5. How did you attract/address your audience?

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5. How did you attract/address your audience?

Cover – Masthead & TextI have chosen to use a very simple and slim title because I feel as though huge vibrant titles take the importance of the actual magazine away from it. I simple title also allows the reader the remember the title and the name a lot easier. I also feel as though using a simple title has aloud me to make it a lot larger in size because it does not take over or take up mounds of room. There is no bright color, gradient or shading in the magazine as I feel as though this would have created a very messy and childish effect to the page.

The text that has been used is also very simple, different sizes have been used to show what is more important than the others and the opacity has been changed to show the important subheadings from the information underneath.

Images All off the images throughout the magazine have been used to appeal to my teen target market.

I have used all girls in my magazine as I feel that girls can relate to this better and will aspire to be like the girls in the magazine. Not only this but boys will also be attracted to my magazine as images og girls appeals to the the male audience following Laura Mulvey's theory of the Male Gaze.

In 90% of the photos the models are looking directly into the camera, this allows the audience to engage with the magazine more.

Text and Image RatioThe ratio of images to text on a page highlights how the audience is being addressed.

For all of my pages the percentage of pictures is much higher to that of text. This especially can be seen in the content page. I have done this as the young readers will look at the pictures and relate them to the heading before they actually read the text, they will see what they are interested in first.

The images are all strait and not slanted in anyway to create a more mature and sophisticated feel to the magazine. This replicates and is continued throughout the whole magazine.

Writing StyleThere are different types of langue that can be used in a magazine to attract different types of audiences, and also depending on where the text is in the magazine will depend on how the reader is addressed.

I feel as though I have used a slightly laid back language in all of my magazine, including the DPS where I have used a convocation style. All of the other parts of the magazine are very chatty and informal too. I have used a languages that the readers would used in day to day life when talking to there friends and family.

I have also used different types of questions and sentence structures to draw the readers into the magazine.