦ Facebook: 1.2+ billion

✦ Google+: 700+ million (350m active users)

✦ Twitter: 500+ million (215m active users)

✦ LinkedIn: 259+ million

✦ Pinterest: 70+ million


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Benefits of Social Media

✦ Establishes you / your company as an expert in your field

✦ Increases brand visibility

✦ Exposure - The New Word of Mouth

✦ Networking – sharing – social amplification

✦ Lead generation

✦ Aids in SEO & increases website traffic

✦ Reduces marketing costs

✦ Helps promote your fresh, relevant content

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Why Social Media Marketing?

✦ People buy from whom they know & trust

✦ Build relationships - get to know your customer as they get to know you

✦ Engage – 2-way communication

✦ Offer value

✦ Give them something

✦ Customer service

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“New” Media Marketing


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Blogging is Content Marketing

✦ What you know

✦ Trends/Industry News

✦ Interviews/Commentaries

✦ Success Stories

✦ Hypothetical Situations

✦ “Don’t Let This Happen To You!”

✦ Reviews


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Blogging is Content Marketing

✦ Lists - 10 ways to….

✦ FAQs

✦ Repurpose Old Articles

✦ Informative/Educational

✦ Entertaining/Fun

✦ Guest Blogger

✦ Videos


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How Often Should I Blog?


Source: Hubspot

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Blog at Least 3x a Week


Actual client* blogging 1x week

Started blogging 3x a week in June

Monthly Page Views





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Magic Numbers

✦ LinkedIn - 50 connections + complete profile = “All-Star”

✦ Facebook - 30 likes - Insights

✦ Twitter - 100 followers - get insights with SocialBro

✦ Google+ - 100 “active” followers - increased ranking


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The Major Networks


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Keep Feeding Them


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10-4-1 Rule

✦ For every 15 posts...

★ 10 are other peoples’ content shared with your followers

★ 4 are your original content or tips

★ 1 is a direct sales post


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Steps to Social Media Marketing1. Analysis

2. Define Your Target Market’s Persona

3. Research

4. Strategic Plan

5. Tactical Plan

6. Set-up & Integration - Optimize for SEO

7. Learn How to Properly Use the Tools

8. Implementation

9. Create & Curate Content & Build a Following

10.Monitor & measure 19

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