Alba Scarpellini Head of communication & social media strategy Museum Natural History – University of Florence Museum Natural History of the University of Florence: Communication strategies on social media MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21

Museum and the Web Florence 2014 - Museum Natural History of Florence on social media

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Page 1: Museum and the Web Florence 2014 - Museum Natural History of Florence on social media

Alba ScarpelliniHead of communication & social media strategy

Museum Natural History – University of Florence

Museum Natural History of the University of Florence:Communication strategies on social media

MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21

Page 2: Museum and the Web Florence 2014 - Museum Natural History of Florence on social media

Grand Duke Peter Leopold of Lorraine was established the Imperial and Royal

Museum of Physics and Natural History in 1775

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Alba Scarpellini - MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21

…and it was one of the first scientific museums to be opened to the public… a very social museum

In the museum it was displayed the entire world of nature

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Visitors proceed from the Earth (mineralogy) to the Sky (astronomy), passing through botany…

Alba Scarpellini - MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21

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… zoology and


Alba Scarpellini - MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21

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…the botanical and anatomical wax models.

It was at once a site of collections and also a place for research and for teaching.

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Alba Scarpellini - MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21

The unity of nature referred to the unity of knowledge.

It was an extraordinary success :from 1784 to 1785 the Museum was visited by 7106 people …about 2000 were females and the 84% total visitors belonged to the “common people”.

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Alba Scarpellini - MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21

Today the great heritage of artistic and natural specimens (that are about

8 million) are distributed in some historical buildings in different areas of Florence. MNH is a complex system to communicate…

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Fortunately, new technologies are a big help to the museum communication

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Since 2009, Museum Educational Department started to use web 2.0 technology

Projects with Regione Toscana

It ‘s a 3-D, multiplayer, online educational game. This game allows players/learners to design, build, manage, and develop a botanical garden, recovering green space surrounded by a western city.

The Garden of Wonder

It’s 2-D, online, multiplayer game . Immersed in ancient times, classes playing this game get in touch with the world of fossils.

Explorers of Time

Educational website & multimedia games

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Project with :PORTALE RAGAZZI.IT Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze

Erbario game

Skeleton game

Giglio & Fiorenza GamesSimple, online, flash-games

allows pupils to play toghter, and reflect, on the theme chosen by the teachers

A video, "A museum to understand the nature", introduces the children to the knowledge of the “museum’s world”

Educational video & multimedia games

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Young children have fun mixing the elements that constitute a human face: the overall shape, the eyes, mouth, nose, and hair.

The game, currently used in the classroom from three years, is really a useful tool for a project on human biodiversity.

Just an example…

Alba Scarpellini - MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21

Students get a “hands-on”, understanding how diversity is appearance because of all the different possibilities in combining features; no two people can ever look alike.

Perhaps Bitstrips copied us

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In 2008, with the exhibition Virtual Renaissance – art in Second Life and in Virtual Words, the MNH was the first university museum in the Europe to have an avatar on Second Life

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In 2012 with the exhibition Dinosaurs in the Flesh: science and art bring the rulers of a lost world back to life

The museum gained a special mention from ICOM because it had been able to engage users of all ages with social networks

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…and in 2013 with the event #invasionidigitali co-creation of cultural value, a lot of people flooded the Museum allowing to create a strong effect of engagement with the social community

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The MNH is a welcoming museum, you can take pictures and videos and you are invited to share

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The communication on social media is successful, because the

posts are capable of creating a dialogue

between users and the

museum and among the

users themselves

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February 2014

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The museum analyzes the impact of communication on social media. There are many useful tools to make the statistics…

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Social media are userfriendly, but you need to use skillsto make a good museum communication

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Unfortunately, in Italy, there are few museums that have professionals with specific responsibilities for media communication and marketing.For this reason it’s important to invest in training and give a proper professional qualification to those already working in these areas

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Work in progress

Website team

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We need to involve more people in the activities of the museum.We want people to discover, learn, have fun, partecipate, think, grow, share ideas...

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Credit for photos:Saulo Bambi, Giulia Bebi, Andrea Gori , Alberto Mori & al.

Thanks for your attention

Alba Scarpellini - MWF2014: Museums and the Web Florence / February 18-21