The passion of iDeaology is having the opportunity to establish social media departments that create a new revenue stream for your corporation. How to find the right path to success? You don’t reinvent the wheel. What you do is leverage your relationships with companies that have already achieved the online success your company is ultimately seeking. Are you ready to launch your IDEA?

My Ideaology

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The passion of iDeaology is having the opportunity to establish social media departments that create a new revenue stream for your corporation.

How to find the right path to success? You don’t reinvent the wheel. What you do is leverage your relationships with companies that have already achieved the online success your company is ultimately seeking.

Are you ready to launch your IDEA?

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DEAR FRIENDS, Social media is all about community. When I first started my business, I immediately began to develop a strategy to create, maintain and inspire that community. From an early age, I had this idea in my head that to make a difference in the world you had to do something big. Working with my clients in the social media space has allowed me to see that it doesn’t always have to be a big idea to make a difference, just the right idea with a good team behind it. Social media has been around for over 10 years now in one form or another. I jumped in immediately. The thought of being able to communicate with not only my family, but with people from around the world invigorated me. I started my company as an early adopter, with the idea that I could provide businesses with the information they needed to reach their audiences. And iDeaology was born. Think of a local business as a living breathing community and each person in that community has a role. There is an established relationship between local business owners and their regular customers. Those customers defend the business, talk about how great it is, bring their friends in etc… Now translate that to the digital world. Every local company or business would like to have their own loyal “community” join them online to increase their reach. Training businesses to utilize social media and connect with their “community” is an aspect of marketing that can’t be ignored. As the gap between technology and marketing strategy continues to widen, a clear social media strategy is a necessity. Giving businesses a strategy to connect easily with their community is how we, at iDeaology Consulting Group , make a difference. We empower businesses to grow their reach and guide them through the ever changing social media landscape. We hope we can bring you in to our vision SINCERELY,

Todd Nathaniel Davis

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iDeaology Consulting Group has an established base of clients across the United States. We work with medium to large companies and corporations, building tailored packages that on which social media platforms will suit their individual needs and business goals. We are proud to continue providing a social media presence to client’s locally and nationwide that operated with a nonexistent online presence prior to coordinating with our team. Our clients understand the importance of delivering a message that is consistent and relevant to their targeted audience. They have witnessed a significant response from their target markets and are now actively engaging with and bringing valuable information to their current and potential consumers. Through our client’s social media presence, we are able to effectively track brand sentiment, influence, and traffic from all social media platforms to the company website and online purchase page. Monthly reports allow us to show return on investment and conversion rates. The tools we work with enable us to see in real time how each and every post on a social media site is being perceived by it’s audience. Then we are able to identify what content/behavior/strategies we need to fine-tune in order to capture the audience’s attention, generate interaction, and above all, inspire action from the fans and followers. iDeaology Consulting Group provides a proven strategy that utilizes social media to retain and extensively build your network. One of our secrets to achieving this glorified interaction is by engaging your network daily in various unique ways, providing value and therefore creating a loyalty to your brand that will establish a solid foundation for your business to grow. Our ultimate goal here at IDEATE is to leverage existing and potential partnerships to increase your money, exposure, and traffic.

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Our ultimate goal is to achieve results from Social Media activities. However, in order to achieve these goals, we’ll make sure that our activities are efficient and focused on specific goals.

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What We Do We help brands to listen, understand and engage in conversations in social media. Consultancy We help you understand the impact that social media is having on your organization and work with you to implement the changes that need to be made as a result. We develop overall social media strategies, provide corporate training, design and implement listening and responding programs, and provide done for you social media consultancy and advice. Research & Insight We help you listen to conversations throughout social media relevant to your brand, products, services, competitors and sector. Through conversation audits, influencer research or ongoing social media monitoring, we help you understand not just the volume and topics of these conversations, but more importantly, the underlying issues and sentiments, the influencers driving the conversations and what actions to take as a result. Engagement We help you engage in social media by having meaningful conversations with people and igniting positive word of mouth. We do this through influencer campaigns, conversation platforms, advocacy programs, community building and management, social applications, conversation, response and reputation management. In each of these areas, we combine our deep understanding of brands and marketing communications with strategic, creative and technology skills, underpinned with an innate sensibility for social media. With an international team and a network of partners, we work with clients worldwide on national, regional and local projects.

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Why Is Your Marketing and Sales Funnel Such a Big Deal? Social media marketing is about using social networks and tools to guide prospects through a series of steps–a funnel–to get them to take the actions you want (e.g., becoming a fan, sharing their email address or buying your products or services). Every decision you make about how to create brand awareness, garner engagement and make conversions and sales should be a reflection of your funnel. When you work with Ideate Vision we will build, track and test your marketing and sales funnel to give your company the big results it wants.

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