Business Wisdom Nuggets from 1 1 Walt Disney

11 Business Nuggets from Walt Disney

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11 incredible time-tested business principles of Walt Disney and how his values made him a phenomenal success.

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Page 1: 11 Business Nuggets from Walt Disney

Business Wisdom Nuggets from

11Walt Disney

Page 2: 11 Business Nuggets from Walt Disney

Walt Disney is one of the greatest people of the 20th Century. His influence on entertainment endures to this day. Walt had many innovations, but one stands out above all the rest – his amusement parks. Disney amusement parks are the highest rated parks in the world. In fact, they rank in the first 8 of the top 10, in terms of attendance. Why is this?

The reason is due to Walt’s timeless principles that are woven throughout the business.

Here are 11 business wisdom nuggets from Walt Disney.

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Walt Disney had an amazing eye for details. He constantly worked with his product until it was top notch and criticism was absent. The Disney Parks are filled with incredible detail.The details matter for your business. You must constantly look at every area and make adjustments until it is right. People notice the details, even the ones that you might think are insignificant.

“No detail is too insignificant.”

Wisdom Nugget #1: The Details Matter

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Just because your idea or plan is rejected doesn’t mean that is the end. Setbacks are merely a time to rethink and refocus on your business and values. Find what matters and continue to push forward.

“Mickey Mouse popped out of my mind onto a drawing pad 20 years ago on a train ride from Manhattan to Hollywood at a time when business fortunes of my brother Roy and myself were

at lowest ebb and disaster seemed right around the corner.”Learn more about this incredible event at The worst trip of Walt’s Life.

Wisdom Nugget #2: Never give up!

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Just because you suffer a setback doesn’t mean that is the end. Setbacks are merely a time to rethink and refocus on your business and values. Find what matters and continue to push forward.

“You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.”

Wisdom Nugget #3: Setbacks can be good!

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Work can be extremely rewarding and it is easy to give it top priority. Don’t! Family must always come first. It’s possible to have a healthy balance of both, but you have to choose it. In fact, staying in close contact with your family members is a great way to put into practice the action of caring for others and those who need you. These values will also show up in your business activities and customers will notice.

“A man should never neglect his family for business.”

Wisdom Nugget #4: Stay Balanced!

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Optimism is a must to grow your business. However, it must always be tempered with a constant assessment of reality. Accept your situation or the facts for what they are, and assess how they affect your current scenario. Then use that information to create a future that matches your dreams and vision.

“I always like to look on the optimistic side of life, but I am realistic enough to know that life is a complex matter.”

Wisdom Nugget #5: Be realistic!

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Confidence is critical to achieving your goals. You must have deep conviction that you can do it. Confidence must become a part of your soul and emanate from you in some way. You employees must see a confident leader. They will work more diligently when they do.

“When you believe a thing, believe it all the way, implicitly and unquestionably.”

Wisdom Nugget #6: Confidence is Key!

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Competition is a part of every business. Competition forces you to step up your game and be constantly on your toes. However, it can do even more. Proper assessment of the competition can expose a niche for you and your business to grow within. Identify that niche and go after with intense ferocity. Eventually, you will be the one your competition is fearing.

“I have been up against tough competition all my life. I wouldn't know how to get along without it.”

Wisdom Nugget #7: Embrace Competition!

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Of the top 10 theme parks in the world by attendance, the Walt Disney theme parks have the top 8 spots! How did they attain this? Walt Disney never settled for 2nd best.

You must not settle for just being okay. Constantly work to make your product or service the absolute best it can be. Set your goal on being #1 and never stop working towards it.

“I can never stand still. I must explore and experiment. I am never satisfied with my work.”

Wisdom Nugget #8: Strive for Excellence!

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If you really take time to see what is most valuable in your business, you will quickly realize that nothing happens with out people. Your employees are the most important asset you have. You need to constantly invest in them to make them better. In the end, they will be very loyal to you for helping them grow.

“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it takes people to make the dream a reality.”

Wisdom Nugget #9: Recognize the Importance of People

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Even though you may have achieved some level of success, competition is not far away. They are ready to storm your castle. Keep working on making your business better. Never stop improving. Periodically analyze every aspect of your business to see how you can provide more value for your customers.

“Whenever I go on a ride (at Disneyland), I’m always thinking of what’s wrong with the thing and how it can be improved. That is how I

generate some of my best ideas.”See Disneyland Opening Day Disaster

Wisdom Nugget #10: Keep Improving

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Walt Disney was always experimenting with new animation technology. He was always interested in how to make his product better. As a business owner, you need to constantly be exploring the next big thing. You cannot be complacent. Keep your eye open for new ideas, procedures and trends that can give your business an edge.

“We keep moving forward opening new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”

Wisdom Nugget #11: Be Curious

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I hope you enjoyed the Slide Show

Scott Postma

[email protected]


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