QUESTION 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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QUESTION 1In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Page 2: Question 1 Answer 2

Bold titles to help the reader distinguish between different stories

Masthead – creates a housestyle

Band Index – tells the reader which page certain bands feature on which page so they can easily navigate

Main Image – Features the main article in the magazine so people can read to find out what it’s about and tells the page number.Image is more eye catching than text. Also, as it’s the only image it shows this article is the important one

Advert for subscription in order to gain more money from readers

Date of Issue

Language – Tells you interesting points but doesn’t elaborate so that you read on.

Storylines justified towards the photo


Page 3: Question 1 Answer 2

Bold titles to help the reader distinguish between different stories. I have used similar headings to NME to create a professional look

Masthead – creates a housestyle and links to cover

I have also used a Band Index – tells the reader which page certain bands feature on which page so they can easily navigate

Main Image – Features the main article, image is more eye catching than text and as it’s the only image it shows this is the main article. Furthermore, it’ a bright red which contrasts to the rest of the page

Advert for subscription in order to gain more money from readers and shows cover in order to create a direct link

Date of Issue

I have embraced the language from NME – Tells you interesting points but doesn’t elaborate so that you read on.

Storylines justified to the left

I have elaborated by including features of social media so that people can keep up with issues and information