Five Steps To Creating B2B Social Media Influence Copyright CCA 2009-2013 Copyright Content and Copy 2009- 2013/http://contentandcopy.com.au

Five steps to build b2 b social media influence2015

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Five Steps To Creating B2B Social Media Influence

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Five Steps To Creating B2B Social Media Influence

1. Ensure specificity in building a business influence network2. Define target market segments and buyer characteristics3. Map your customers Buyer Behaviour Process4. Identify key business influencers in your niche5. Create a targetted B2B content strategy

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1. Understand why B2B Influence is about “WHO” not “HOW MANY”

2. Understand how B2B SMI differs from B2C influence

3. Create a business network of influence

4. Identify and analyse key business target market segments

Key Take-outs for building B2B SMI

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Key Take-outs for building B2B SMI

5. Understand and Map Business Buyer Behaviour Process

6. Identify key influencers by target market

7. Target key influencers via specific content and platform based inbound marketing strategies

8. Measure SM effectiveness with ROI driven measurement

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1. Build your business influence network

Step 1

With targetted business individuals

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Step 1

Because 80% of SM connections are not real (never met in person).

Your business network should be deliberate and specific

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WHY SM Influence is NOT all about the numbers…

Barracuda Labs conducted a 75 day study analyzing the buying and selling of Twitter followers.May 2012


Dealers make $800 day for selling followers of 20k

20 Ebay sellers and 58 websites sell fake followers

72,000 Fake profiles were identified

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Software to generate thousands of Twitter accounts is widely available via Youtube

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Source: http://leaderswest.com/2012/08/07/how-fake-twitter-follower-bots-work/

THE BLACK MARKET SM ECONOMYHow are fake profiles created in such numbers

Sends data to Twitter via proxy IP address, generates names and user names

Scrapes info and picsfrom random accounts and replicates with misspellings

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How can I tell if a profile is fake?

• Low follower / followed ratio• No profile picture• No headline• No URL• Diversity of access point (are they using more

than one means to access Twitter be it mobile or third-party apps)

• Tweets within a certain threshold number

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1. Build your business influence network

Step 1

With targetted business individuals

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Step 1

What is my Business Influence


“The Business Network that contributes directly/indirectly to my business’ bottom line”

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Your Business network overlaps will depend on your business model

Social network

Geo-based Business Network

Global business network

Unknown external networks

Social Networks

Geo-Based Business Network


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Step 1

How do I build my business network ?

Geography IndustryType

Business Size

Person’s Role(s)

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• Melbourne, Sydney Brisbane Adelaide

• Industries: Professional+ High Tech + telco + NFP

• Business communities on Facebook(?)

• LinkedIn Gplus business people


• Northern Territory, Perth, Cairns, O/S (w. exceptions)

• MLM’ers, non professionals

• Consumer communities F/B

• Pinterest, Facebook consumers

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Step 1

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Step 1

1. Review your current online business/social media network

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Step 2

2. Identify key business target markets and influencers. The WHAT and the WHO.

• Are they 10-50 employees• Early Adopters• Technology sophisticates or luddites• In San Fran or Melbourne• Desktop/Mobile users

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Step 2

Target Markets and Target Market Segments?

Define Your target market specifically :

“All accountants in SME’s in Australia with between 20-100

employees with a need for cloud software”

Segment 1 : Segment 2:

Business turnover under 100 million, early adopters, fast growing

Business turnover over 100 million, late adopters, maturity

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Step 3

3. Map your customers buyer behaviour journey from search to purchase

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Buyer Behaviour Process -Kotler

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Buyer Behaviour decision type

Step 3

• Complexity level• Involvement level• Perceived Risk• One-off or ongoing decision

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Example of Information Sources

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How much information do B2B buyers need?

“The average B2B IT buyer needs to consume five pieces of content before

they are ready to speak to sales,” (source: IDG Enterprise Customer

Engagement Research, 2012).

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Step 3

WHO: Buys, target individual, business

WHAT: Convenience, service, knowhow

WHERE: Online, via purchase dept

HOW: Nationally, state, department

WHY: competition, organisation


WHO INFLUENCES: Media, internal


Define Your Buyer’s Behaviour over the lifecycle

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WHO BUYS - Technology adoption affects your customers buying decision radically

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Step 4

“Identify the B2B SM influencers’ in your specific industry niche”

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Identifying the influencers

• Review your buying behaviour process• Take technology, industry, business size and decision

making process into account.• Survey your current customers to determine what

they read or which websites they visit often.• Whom they consider to be authorities/thought

leaders in the market• Review data sources?Newsmaker and Swayve are

great sources of who’s who.

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Step 5

Create your targetted B2B content based strategy aimed at key individuals or segments.

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