Some tweets from the community Dr. Tanvi Gautam @tanvi_gautam #Indiahrchat "Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Gandhi Jonas Prasanna @JonasPrasanna Culture isn’t simply one aspect of the game – it is the game! Gautam Ghosh @GautamGhosh When HR makes people conform to template of earlier behavior it destroys possibilities meetasengupta @Meetasengupta Ideal coaching candidate? Hungry. Rakshita Dwivedi @Raks_d Going #social opens rooms for transparency and controversy. Prabhjit |KaurSkills @Prabhjit_Kaur The ability to be competent, regulatory, visionary & agile - a complex business world requires swift competitive HR action Jaya Narayan @nohrgyan C suite should own HR priorities as their own Rajesh Kamath @RajeshMTHRG Social is the start of an engaging relationship for SMEs - no better place to begin Guillaume Gevrey @ggevrey learner are responsible for learning, organizations are responsible and for enabling learning Kunjal Kamdar @kunjal23 SoMe is an evolving process... You learn along the way.. you make mistakes, but that does not mean you should not use it. Zenobia Madon @ZenobiaMadon HR creates value by being an independent thought leader & neutral partner to business Aadil Bandukwala @aadil 1) Invest in your teams 2) Define Goals & Success Metrics 3) Celebrate Results 4) Develop & play by a Social Media Policy Sonali Ramaiah @sonaliramaiah when business leaders have HR goals and HR has business goals Nisha Raghavan @TheHrbuddy its not money & time that matter but its actually how you represent & what you share that matters Shamik Vora @shamikv HR can destroy value by mechanically focusing on process and policy for addressing people issue. Keerthi Kariappa @Keerthi_AK Knowing your strengths & competencies, your differentiators and packaging it right Tanmay Vora @tnvora Social augments the traditional recruitment model but is not a substitute to it. June, 2013 Developing the leadership culture August, 2013 Next frontiers of learning and development October, 2013 Social recruitment: Myth, half truths and reality May, 2013 Diversity and Inclusion: The road ahead A diverse workforce is no better than a homogenous one if differences are not identified and leveraged. Be careful with measurement. Numbers alone can not dictate the path Embed value of diversity across the organization. July, 2013 Art & Science of Coaching Uncertain times call for personalized support for leaders. No one person has all the answers. Mentors tell. Coaches ask - they ask ''why not''? A supportive ecosystem for coaching ensure confidentiality, monitors progress not content. July, 2013 Strengthening the relationship between C-suite and HR Take a stand. Even if its not alignd to the ldr. We want HR to hold up the mirror and call out the risks to the bottom line Common mistake is treating HR as a cost centre as against a strategic partner Big ask from HR - understand the business, biz objectives and translate it actionable ppl & org objectives November, 2013 MOOC: Ready or not, here it comes MOOCs can enrich the 10% (formal learning) of the 70:20:10 mix Sponsor signature track MOOCs to create a learning culture Create a reward and recognition framework for for successful MOOC April, 2013 Value creation and HR A B H I J I T B H A D U R I C L O , W i p r o January, 2013 E L A N G O R C H R O , M p h a s i S S A R A N G B R A H M E S o c i a l R e c r u i t i n g L e a d , C a p g e m i n i I n d i a G U R P R R I E T S I I N G H H e a d o f Y S C I n d i a A N A N D P I L L A I S r , V P & C L O R e l i a n c e February, 2013 K A V I A R A S U H e a d L & D , A s i a n P a i n t s Y A S H W A N T M A H A D I K G l o b a l C L O P h i l l i p s E S T E R M A R T I N E Z E d i t o r o f P e o p l e M a t t e r s D E B J A N I G H O S H M D , I n t e l S o u t h A s i a S U N D E R R A M A C H A N D R A N S e n i o r T r a i n i n g M g r , J L T G r o u p Learning on social media: Does India Inc get it ? Personal branding for HR professionals March, 2013 The challenge and opportunity of flex work Include everyone. Have multiple custodians of #workflex as a culture. Back up with process change Putting results / impact before anything. Articulate. Measure. Track. Results. Change - Gender agnostic way to #workflex Hire for talent, negotiate for workflex and seek recourse in process S A I R E E C H AH A L C o - F o u n d e r o f F l e x i m o m s Accept failure as a part of success #HR needs to be the culture buddy and teach new hires to navigate the informal organisation Internal hires have context, external hires have fresh perspectives. Leverage both. Training is fading. Learning is still staying. But performance has always been counting! Learning prepares you for surprises. Education prepares you for certainty. There is nothing called certainty Organisational capability for the future must be the core agenda! Tools aren’t the agenda Your employees are the best ambassadors on social to reach target audience. Turn employees into recruiters Social needs long term strategy, persistence and leadership buy-in. It’s not a quick-fix Recruiters needs to be responsive / engaging. It’s a two way channel. #HR Capabilities for Value Creation: Strategic thinking, Customer centricity, Analytical Skills Value is intrinsic and extrinsic. So measures have to cater for both Seat at the table has to be earned not demanded. SM works for people who take ownership of their learning. Not those who only do the mandatory x days of training Learning frm the novice is new mindset to adopt b4 SM can be used. In a changing world there are no experts SM takes the onus beyond the org & experts. Crowdsource your learning. #HR is either the most respected or the least respected dept. because of the brand image of the people in it We as #HR are the first interface in entry & the last face in exit! #Personal branding will make it a good one. we can bring the H back in #HR through our #PersonalBrand D R . T A N V I G A U T A M F o u n d e r & H o st # i n d i a h r c h a t , E n a b li n g L e a d e r S H I F T W W W . GL O B A L P E O P L E T R E E . C OM Year: 2013 1000+ 338 1,3M 6M+ IMPRESSIONS TWEETS O,8M 800+ The growth trajectory of India's first & Asia's best trending Twitter chat for HR leaders #IndiaHRchat Why #indiahrchat? The days of the "sage on stage'' are limited. The smartest person in any room is the room. Wisdom can be crowdsourced and peer learning can be very powerful. So why wait for a once a year conference? Why hear only one voice? Encourage diversity of opinion, raise the bar on learning, create a community that values informal learning. Join this growing international community of professionals who learn through and from each other www.indiahrchat.com.

Infographic of Asia''s trending Twitter chat for #HR leaders

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Social media is here to stay. Human Resource professionals in India have created a global community of thought leaders that get together on the last Wednesday of each month to discuss and exchange ideas.

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Page 1: Infographic of Asia''s trending Twitter chat for #HR leaders

Some tweetsfrom

the community

Dr. Tanvi Gautam@tanvi_gautam

#Indiahrchat "Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." - Gandhi

Jonas Prasanna@JonasPrasanna

Culture isn’t simply one aspect of the game – it is the game!

Gautam Ghosh@GautamGhosh

When HR makes people conform to template of earlier behavior it destroys possibilities


Ideal coaching candidate? Hungry.

Rakshita Dwivedi@Raks_d

Going #social opens rooms for transparency and controversy.

Prabhjit |KaurSkills@Prabhjit_Kaur

The ability to be competent, regulatory, visionary & agile - a complex business world requires swift competitive HR action

Jaya Narayan@nohrgyan

C suite should own HR priorities as their own

Rajesh Kamath@RajeshMTHRG

Social is the start of an engaging relationship for SMEs - no better place to begin

Guillaume Gevrey@ggevrey

learner are responsible for learning, organizations are responsible and for enabling learning

Kunjal Kamdar@kunjal23

SoMe is an evolving process... You learn along the way.. you make mistakes, but that does not mean you should not use it.

Zenobia Madon@ZenobiaMadon

HR creates value by being an independent thought leader & neutral partner to business

Aadil Bandukwala@aadil

1) Invest in your teams 2) Define Goals & Success Metrics 3) Celebrate Results 4) Develop & play by a Social Media Policy

Sonali Ramaiah@sonaliramaiah

when business leaders have HR goals and HR has business goals

Nisha Raghavan@TheHrbuddy

its not money & time that matter but its actually how you represent & what you share that matters

Shamik Vora@shamikv

HR can destroy value by mechanically focusing on process and policy for addressing people issue.

Keerthi Kariappa@Keerthi_AK

Knowing your strengths & competencies, your differentiators and packaging it right

Tanmay Vora@tnvora

Social augments the traditional recruitment model but is not a substitute to it.

June, 2013Developing the leadership


August, 2013Next frontiers of learning and


October, 2013Social recruitment:

Myth, half truths and reality

May, 2013Diversity and Inclusion:The road ahead

A diverse workforce is no better than a homogenous one if differences are not identified and leveraged.

Be careful with measurement. Numbers alone can not dictate the path

Embed value of diversity across the organization.

July, 2013Art & Science of Coaching

Uncertain times call for personalized support for leaders. No one person has all the answers.

Mentors tell. Coaches ask - they ask ''why not''?

A supportive ecosystem for coaching ensure confidentiality, monitors progress not content.

July, 2013Strengthening the relationshipbetween C-suite and HR

Take a stand. Even if its not alignd to the ldr. We want HR to hold up the mirror and call out the risks to the bottom line

Common mistake is treating HR as a cost centre as against a strategic partnerBig ask from HR - understand the business, biz objectives and translate it actionable ppl & org objectives

November, 2013MOOC: Ready or not,here it comes

MOOCs can enrich the 10% (formal learning) of the 70:20:10 mix

Sponsor signature track MOOCs to create a learning cultureCreate a reward and recognition framework for for successful MOOC

April, 2013Value creation and HR


CLO, Wipro

January, 2013


CHRO, MphasiS


Social Recruiting Lead,Capgemini India


Head of YSC India


Sr, VP & CLO Reliance

February, 2013


Head L&D, Asian Paints


Global CLO Phillips


Editor of People Mat



MD, Intel South Asia


Senior Training Mgr,




Learning on social media:Does India Inc get it ?

Personal branding forHR professionals

March, 2013The challenge and opportunity offlex work

Include everyone. Have multiple custodians of #workflex as a culture. Back up with process change

Putting results / impact before anything. Articulate. Measure. Track. Results. Change - Gender agnostic way to #workflexHire for talent, negotiate for workflex and seek recourse in process


Co-Founder of Fleximom


Accept failure as a part of success

#HR needs to be the culture buddy and teach new hires to navigate the informal organisation

Internal hires have context, external hires have fresh perspectives. Leverage both.

Training is fading. Learning is still staying. But performance has always been counting!

Learning prepares you for surprises. Education prepares you for certainty. There is nothing called certaintyOrganisational capability for the future must be the core agenda! Tools aren’t the agenda

Your employees are the best ambassadors on social to reach target audience. Turn employees into recruiters

Social needs long term strategy, persistence and leadership buy-in. It’s not a quick-fix

Recruiters needs to be responsive / engaging. It’s a two way channel.

#HR Capabilities for Value Creation: Strategic thinking, Customer centricity, Analytical Skills

Value is intrinsic and extrinsic. So measures have to cater for both

Seat at the table has to be earned not demanded.

SM works for people who take ownership of their learning. Not those who only do the mandatory x days of training

Learning frm the novice is new mindset to adopt b4 SM can be used. In a changing world there are no expertsSM takes the onus beyond the org & experts. Crowdsource your learning.

#HR is either the most respected or the least respected dept. because of the brand image of the people in it

We as #HR are the first interface in entry & the last face in exit! #Personal branding will make it a good one. we can bring the H back in #HR through our #PersonalBrand



Founder & Host #indiahrchat,


Year: 2013






The growth trajectory of India's first & Asia's best

trending Twitter chat for HR leaders

#IndiaHRchatWhy #indiahrchat?

The days of the "sage on stage'' are limited. The smartest person in any room is the room. Wisdom can be crowdsourced and peer learning can be very powerful. So why wait for a once a year conference? Why hear only one voice? Encourage diversity of opinion, raise the bar on learning, create a community that values informal learning.Join this growing international community of professionals who learn through and from each other www.indiahrchat.com.