Audience theory power point

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Page 2: Audience theory power point

Why is the target audience for a media text important?

• The target audience is that objective that the director uses to create that the audience likes the movie and in that way that can have a positive opinion.• This concept is very important for films that have to promote products, since

once they have thought about doing the advertisement and what to put and everything, they have to find out if the ad will appeal to the audience. In this case the audience is very important because if the audience has a negative rating that product is not going to buy and the company will not work.

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Demographic/ Example of D1 scale• Demographic audience define various characteristics of the audience: ⁻Age: is very important, because at each age is different type of ads,

because not all ages you like the same.⁻Gender: This also affects the type of advertisement because a woman

does not have the same tastes as a man nor do they like the same colors, such as cars, not everyone likes the same color

⁻ Income: This affects depends on the money you have and you can invest, since not all ads are directed to all people.

⁻Education: As previously the advertisement also have to do with the education of each one.

⁻Occupation: This has to do with the work of the audience, as it depends on what job the person is, they will like different types of products.

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Audience considerations

• How you are considering the audience in the planning of your film opening?

The audience is very important when we talk about product announcements, but it is very important also when we are talking about movies. Play an important role, since the audience has to give their appreciation and this is very important for the director and for people to go and see the movie.

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Describe how technical codes and audio codes in moving image media target audience. Example and explain how that film trailer has targeted a specific audience though its use of technical and audio codes. ⁻Technical codes: Camera angles, lighting and editing. The camera angles

is the point of view or viewing position adopted by the camera with respect to its subject. The lighting is in the interest of creating large cinematic units. And the lighting refers to the different light that may exist in different scenes.

⁻Audio codes: sound. The sound refers to the different type of music, since each movie has its type of music.• All this we can relate to the media, since those codes can be used in

advertisements and so capture the attention of the public.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20DF6U1HcGQIn this trailer what we can observe is how the director has used the technical codes, since it has shown several angles, for example the close up to see the reactions of people, or for example light, since they are scenes illuminated

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What effects the way in which an audience responds to a media text and the ways you think an audience might respond to your film opening ?

• When the audience gives a response to a movie to an average communication, since they have to give their opinion, this can be better or worse. If the opinion of the public is good, obviously this will be positive, since it will be seen that the director has wanted to do the best he can and that has taken into account the audience and has tried to impress and that they like the audience. • On the other hand, when the comment is not good, but we have liked what they have seen, even

if the director has been frazzled in making the film, the director has to have many things in mind when making the film, Always right and you have to think that the audience is very important too.

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Reception theory by Stuart Hall • Stuart Hall was cultural theorist, political activist and sociologist, who had a theory.• He explored how people make sense of media texts and claimed audiences were active no

passive. The active, it is used to see the relationship between a text from the media and the audience. Hall, believe that viewers will accept and interpret messages exactly the way message makers want. And the passive suggests that texts have an effect on the audience.• Stuart, in his theory added some points: ⁻ Preferred reading: This is when the audience responds positively and they liked the product.⁻ Negotiated reading: This is when not everyone agrees with the product, but much of it is.⁻ Oppositional reading: When this happens, the whole audience is against this product and has

not liked anyone.

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Uses and gratification theory

• Uses and gratifications theory is an audience-centered approach to understanding the communication. "what does media do to people?" and "what do people do with media?“ • The following typology of common reasons for media use: ⁻ Information and education: Find out about relevant events and news from the immediate

environment, society and the world, seek advice on practical issues or options for opinion and decision, meeting the curiosity and the general interest and you can learn.

⁻ Identify: finding reinforcement for personal values, finding models of behaviour, identifying with value other and gaining insight into one's self

⁻ Integration and social interaction: gaining insight into of others; social empathy, identifying with others, finding a basis for conversation ,social interaction, having a substitute for real-life companionship and enabling one to connect with family, friends and society

⁻ Entertainment: escaping, or being diverted, from problems, relaxing, getting intrinsic cultural, enjoyment and filling time.

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Why audience theory is useful to you as a media student planning to complete their own production of a media text?

• Is important because if you know the theory you can put into practice everything you've heard and make your movie better, and mars all aspects and points studied, to make the movie better. Knowing that the audience also has an important role, it is essential because at the end of the day the film is directed to a public and it is up to them to like them.