Break away your control over others

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Page 1: Break away your control over others






Page 2: Break away your control over others




By: Carrie Adams Copyrights Reserved

Page 3: Break away your control over others

What real purpose does one have in controlling

someone else?

It is not healthy. Nor is it productive.

Do you think

someone is controlling


Break Away... Your Control Over Others !

What can you do if you are?

Page 4: Break away your control over others

What does it look like to be controlled by someone else?

Do you know that within your ability, your

situation can change?

Moreover, for your best interests it

must change!

Page 5: Break away your control over others

It is very difficult for others who see this

happening to you and are inhibited to tell you and

likewise to tell the controlling person who is wrongfully mistreating


What forms of control are there; many more than you can think!

Emotional control over someone is just as

damaging as the physical control over someone.

The gains and leverage used by someone to control you need to end once you are aware of it personally

or someone brings it to your attention.

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This act or conduct will happen more times to others and you least

expect it to happen to you, until it is your


What do you do for yourself once your

environment looks like a no win situation and yet trouble is present on a full time basis.

You may stretch your space to make new connections or go to someone you are trustworthy with and tell them your situation , regardless if

you think they may judge you or that you are insecure with the true facts of

your private hardship .

Break Away... Your Control Over Others !

Page 7: Break away your control over others

Do not fear your purpose in telling the

truth to others.

What you or someone you know is going through and it is unstable and there is

dismal, despair moods that overcome you and you are feeling so alone - you must then seek someone to help


We cannot ever be big enough to hide the harm that someone is doing to us ...

the controller takes your thought, ambitions, desires , opportunities , and spiritual will and removes it from the

truth while deeply in tacked in your soul is the right/wrong way to handle all things .

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When it is wrong, it must be changed and

made right!

Our children and women in our culture fall to situations of painfully being controlled

by an obsessive, manipulative, deceitful,

person and most times, it happens with someone you


That controller knows the right time to lure you to respecting

them, trusting them yet the situation is hindering you and you know it and you sense it and your intuition is never


Become educated to the various styles of control and the signs of someone wrongfully mistreating


Page 9: Break away your control over others

Look around you, listen to others with concern and compassion and at any time you notice the cry for help from someone

lend them your time and genuine assistance to make a change for someone who is unable to change it for themselves.

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Our society is desperate for help but horror, trauma, harm danger is keeping people paralyzed and in unhealthy situations and it takes you helping someone in their

neediest hour!

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If you cannot be of help, you will go to

get them help!

You must break away from an unhealthy situation to save

your life!

Show that controlling person that they no longer

control you!

Page 12: Break away your control over others

Be empowered !

Be encouraged ! You


Page 13: Break away your control over others

Be free and break the shackles when

someone is controlling you as if you are their

slave or prisoner.

This conduct or behavior is inappropriate and can be deadly at some point when you least expect it.

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While we were all once a child then we grew up and became mature

adults we will spend all of our lifetime learning

about ourselves .

There is no time for someone else to take your life from you or for you to give your life away to a

person whom is controlling over you .

The bad unlawful traits of someone abusing you or someone that you know should be mentioned !

Page 15: Break away your control over others

Do not wait nor ignore the person's

cry for help.

In addition, there may not be any tears in that person's need

for help.

Listen closely, love them, and reassure them that help is what they need and

you shall do your best to get them help. You

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A kudo that comes from my head and not a kudo copy from a professional.

Life is so awesome when we treat people the way that we want to be treated!

are not natural or healthy

contributions for you or anyone.





Break Away... Your Control

Over Others !

Page 17: Break away your control over others

Will you help someone who has a need?

It may save their life.

Would you want someone to save your


If relationships have someone behaving this way it may never

change, you must be removed and secured by someone who will protect you and the change that you deserve

for your life.

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We are entitled to live free from harm and the evil

distorted control from others.

I hope this is helpful.

I know that women and children face many inhumane situations and the

hardship that comes from the various conditions of abuse.

It will end the moment you ask for help!

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Just do it! Say the truth!

Expect a Recovery



It will be the best decision that you will ever make.


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Help someone today.... Cause help may be your need one day!

Break Away... Your Control Over


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Copyrights Reserved By: Carrie Adams

~MoM~ to Jake & Braidy Lynn

I miss and love my two kids so much..

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