Bethany Baldwin the new upcoming artist I was waiting for Bethany in one of her favourite coffee shops ‘Tap coffee’. This cute little coffee shop gives a rustic feel with its wide range of wood ad tree stumps. I came early as usual as you don’t want to keep the artists waiting. Bethany arrived no later 10 minutes after me and I would have to say her clothes were quite casual, (but who am I to judge). From head to toe she wore boyfriend jeans with a clean cut white blouse and black heels, (which I think are to die for) along with a cute black channel bag. I happily greeted her with a hello and smile on my face, and from my first glimpses of her, Bethany seems like a lovely genuine girl. Now onto the interview. When did singing start for you? Well isn’t this a great question to start off with. I would have to say that I have been singing since I was a little girl. It has always been a passion of mine growing up and I’m so grateful that I have finally achieved my goal in life. I’d must admit, I was always one of the shy kids, so growing up not a lot of people in my life new I could actually sing. And for some of my lifelong friends and some of my family members it came a shock to them when they heard my name on the radio. Some of the couldn’t believe it! Speaking of family and friends, what did they think when your song hit number one on the charts? Well like I mentioned before, they were pretty shocked to find my name read out on the radio let alone for it being a number one single. My family and friends have been so supportive and are so proud of my achievements. They will carry on supporting me thought thick and thin. What’s it like being one of the new upcoming artists? At times, I feel like I’m living a dream. There are so many people who recognize me now, where before I was just a 19-

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Bethany Baldwin the new upcoming artist

I was waiting for Bethany in one of her favourite coffee shops ‘Tap coffee’. This cute little coffee shop gives a rustic feel with its wide range of wood ad tree stumps. I came early as usual as you don’t want to keep the artists waiting. Bethany arrived no later 10 minutes after me and I would have to say her clothes were quite casual, (but who am I to judge). From head to toe she wore boyfriend jeans with a clean cut white blouse and black heels, (which I think are to die for) along with a cute black channel bag. I happily greeted her with a hello and smile on my face, and from my first glimpses of her, Bethany seems like a lovely genuine girl. Now onto the interview.

When did singing start for you?

Well isn’t this a great question to start off with. I would have to say that I have been singing since I was a little girl. It has always been a passion of mine growing up and I’m so grateful that I have finally achieved my goal in life. I’d must admit, I was always one of the shy kids, so growing up not a lot of people in my life new I could actually sing. And for some of my lifelong friends and some of my family members it came a shock to them when they heard my name on the radio. Some of the couldn’t believe it!

Speaking of family and friends, what did they think when your song hit number one on the charts?

Well like I mentioned before, they were pretty shocked to find my name read out on the radio let alone for it being a number one single. My family and friends have been so supportive and are so proud of my achievements. They will carry on supporting me thought thick and thin.

What’s it like being one of the new upcoming artists?

At times, I feel like I’m living a dream. There are so many people who recognize me now, where before I was just a 19-year-old girl singing in her room. Its hard to explain in words how much this opportunity changed my life. Not to mention, this is probably my 5th interview so far, I don’t think I quite realised how popular I was until the amount of people ringing me wanting an interview. I think at the end of this I will be a pro at them.

Now we know your new to the fame, but how long have you been in the music industry?

I have been in the music industry for about a year now, and what a jam-packed year it has been. I’ve learned so much from being in the music industry, not to mention how hard it can be to get in it. If I was to say anything to the people reading this who plans to be an artist in the future, just believe in yourself because you will get there one day! No matter how long it takes keep going if it is truly a passion of yours.

Previously you mentioned that so many people have recognised you, are there any celebrities that you have met, or recognized you?

Saying that I was at an awards ceremony about a week ago, and as you know all the celebrities and artists walk along the red carpet. As I was supposedly one of the artists, (still trying to get used to me being an actual artist), I got to meet and speak to a whole bunch of celebrities. I have to say it was one of the best experiences in my life that I will never forgot, but at the same time I was so nervous to meet anyone famous. As I mentioned before, when I was younger I was a shy girl, and coming to events like this made me feel nervous, but as well as feeling scared, the events helped me build up my confidence. And this is something that I have been trying to do for years.

Now you talked about an award ceremony, what can you tell us about that?

Well, unfortunately I was not up for any awards tonight I was simply there as a guest, but it was a fantastic night. There were so many well-known artists that half the time I couldn’t believe I was there, (I had to keep pinching myself). As we are on the topic of ceremonies, I may as well tell you that I am up for a brit award. The rumours were true! You will probably be able to guess the category, but that is all I can say.

We know you’re an indie artist, but what artists are you interested in?

One of my favourite bands are Coldplay and The 1975. I was lucky enough to see Coldplay in concert earlier this year and I have to say they do one of the best concerts. The idea of using light up wristbands that glow to the beat of the music has to be one of the greatest ideas for a concert. Also, Coldplay are such a unique and different band that I yet to find one like them. Onto The 1975 I just love both of their albums, but I’ve got to say I prefer their first album. As well as them to one of the artists that I have looked up to since her very first album is Adele. She just amazes and inspires me to carry on with music. I do hope to get concert tickets to see her, but they sell out so far, it’s like pot luck.

It has been a pleasure meeting and talking with you Bethany, now before I go is there anything you would like to say to your fans.

Everyone has their own special gift, which they will show off in their own ways, but my words to the readers is follow your dreams. Because if you don’t try you will never know how far you can get.