11 Proven Tactics To Grow Your Facebook Page Fan Base by Zoe Summers

11 Proven Tactics To Grow Your Facebook Page Fan Base

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11 Proven Tactics To Grow

Your Facebook Page Fan Base

by Zoe Summers

Page 2: 11 Proven Tactics To Grow Your Facebook Page Fan Base

11 Proven Tactics To Grow

Your Facebook Page Fan Base

W h a t y o u ‟ l l l e a r n :

1 1 Tr i c k s y o u c a n d o t o d a y t o g r o w y o u r

Fa c e b o o k f a n b a s e !

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Page 3: 11 Proven Tactics To Grow Your Facebook Page Fan Base

Add A Like Box Or Button

To Your Website #1

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Attract the audience that you already have on your websi te with a “L ike” box or button The advantage is that the v is i tors don‟ t have to leave your websi te to l ike your Page. They just have to c l ick the button.

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People can a lso see the fr iends that a lready l iked your Page which makes i t more l ike ly to c l ick the “ l ike” button.

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Connect Your Personal

Profile With Your Pages #2

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In the About sect ion, add the company you current ly work for, which is your Facebook Page. Then, se lect „ I current ly work here ‟

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Everywhere on Facebook where your prof i le appears, a l ink to your page wi l l show up from now on

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Make Sure Your Current

Audience Knows About

Your Facebook Page #3

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Have a link to your Facebook Page on your e-mail signature, mention it on your other social platforms, on your business card, in your local store, banner ads, forums and events. Let people know that you offer exclusive and valuable content on Facebook.

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Link To Your Facebook

Page In Your Email

Signature And Forum



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Add a l ink to your Facebook Prof i le and Page in your e-mai l s ignature.

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Don‟ t forget to add these l inks in the newsletter that you send regularly. Add your Facebook links when creating user profiles on forums or communities in your niche. This way people that will find your posts and comments useful will click on your links to follow you on social platforms.

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Ask Your Fans On Other

Social Platforms To Follow

Your Facebook Page #5

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Let your Twitter, Instagram, L inkedIn or Google+ fans know that they can fo l low you on Facebook too.

Let them know they get more value by l ik ing

your Facebook Page.

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Interact As Your Page #6

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You can always switch between us ing

Facebook “as your Prof i le” or “as your Page”.

Go to pages in your n iche and l ike, comment

or post as your page. This wi l l get the

attent ion of people in your target audience.

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Be Active On Facebook

Groups #7

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Posts on groups have a better organic reach.

People get not i f ied when there ‟s a new post

or comment.

Create your own group or jo in groups in your n iche to

share valuable content and leave useful comments.

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How to Benef i t f rom Using Facebook Groups

C rea t e a g roup fo r you r ded i c a t ed f a n s t o a t t ra c t a nd c onve r t t h em t o l o ya l c u s t ome r s C rea t e a c u s t ome r s uppo r t g roup fo r you r c u r r en t c l i e n t s .

C rea t e c ommun i t y g roups ba s ed on t he i n t e r e s t s s ha red by you r

t a rge t a ud i en ce .

F i nd and J o i n g roups i n you r n i c he t o c onne c t w i t h you r pee r s and p ro spe c t i v e c u s t ome r s .

C rea t e a Fa cebook g roup t o p romo t e an on l i n e e ven t .

C rea t e a g roup t o b r i ng you r d i s t r i bu t ed t e am t oge t he r.

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Guest Blogging #8

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Guest b logging wi l l not only br ing you traff ic

to your websi te but to your Facebook Page


When you contr ibute on other b logs with content, make

sure you add l inks to your soc ia l prof i les and pages when

sett ing up your author b io.

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Add Share Buttons To

Your Blog #9

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Each blog post on your websi te should

inc lude share buttons.

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Make i t eas ier for your v is i tors to share your best content

on soc ia l networks.

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Add A HelloBar To Your

Website #10

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Use a Hel loBar to get the f i rst few thousands

fans for your Facebook Page.

This wi l l he lp you get t ract ion on your

Facebook page.

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Use Popup-us That

Request Likes Instead Of

E-mails #11

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For a l imited t ime only, ask for l ikes to your

Page in a opt- in popup on your s i te, instead

of e-mai ls .

This wi l l get the bal l ro l l ing and you can get back to

growing your e-mai l l i s t once you have enough soc ia l

proof to support the growth of your Page.

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What to learn more?

Th is p resenta t ion i s a par t o f our tu to r ia l :

11 Proven Tact ics To Grow Your

Facebook Page Fanbase

Click here to read the full tutorial!

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