Coworking Etiquette A short but snappy guide to the best Coworking behavior

Coworking etiquettes edited

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Coworking Etiquette

A short but snappy guide to the best Coworking behavior

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Coworking spaces come with a palette of economical benefits and have rapidly become the favoured working option for a huge

chunk of population.

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Shared resources = More for everyone at less per head + Enormous value adds

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But even the brightest of spaces can loose their gleam for some if the next-desk neighbour isn’t

the cooperative kind.

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The secret to a happy Coworking experience doesn’t just lie with the host, but is equally

contributed to by the members.

We spoke to members at different coworking centres to draw up a mini-list of the courtesies and “oh-nos” they feel all should be aware of

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The NoiseGood / Bad

•Limit the number of calls you make from your desk, use common areas an phone booths to take calls

•Use conference rooms for team discussions

•Switch on the volume control on your larynx

•Use accessories like headphones and blue-tooth

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What all is up for sharing ?

•Common utilities are for everybody hence, use considerately and do not exploit

•Food & consumables stored in the pantry refrigerator aren’t for common consumption

•Borrow but also lend

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Conference rooms aren’t your personal lounge

•Conference rooms are for everyone, book wisely leaving some time for other teams as well

•The early morning time slot is the most coveted but do you have to have it everyday?

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•Collaborate but know when its getting too much

•Asking for help is fine, but do not try to find a free consultant

•Educate and offer but only when asked

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Don’t be messy

•Cleanliness is next to Godliness, especially in a shared space

•Keep not just your desk but surroundings neat

•Pick up after using common areas and washrooms

•Spill something? Don’t wait for the sweeper, grab the tissue box and do some immediate damage control till help arrives

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Be Nice

•Smile often, don’t be Guy Fawks but a little courtesy never killed anyone

•Be polite in your interactions and gestures

•A small smile can go a long way

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Remember Office Manager does not translate to Personal


•Sure, the office manager’s job is to make sure you are happy and have a good experience but he has a bundle of other things to do, like running the whole set up.

•Don’t go all devil in Prada on your office manager, he has other priorities besides ensuring your chair cushion is fluffed enough

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Be generous and give back

•It’s a community after all and helping a fellow can be both internally rewarding as well as good for networking

•Give back to your co-members and Coworking space by introducing them to new prospects

•Put a kind word out for someone who has been good to you

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It’s never bring your friend to work day

•Your office manager may be okay with the occasional friend dropping by, but do not make it a habit

•Your work space is for work only, need to discuss something urgent with your friend? Try cafeterias

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