CONTENT MARKETING Tricks for Your Small Business [Foolproof] 5 A publication of:

5 foolproof content marketing tricks for your small business

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As a small business owner, you might not have a huge marketing budget or the monetary resources to plunge into extensive marketing efforts like billboards and TV advertisements. Therefore, it is essential that you equip yourself with the knowledge to create effective content marketing campaigns, which result in more inbound traffic and create ample awareness and exposure for your offerings. Try this: go to Google and type ‘content marketing’, what do you discover? You are not looking at just some results; you are looking at millions of Google results for content marketing, millions! This makes it extremely clear why marketers (like myself,) around the world are going crazy about content marketing, and why wouldn’t they? Content Marketing is currently one of the most effective and rapidly growing strategies for effective digital marketing. Sure, you might have heard about the importance of content strategy from a tech-savvy friend, or maybe you’ve even seen the term somewhere on your Facebook news feed, but do you truly know what it is or know the IMMENSE POWER that it contains? The more original and optimized content presented, the more chances you have of seamless exposure and awareness. Formulating a content strategy not only helps you boost sales but through carefully thought over steps, you can turn an entire audience (derived from your websites and social media platforms) into leads and/or clients, who will then bring in more clients through referrals. In addition, the nature of your content gives a face and voice to your business. As the marketing environment advances, customers now have more and more buying power. They are looking for companies, services and solutions that make them feel valued through responsive and exciting content! Here are a few ways you can effectively use content to promote growth and development for your small business.

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Tricks for Your Small Business


5A publication of:

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As a small business owner, you might not have a huge marketing budget or the monetary resources to plunge into expensive marketing efforts like billboards and TV advertisements. Therefore, it is essential that you equip yourself with the knowledge to create effective content marketing campaigns, which result in:

1. More Traffic & Leads2. More Conversions & Sales3. More Customer Engagement & Loyalty


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In addition, the nature of your content gives a face and voice to your business.

As the marketing environment advances, customers now have more and more buying power. They are looking for companies, services and solutions that make them feel valued through responsive and exciting content!

Here are 5 Foolproof Content Marketing Tricks for Your Small Business which will teach you how to effectively use content to promote growth and development for your small business.


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1. Solve Pain-Points by Answering Questions

Google Hummingbird will be glad that you did!Here's what I mean...

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Google is King...Hummingbird is Google's new search algorithm they introduced in September of 2013. The entire purpose of this search re-vamp was for precision. Rather than just paying attention to a few keywords in a user search query, it uses the entire search phrase to match content to their search.

… ergo, the better you solve pain points by answering questions, the more likely your content will be matched up with a users search query.

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Google is King...

You can do this by writing what we call,

'how to' content.

You can do this by writing what we call,

'how to' content.

Hummingbird is Google's new search algorithm they introduced in September of 2013. The entire purpose of this search re-vamp was for precision. Rather than just paying attention to a few keywords in a user search query, it uses the entire search phrase to match content to their search.

… ergo, the better you solve pain points by answering questions, the more likely your content will be matched up with a users search query.

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Google is King...

You can do this by writing what we call,

'how to' content.

You can do this by writing what we call,

'how to' content.

… and it's really simple

… and it's really simple

Hummingbird is Google's new search algorithm they introduced in September of 2013. The entire purpose of this search re-vamp was for precision. Rather than just paying attention to a few keywords in a user search query, it uses the entire search phrase to match content to their search.

… ergo, the better you solve pain points by answering questions, the more likely your content will be matched up with a users search query.

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Google is King...

Ooooh! Here’s a new object that just

“appeared” on the right!

Ooooh! Here’s a new object that just

“appeared” on the right!

… And another, on the left!

… And another, on the left!

How-To ContentThis is one of the safest and most convenient content avenues at your disposal

and it can generate insane traffic and quality leads. Your target audience is wide spread on the internet and they are constantly looking for things that can make their lives easier. This explains why the majority of searches start with the words

‘how to’ (and similar phrases.)

How-To ContentThis is one of the safest and most convenient content avenues at your disposal

and it can generate insane traffic and quality leads. Your target audience is wide spread on the internet and they are constantly looking for things that can make their lives easier. This explains why the majority of searches start with the words

‘how to’ (and similar phrases.)

Hummingbird is Google's new search algorithm they introduced in September of 2013. The entire purpose of this search re-vamp was for precision. Rather than just paying attention to a few keywords in a user search query, it uses the entire search phrase to match content to their search.

… ergo, the better you solve pain points by answering questions, the more likely your content will be matched up with a users search query.

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90% of consumers find custom content useful and 78% believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in

building good relationships with them.

Source: TMG Custom Media


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But what do they want to know? The easiest way to figure out what you should base this ‘how to’ content on, is by simply listening to customer requests.

John Lee Dumas of 'Entrepreneur on Fire' has always used email marketing as a way to survey his audience (via auto-responders,) to see what their biggest entrepreneurial and marketing challenges are.

He then takes that information and creates content surrounding those customer pain-points. (Which explains why Entrepreneur on Fire generates over $200K a month from their content.)

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But what do they want to know? You can also look around on social media platforms and Google Trends to have a better idea what the content should be about.

Either way, providing relevant answers, guidance and solutions via ‘how to’ content is one of the easiest ways to grow your small business with content.

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2. Write Content With Purpose

Not purpose just for you, but also your customer. Here's what I mean...

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You're writing for a reason...

Many times, business owners become so immersed in creating content, that they forget why they started writing on a topic in the first place.

You need make sure you are focusing on the quality and purpose of content, over the quantity of content.

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Your Content Serves 2 Purposes

To provide ROTI (return on time invested,) for your user. The content that you create needs to literally be worth the customers time invested while they are engaging with your brand. This could mean providing information for them or even solving a pain point.

To provide quality traffic and lead generation for your small business.



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Your Content Serves 2 Purposes

To provide ROTI (return on time invested,) for your user. The content that you create needs to literally be worth the customers time invested while they are engaging with your brand. This could mean providing information for them or even solving a pain point.

To provide quality traffic and lead generation for your small business.



And yes, in that specific order. It is your job to produce content

that first serves your user.

And yes, in that specific order. It is your job to produce content

that first serves your user.

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While you don’t need to bombard your customers with cheesy sales pitches, you do need to remind them politely by the end the content piece that there is something they need to do. That could mean:

Buying a product, or checking out a new one.

Downloading Something

Filling out a Form or Signing Up for Something

Subscribing to Your Newsletter

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Ask for the subscribeAt the end of the day, the purpose of your content all depends on what you had in mind when you started creating the content.

Whatever you plan to ask your readers to do, make sure you have a call to action that is concise and attractive and doesn’t end up pushing the customers away. Contrary to popular belief, it isn’t always effective to blatantly pitch sales, so craft your call to actions creatively.

If you don't know what you should call your reader to do, at the very least, ask them to join your mailing list. That way, when you do have something of value to provide, you have their information at hand.

When in doubt...

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3. Syndicate Content on Social Media

Not just once...but over and over and over again.Here's why...

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It's like it doesn't exist!There is a difference between simply being active on social media, and strategically syndicating your content.

The first increases interaction and engagement, while that latter increases your leveraging power to generate leads.

The guys over at Fizzle suggest that your content marketing efforts should be split into 20% creation and 80% promotion.

Promote your content!!

If no one sees it...

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It's like it doesn't exist!There is a difference between simply being active on social media, and strategically syndicating your content.

The first increases interaction and engagement, while that latter increases your leveraging power to generate leads.

The guys over at Fizzle suggest that your content marketing efforts should be split into 20% creation and 80% promotion.

Promote your content!!

If no one sees it...

I use




I use




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On Facebook, only 10-15% of your fans see your content when it is posted. On Twitter (and everywhere else,) it is less than 20%

Source: Jon Loomer Digital & Twitter Co.


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Now, don't go crazy!!

When I say to post your content over and over and over, I am talking strategically.

When I release an article, it goes into a syndication pattern where I post it 3 times a week for the first month (all with different post copy,) and then 1 time per week for the next few months.

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Now, don't go crazy!!

When I say to post your content over and over and over, I am talking strategically.

When I release an article, it goes into a syndication pattern where I post it 3 times a week for the first month (all with different post copy,) and then 1 time per week for the next few months.

I only do this for 'timeless' content. The type of content that can be read now, and then again in a few years, and it would still appear relevant and valuable to the reader. If you write about current news, your syndication

will look different.

I only do this for 'timeless' content. The type of content that can be read now, and then again in a few years, and it would still appear relevant and valuable to the reader. If you write about current news, your syndication

will look different.

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4. Use More Visual Content & Media

Sorta like this Presentation you are currently viewingHere's why...

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Is PowerfulIt is pretty simple. People share pretty stuff.

Photos, videos, and especially info-graphics/presentations areeffective and important ways to push content on your website and social media pages, while maximizing your viral marketing efforts.

You can post visual content of anything from a product/service you might be offering, to new industry data/trends that you want to show before any of your competition does. When using info graphics, be sure that they are vertical graphics. Neil Patels data shows that vertical infographics are shared almost 30% more on twitter and embedded on other sites over 40% more.


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Is PowerfulIt is pretty simple. People share pretty stuff.

Photos, videos, and especially info-graphics/presentations areeffective and important ways to push content on your website and social media pages, while maximizing your viral marketing efforts.

You can post visual content of anything from a product/service you might be offering, to new industry data/trends that you want to show before any of your competition does. When using info graphics, be sure that they are vertical graphics. Neil Patel's data shows that vertical info graphics are shared almost 30% more on twitter and embedded on other sites over 40% more.


In just over 2 years, info graphic searches have increased over


In just over 2 years, info graphic searches have increased over


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5. Engage Your Readers On a Consistent Basis

...if you want a continually growing readership base that is. Here's what I mean...

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“I will make a 47% larger purchase if you nurture me...”

“I will make a 47% larger purchase if you nurture me...” - Potential customer


Annuitas Group

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oh...hey there potential customer

What is the point of providing valuable content if you don’t continually engage those individuals reading it?

By engaging with your readers, you can let them know what your business has been up to lately, things to look forward to, deals and offerings, etc.

But be careful; if your customers only hear from you when you want something from them, you are gradually going to push them away.

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You have 2 good options to accomplish this

Engage &Nurture!

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You have 2 good options to accomplish this

Engage in Email - Send consistent, concise, and well-structured newsletter broadcasts and make sure you put in relevant content links to some recent articles that just might guide their buying characteristics. It may take a customer months of reading your content before finally converting.

But the point is that they are nurtured throughout the process. Your sales funnel is in place for a reason, and you have to accept that some people will be in the top of it for a while.


Engage &Nurture!

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You have 2 good options to accomplish this

Engage in Email - Send consistent, concise, and well-structured newsletter broadcasts and make sure you put in relevant content links to some recent articles that just might guide their buying characteristics. It may take a customer months of reading your content before finally converting.

But the point is that they are nurtured throughout the process. Your sales funnel is in place for a reason, and you have to accept that some people will be in the top of it for a while.

Engage on Social Media – They key here is to not be mundane. A lot of people think that just liking, re-tweeting, or favorite'ing is enough. It isn't – talk to them, use their name, research their bios...engage with your customer not their social profile.



Engage &Nurture!

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Consistency is the key to effectively utilizing content for your small business - you need to find something that your customers love viewing and you are able to provide effectively. Building an engaged and active community of readers and viewers takes time but the reward is priceless and will send your CLV through the roof!

Remember, great content means:

1. More Traffic & Leads2. More Conversions & Sales3. More Customer Engagement & Loyalty


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BY Derek Palizay.


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So you have a great business and want to drive more leads with content marketing?

can help with that.

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[email protected]

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