Crowds with Cash Alternative Financing is a Mixed Moneybag of Opportunity for Small Business Hello! Welcome to Manta’s Small Business Expert Series Thanks for joining us today. We’ll get started right at 2 p.m. EDT #mantaexperts Today’s webinar is sponsored by

Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

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Crowds with CashAlternative Financing is a Mixed Moneybag

of Opportunity for Small Business


Welcome to Manta’s Small Business Expert Series

Thanks for joining us today.We’ll get started right at 2 p.m. EDT

#mantaexperts Today’s webinar is sponsored by

Page 2: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

Social Media is Pay to PlayLearn How to Make it Pay Off

#mantaexperts Today’s webinar sponsored by

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WelcomeJohn Swanciger

Open the resource list to see John’s blog post on social media

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Q&AResource listTechnical ?

Today’s sponsor

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The Story

U.S. social media ad revenues will reach $15 billion by 2018–BIA/Kelsey

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We’ll Talk

AboutSocial Media is Pay to Play—Learn How to Make it Pay Off

Meet the expert: Susan TuckerPoll

Social media and small businessWhy social media is pay to playSetting goals and strategiesPollPlatforms, ads & campaign examples

What you want to talk about: Q&A with Susan

Page 7: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

Meet Our Expert

Click on the speaker widget to learn more about Susan Susan Tucker

Page 8: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

• Manta’ s social media survey

Yes: 50.9%No: 49.1%

• Are you willing to pay?

• Primary goals are (79%)• Acquiring & engaging new customers• Driving awareness/marketing• Gaining lead gen/referrals• Building community• Retaining current customers

We don’t use social


Click on the resource list to link to Manta’s social media survey

Social Media and Small


Page 9: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

• Lack of understanding

• Why it’s changed• Reduced organic reach

• No longer free

Social Media is Pay to


Social media isn’t about what you’re doing there; it’s about what your customers are doing there

Page 10: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

• Branding campaigns• Targeted product campaigns• Event campaigns• Lead generation campaigns

Paid Social Media


Paid social media advertising integrates paid promotion with free tools already available

Page 11: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

Strategy &


• Forget set it and forget it

• Your strategy and goals must work together

• Set SMART goals

• Know your customers

• Map to platform and campaign

This is not a strategy

Click on the resource list to get a copy of Susan’s SMART marketing goals template

Page 12: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

Accredited Investors• Three platforms

• Creating ads

• Real life examples

• How to hypertarget on each platform

Open the resource list to get Susan’s article about choosing the right social media site

The Platforms: Ads &


Page 13: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off


• Biggest player

• Largest audience

• Easy to use

Open the resource list to link to Facebook’s business page basics

Page 14: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off


Objectives (your desired end result)• Send people to your website• Increase conversions on your website• Boost your posts• Promote your page• Get installs of your app• Increase app engagement• Reach people near your business• Raise event attendance• Get people to claim your offer• Get video views

Local awareness calls to action: “click to call” and “get directions”

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kLocal Ad

• Objective: Reach people near your business

• Target: people within 3 miles of the store during the holidays

• Budget: $10

• Reach: 1600 people

• Result: generated 15 clicks

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k“Like” Ad

• Objective: Promote your page

• Target: geographical area

• Budget: $1 per day–runs constantly (with new creatives)

• Avg. CPC: less than 50 cents

• Result: 2-3 new water delivery customers per week at $19

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Creating Facebook Ads

Choose your


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Creating Facebook

AdsChoose your


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Creating Facebook Ads

1. Choose your objective2. Choose your audience3. Set your budget

Choose your


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Creating Facebook AdsCreate your


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Creating Facebook AdsMeasure your


Open the resource widget to get Susan’s Social Media Ad Savvy Checklist

Page 22: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

Hypertargeting with

Facebook• Location

• Gender

• Likes and interests

• Relationship status

• Workplace

• Education

• Lifestyle

Open the resource widget to get Susan’s Social Media Ad Savvy Checklist

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• 271 million active users

• Promoted tweet

• Promoted account

• Promoted trend

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Promoted Tweets

• Targets U.S.• Small business owners• #socialmedia

Open the resource list to link to Twitter’s business page basics

Page 25: Social Media is Pay to Play: Learn How to Make it Pay Off

Hypertargeting using


• Existing followers

• Users like your followers

• Location

• Keywords

• Tailored audiences

• Gender

• Target based on hashtags#mantaexperts

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n• World’s largest professional

network—great for B2B advertisers

• Not just for jobseekers & headhunters

• Sponsored updates

• Display ads

• Direct sponsored content

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LinkedIn Ads

• Uses specific landing page• Targets industry & country• Resulted in 150 new contacts

Open the resource list to link to LinkedIn’s business page basics

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Hypertargeting on


• Job title/function

• Industry

• Geography

• Group membership

• Company size

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Ask the Expert

Connect with other business owners in the Manta Community

Chat with Susan immediately following the webinar#mantaexperts

Open the resource list to get more information about our upcoming and on-demand webinars

Susan Tucker

Today’s webinar is sponsored by

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Manta believes in empowering small businesses to achieve success. We’re inspired by your determination and energy. And we understand that every company is unique.

We strive to provide the marketing tools and educational resources you need to stand out, connect with your customers and your peers, and grow your business.

Send us a note and let us know what you’d like to learn from upcoming webinars like this one.

[email protected]