Busy Angels Corporate Presentation 2015 Hands-On is the only way

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Busy Angels

Corporate Presentation

2015 Hands-On is the only way

Busy Angels at a glance.


• Born in 2010 after persistent attempts of the Founders

• Senior management team with proven expertise

• Strong partnerships with co-investors and others players in the start-up ecosystem

• Providing strategic and management support to our entrepreneurs

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• 17 companies in the portfolio

• Focus in seed stage companies

• Looking for strong teams with complimentary skills

• Technological based companies

• Highly scalable solutions with high growth potential

• Investments in Europe, mainly in Portugal

• Companies with different risk profiles to balance the portfolio

Our Company Our Investment Strategy and Portfolio

Our Company

Francisco Ferreira Pinto Executive Director

+5 years experience in Strategy Consultancy at Deloitte

A senior management team with international experience in different industries.


João Costa Non-Executive Board Member

+25 years in Multinational Companies - Currently CEO of Dancake

Martinho Tojo Executive Board Member

+15 years as Managing Director in Portugal and abroad

Santiago Salazar Executive Board Member

+15 years as CEO in Multinational Companies +6 years experience in the Venture Capital Industry

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Other shareholders

Luís Mira Amaral - Currently CEO Banco BIC

Jorge Santos - Currently Managing Director of Vipex

Engaged through co-investments with national and international investors. Awarded partner of the year of the current main national investor.

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National Co-Investors

Total investment footprint of more than 6 Millions

International Co-Investors

4 Companies on internationalization course

with foreign investors in their capital structure

8 projects

3 projects

6 projects

1 project

6 projects

Committed with and profiting from the Portuguese start up ecosystem, with established partnerships with main players of the country.


Business angels organizations member and APBA board (PT business angels association).

Portugal Ventures Ignition Capital Network partner.

Start up Portugal Association board.

Projects invested from most relevant incubators and accelerators entities:

- Start up Lisboa

- Beta-i from Lisboa

- Fábrica de Startups from Lisboa

- Instituto Pedro Nunes from Coimbra

- UPTEC – Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia in Porto

- BIOCANT in Cantanhede

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“We were looking for a structure with expertise in internationalization processes, with a significant network (…) available to support the management team. We found all of this in Busy Angels ”

Filipe Simões

CEO - SAK Project

“It’s the people that count and Busy Angels have the right people to be on our side to help materialize our great ambition”

Paulo Mateus

CEO - Weduc

“Busy Angels has been a critical partner for Zuvinova. Besides being a major investor, Busy Angels actively participates in Zuvinova’s business development”

Pedro Trinité


Seek to actively contribute to the success of our projects by giving strategic and management support, sharing our network and helping in new fundraising.

Our Investment Strategy and Portfolio

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A clear strategy that we have followed in our investments.

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Investment Stage Seed Stage, typical business angel area

Type of Investment Equity based, minority stakes

Geography Investments in Europe, mainly in Portugal

Target Sectors Balanced portfolio no specific industry. Looking

for different risk profiles.

Projects Pillars Strong technical foundation, scalable solution,

complimentary teams.

In the Busy Angels “Fund” we have 13 promising startups in our portfolio.


3 Investments with Private Capital only

10 Investments with both Private Capital and Public funds

Renewable Energy

Digital Marketing

Tax Optimization Medical Tourism Facilitator

Connect Suppliers with Consumers

Customized Shin Guards

Incubator and Investor

Education Platform

Financial Information

Skin Treatments

Leukemia Treatment

Tourist Audioguides

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Online monitoring of transformers

In the PNV Capital “Fund” we have 6 investments, 2 in co-investment with Busy Angels, which brings our portfolio to a total of 17 unique companies.


3D maps navigation

6 Investments with both Private Capital and Public funds

Marketplace for Solidarity

Financial Information

Medical device for bacteria detection

Incubator and Investor Mobile Check-Out

BA | Corporate Presentation

Busy Angels

Corporate Presentation

2015 Hands-On is the only way