Shot type and movement: There is a medium long shot of the artist. Analysis: The medium long shot shows the clothing of the artist which suggests that the artist and the song are of the pop culture. The shot only focuses on the artist with a plain background so that all the attention is on her connoting importance. The lighting used is high key which is commonly used in pop music videos to focus more attention on the artist. Edit: There is then a cut to the next shot where the music then starts. Music/Lyrics: A guitar starts playing at the start of the song

Analysis of music video

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Analysis of music video for coursework

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Page 1: Analysis of music video

Shot type and movement: There is a medium long shot of the artist.

Analysis:The medium long shot shows the clothing of the artist which suggests that the artist and the song are of the pop culture. The shot only focuses on the artist with a plain background so that all the attention is on her connoting importance. The lighting used is high key which is commonly used in pop music videos to focus more attention on the artist.

Edit: There is then a cut to the next shot where the music then starts.

Music/Lyrics: A guitar starts playing at the start of the song

Page 2: Analysis of music video

Shot type and movement:A medium close up of the artist.

Analysis: The lyrics link with the shot as it focuses on Taylor and her friends. The mise-en-scene of the clip such as clothing and the location connote the pop genre being stereotypical. The clothing in the clip appears to be fashionable and modern which is typical in pop music videos. The location is also significant with the high key lighting which creates a happy and upbeat feeling. The shot is also a shallow focus with the background being blurry which connotes that the artist is the most important person in the shot. Also Taylors bright red lipstick connotes femininity and sexiness which is stereotypical for female pop singers.

Music/Lyrics“We’re happy, free, confused and lonely at the same time”

Edit: Cuts to the next shot of Taylor and cheerleaders quite quickly to go with the upbeat music.

Page 3: Analysis of music video

Shot type/MovementWhile Taylor and the other girls move around the shot used is a medium long shot. The shot is also at a low angle.

Analysis: Due to the shot being from a low angle this connotes that Taylor is significant and glamorous. The clothing in this shot is stereotypical for the genre of music video which is pop as the clothes are feminine, fashionable and appealing to the target audience. The background is white with small amounts of blue sky in it therefore making the people within the shot stand out. The lighting is high key which is stereotypical within pop music videos and the lighting stays like this throughout the majority of the video. The props used within this shot such as the cheerleaders pom poms and the confetti are both bright and stand out against the background connoting fun and happiness. It is common within pop music videos for them to be bright.

Music/Lyrics“Everything will be alright if”

Edit: Cuts to medium shot of Taylor dancing quite quickly to again go with the upbeat music.

Page 4: Analysis of music video

Shot type/MovementThere is an aerial shot of Taylor and the other girls

Analysis: The aerial shot is unusual for a pop music video so isn’t representative of the genre as it connotes that the artist is being looked down on and is just like any other person. The clothing within in this shot is casual which is challenging the stereotype of pop artists being glamourous in their videos, however the clothing does go with the lyrics “Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks” which suggests that the people in the shot aren’t worrying about anything and so there is no need to dress up. There hair and makeup also appears to be subtle which goes with the casual clothing.

Music/Lyrics“Tonight's the night when we forget about the heartbreaks”

Edit: This then slowly cuts to Taylor and two other girls with their arms around each other on the beach which goes with the music building up to the chorus.

Page 5: Analysis of music video

Shot type / Movement:Medium close up of Taylor Swift with a shallow focus.

Analysis: The shallow focus makes Taylor stand out to the audience making them focus all attention on her which is stereotypical for pop artists to have all the attention on them. The low key lighting however challenge and medium close up Taylor challenge the stereotype as when medium close ups are used in pop videos they usually are shown with high key lighting to make the artist look important and to create excitement. Taylor’s video however changes between high and low key lighting therefore challenging pop video conventions. The clothing is also casual with challenges the stereotype of pop artists being glamourous. Most of the scenes are filmed outside and this is stereotypical within a lot of pop music videos.

Music/Lyrics:“It seems like one of those nights”

Edit: It then slowly cuts to a group of people lying on the beach which goes with the slow verse.

Page 6: Analysis of music video

Shot Type/Movement:Medium shot of Taylor with the other people running along the beach.

Analysis: The location of this scene which Is a beach is commonly used in pop music videos such as ‘What makes you beautiful’ by One Direction therefore being stereotypical. The clothing is again is relaxed therefore challenging the stereotype of the glamourous image in music videos however for Taylor her casual clothing within her music videos creates her brand identity. The lighting is low key and naturalistic which therefore goes with the time of day which is sunset. The lyrics ‘its miserable and magical oh yeah’ are shown through the shot as Taylors facial expression is miserable even though she is on a beach.

Music/Lyrics:“Its miserable and magical oh yeah”

Edit: There is a long take of Taylor, these are used quite often throughout her music video. This then cuts to Taylor lying on the beach with friends and this is again a long take.

Page 7: Analysis of music video

Shot Type/MovementLow angle shot of Taylor and also a Medium long shot.

Analysis: The low angle shot connotes that Taylor is of importance and this is also shown through the fact that she in the shot she is higher up than her friends, making the audiences focus on her. The lighting is high key which therefore connotes glamour. Taylor’s clothing shows dominant ideology of the pop genre as it connotes youth and modern fashion. Her clothing also connotes summer which suggests that ‘22’ is a summer song. The location of this shot is outside which connotes a sense of freedom.

Music/Lyrics:“But I'm feeling 22” This is a diegetic sound as it is what the artist is singing.

Edit: This is a short take of Taylor and it is stereotypical for pop music videos to use a mixture of both short and long takes. This then cuts to another short take of Taylor. The cut is quick to match the upbeat music.

Page 8: Analysis of music video

Shot type/Movement:Medium Close up with the artist looking directly at the camera which makes the audience feel more involved with the video.

Music/Lyrics:“We won’t be sleeping”

Analysis: The location of this shot is outside and this is common throughout the whole music video. The low key lighting is naturalistic because it goes with time of day which is night time. There are also shadows to show the change of time in the music video. Taylor’s clothing is stereotypical of pop artists and it connotes feminism, youth and glamour. The shot is shallow focus and this connotes that Taylor is more important then anyone else in the shot. This Is used throughout the whole music video. The lyrics ‘we wont be sleeping’ goes with Taylors facial expression which appears to be mischievous and she is also looking directly into the camera which suggests she isn’t bothered that she wont be sleeping.

Edit: This is a short take which connotes in this shot mischief as it doesn’t stay on her for too long and it then cuts to another short take of Taylor doing another girls makeup therefore connoting the pop genre as people within them stereotypically look glamourous.

Page 9: Analysis of music video

Shot type/MovementA medium close up is used and this appears to be a common convention of pop music videos. A tracking shot which follows Taylors movements which therefore suggests further that the audiences attention should be on her.

Analysis: The mise-en-scene in this part of the music video is different from the start of the video due to a change in time. The clothing is more glamourous than in the other scenes such as the beach. The artists makeup is also more alluring and exciting then the subtle look she originally had. Her makeup is also dark which goes with her dark clothing and the change in time. Her whole look in this shot connotes that she is mysterious. The artist is looking directly into the camera which therefore makes the audience more involved with the video. The lighting on Taylors face is high key which therefore shows further that she is important as the girl in the background has low key lighting used on her which makes her seem of less importance.

Music/Lyrics“ooh-ooh ooh-ooh” The music in this part of the video is slower and so is Taylors movement to go with the song and slower singing.

Edit: This Is a long take of Taylor which goes with the slow music in this part of the song and this then cuts to a short take of Taylor entering the next room.

Page 10: Analysis of music video

Shot type/Movement:Long Shot and a deep focus of the people on bikes as they come towards the camera.

Analysis: The location of this shot is outdoors which is a common feature of this music video. The lyrics which are ‘It feels like one of those nights’ links in with the setting of this part of the video because it is night time and is set outside. The lighting is naturalistic. The bikes coming towards the camera attracts the audiences focus towards them.

Music/Lyrics“It feels like one of those nights”

Edit: This is again a short take which is another common feature of this video and it then cuts quickly to another short take showing the people on bikes from the side.