7 Ways to Consistently Produce Amazing Content that your audience will love By Hephzibah Asaolu www.hephzysocial.com

7 ways to consistently produce amazing content that your audience will love

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Page 1: 7 ways to consistently produce amazing content that your audience will love

7 Ways to Consistently Produce Amazing

Content that your audience will love


Hephzibah Asaolu www.hephzysocial.com

Page 2: 7 ways to consistently produce amazing content that your audience will love

Content marketing produces tremendous results for businesses that engages in it.

Kissmetrics got 82% of their total traffic and 70% of their leads from content

marketing. That is not all, those leads generated millions of dollars in revenue for

them each year.

Although, content marketing work for all businesses, a lot of people find it

difficult to create consistently high quality content for their websites. It is not as if

you don't know the benefit you will derive from creating contents on your

websites, it's just that you find it very hard to do.

Most times, it is amazing how the top websites manage to write and post many

contents consistently, even though these websites do not even need much of it

because of their position in SERPS, yet they still do it.

In this article, I am going to provide seven (7) good ways you can follow to

produce high quality content on a consistent basis:

1. Write about what you know

The best way to get your creative juices flowing is simply to write about what you

know or what interests you. It is easy to write from your heart than from your

head. When you know a topic or subject very well, you find out that the words

will just flow out of your heart. However, you will struggle with what you don't

know much about. What I am saying here is that it takes extra effort to write

about what you don't know. The solution to this problem is to hire a good writer

to help you create your contents.

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2. Write about what your target audience wants

One important success factor in content marketing is creating content that your

audience desires. Now, the question is, how do you know what your audience

wants? Go to where your target audience hangs out. Such places

include forums, social media networks, etc. Visit these places and read their

threads, soon enough you will discover their pains and problems. You will create

your contents based on these problems and then provides

solutions to it.

3. Make content creation a priority

Whatever your priority is, will always occupy your time. When you make content

creation your priority, you will always devote enough time to it. Make it a point of

duty to write within the time you create for it. Don't answer emails, tumblr, Rss,

facebook chats etc while you are writing. Open your computer

and write until you are done, then move on to other things.

4. Form writing habit

Habits, they say, die hard. When you form a habit to always write every day, it

becomes part of you. Start by setting a goal to post every day and 30 days a

month. Before you know it, it becomes easy for you to post daily. Apart from that,

when you write daily, it makes you a better writer, which will increase the quality

of your contents.

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5. Mix up your contents

It can be boring to produce one form of content all the time. It will be better for

you to mix up your content whenever it is possible. You can start creating

infographic, podcast or video. This will give your audience a lot of options to

choose from. A research carried out by eMarketer revealed that post with photos

received 87% interaction rate on facebook. You will discover that different types

of content formats work on different platforms.

Therefore, it will do you good to mix up your content formats for effective ROI.

6. Break your content creation into chunks

Sometimes, creating consistent content can be a daunting task. You can reduce

your work by first of all creating a rough note, then an outline and then write it

out. You don't have to finish the whole task within a specified time, you can

schedule it over a period of a day or two. For instance, if you want to write

content on '5 ways to create interactive content' and you only have 2 ways readily

available to you. You can write it out and save it in a file. Later on, you when you

come up with the remaining 3, you can complete your article.

7. Employ the services of a content creator

A research carried out by MarketingProfs and the Content Marketing Institute

revealed that 73% of all b2b organizations have a dedicated personnel in charge

of their content marketing strategy. It is very important for you to deputize

someone to create content with the necessary resources and empower them to

make content decisions on your behalf. This will free up your time to handle other

important matters in the organization. That is why we are here for you at

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hephzysocial. We take off the burden of creating a content strategy, content

writing and marketing from you, so you can have enough time for other things.

There is a need for you to create content on a consistent basis if you want to

succeed in content marketing. You can do this by writing about what you know,

what you audience wants, making content creation a priority and a habit, mixing

up different types of content, breaking up your content creation into small

processes and employing the services of content creator when the need arises. All

these seven points will enable you to achieve extraordinary success in your

content marketing efforts.

I invite you to check out my blog www.hephzysocial.com and read interesting

posts that will help you to skyrocket your business to the next level.



Then you are in the right place.

Here's the deal:

If you need contents to:

* Generate leads to follow up by sales and marketing teams

* Help your sales team close sales more quickly

* Generate interest in your products

* Build and repair public opinion about your brand and products

* Develop friends and fans who interact with your brand socially

* Help customers get the most from your products

Then you are in the right place.


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I'm a big believer that every online marketer must master the art of content

marketing and promotion. But with the increasing amounts of information out

there, how can you find practical techniques that will help you to achieve the

goals highlighted above?

That's where Hephzysocial comes in.

Hephzysocial has grown into one of the most popular content marketing sites on

the web for one simple reason:

Everything I publish is super actionable and designed to help you get more leads,

customers and sales.

You can get in touch with me through my contact page or send a mail to

[email protected].