ow to Meet Your Idol via Social Med

How to Meet Your Idol via Social Media

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How to Meet Your Idol via Social Media

If you’re trying to network with someone in your industry who you haven’t met yet, reaching out over social media may offer the fast track you’ve been looking for.

People we’ve never met are more accessible and approachable than ever, including celebrities and well-known professionals in every industry imaginable.

Thanks to social media, the world is smaller than ever.

Let’s take a look at some ways to make that happen.

Photo Credit: Flickr.com/ronpaulrevolt2008

It’s tempting to blurt out what a fan you are or how you’ve read every book they’ve ever written but to really stand out, keep your message clear, concise, and informative.

Open a dialogue with the person you’d like to talk to by asking a question or explaining why you’d like to speak to them personally. 1

Photo Credit: www.lipstickalley.com

Everyone’s busy these days, including celebs. Give them some time to respond.

2 If a Facebook page comment or Twitter shout out goes unnoticed, don’t follow up with a snippy retort about being ignored.

It may take time to get noticed above all the other social media chatter, so you may need to reach out more than once.

3 Celebrities meet a lot of people so patience really counts.

Not too often, though. You don’t want to get blocked.


Boosting the signal for meaningful or important messages might just get you on their radar more quickly.

4 Share or retweet your idol’s content -- but not everything they post.

Did they link to a favorite charity?

Ask for retweets on upcoming public appearances?

Make a statement about something important to their industry?

Use it as an opening to contact your idol via email or letter.

5 If you’ve reached out a few times over the course of several weeks and haven’t gotten a response, don’t get discouraged.

(“As I mentioned on Facebook, I am interested in speaking with you regarding…”)

Above all, always be polite during every interaction, even if it’s only one-sided at first.

Have you ever connected with a celebrity over social media?

What worked for you?