Evaluation activity 1

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Title Of Our Film

The title of our movie is ‘RYTHYM,’ we chose this to be the title of our film due to it being relevant to music and having a meaning with it.

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Setting and Location

The first place that we filmed was at Layth’s house, this was made to look like Joseph’s house due to you seeing him Wake up and get ready there, before going to school.

The second place that we filmed was in our school, this is because they had the right equipment and we wanted it to look more like a teen movie that is featured in a school/collage.

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Costumes and Props

In our film we didn’t set specific costumes to our characters, we wanted them to wear casual – day to day outfits which are the usual clothes they wear, therefore we didn’t set any costumes for them to wear.

The props we used in our film were a skateboard and a drum kit, the skateboard was joseph’s and we made him use it due to it being part of most teenage culture, this was a prop that is usually used to stereotype teenagers. The drum kit was a prop used as the main prop in our film, this is what joseph wanted to be good at and therefore went to school to practice and wanted to achieve his dream.

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Camerawork and Editing1 32 4

5 76 8

9 10 1211

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Camerawork and Editing

1. This is the opening shot that we used in our film, this extreme close up introduces ‘Joseph’ our main character, we chose to start with this shot as we wanted our character wake up in the beginning and then get up to start his day. This shot also gives are viewers an understanding of our character, within the first five seconds of our film, this is because of the pillow cover.

2. The next shot is a long shot. We used this shot as we wanted to follow our character down the stairs, within this shot we also put a credit and synced it with the music so that it flows and looks natural, we also put credits in it because this is key part to an opening of a movie.

3. This was another shot that we used to follow our character as he is getting ready to go to school this is another long shot, however from below, we wanted to use different angles and wanted to shoot from different levels to make the film opening more interesting and creative.

4. Shot 4 is a medium close up, if focuses on his leg and the door as well as focusing on the things in the bathroom in the background, this shot also has a credit title which, this makes the shot filled up with quite a things however is still easy to see what’s going on and makes it look quite professional.

5. This shot was done in a mirror, this is quite a hard shot to achieve due to mirrors being reflective, this is why we shot it at an angle, this shot catches the viewers attention due to not actually seeing the actor, however seeing his reflection in the mirror.

6. The 6th shot was set up in the fridge, this has been seen in a few other movies, what I like most about this shot is when Joseph takes the food out which reveals that it is in the fridge, then when he shuts the door to the fridge, the lights turn off revealing the next credit.

7. This shot, is a medium shot, following joseph down the stairs and out of the door, at the start of this shot joseph is higher up however as he comes down the stairs he becomes the same level, within this shot we use match on action, as he is picking up the skateboard, the camera is then outside filming him open the door with a credit which pops up at the same time.

8. Shot 8 was the fade shot this was used to show the transition between josephs house and his school

In our film we used many different camera angels and different camera shots to show what level we could work at. We also edited our film so there were straight cuts, smooth fading as well as syncing our credit titles to the music to show a flow and to make it look like a normal film opening.

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Title font and style

These are The titles that feature in our film, we have used the same title font for all the small credits and then we changed the last font so that it makes the title stand out more and makes it appeal to the audience.

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Story and how the opening sets it up

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Genre and how the opening suggests it

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How characters are introduced