Wegus InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. Inspiring Business Performance What is the best way to promote any business? Answered by, Ugrasen Singh Chief Finance Officer Wegus InfoTech Pvt. Ltd.

What is the best way to promote any business

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Wegus InfoTech Pvt. Ltd. Inspiring Business Performance

What is the best way to promote any business?

Answered by,Ugrasen Singh

Chief Finance Officer

Wegus InfoTech Pvt. Ltd.

Page 2: What is the best way to promote any business

Here are Eight ways to promote your business online that won't cost you a dime

Use the three big local listing services

Registering your business with Google Places allows it to be found more easily on Google searches and it shows up on Google Maps. All you have to do is fill out the form and register, then get your business verified through their confirmation process, which can be done either with a phone call or snail mail. Yahoo! also has a big database of businesses called Yahoo! Local. It's free, and is certainly worth the few minutes it takes to set up. Microsoft's Bing has a similar service that's easy to sign up for.

Embrace social media

Social media isn't just a tool to gain exposure—it has now become a necessary time investment for every business to make. You can tie in ads and offers on your Facebook page and have a direct channel with your customers on Twitter. Networking on LinkedIn—both at the personal and company level—can be another way to help your startup.

Start a blog

A blog not only helps your company get its name out through followers, but is a way to connect with your consumers more directly. But remember that one of the major keys of blogging is to keep your stream updated as frequently as you can. A dormant, abandoned blog is worth nothing.

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Put up multimedia on YouTube and Flickr

YouTube provides a free way to distribute creative promotional videos, but in order to succeed you must put up content that people want to view and are relevant to your business—a simple ad will not work. A Flickr profile can also help by giving you one place to compile all the photos for your business, and allows you to link back to your website.

SEO your company websiteSearch engine optimization cannot be underestimated in the world of constant Goggling. Pick up a book or head over to an online how-to-guide on SEO and make sure your site is primed for performance on search engines.

Press releases

Every time your business does something newsworthy, don't hesitate to shoot off a press release—maybe folks will pick up on it. They're a powerful media tool to use to help generate publicity, and having free distribution of them is a bonus. There are dozens of websites out there that you can use for your press releases, such as PR Log and 24/7 Press Release.

Join a relevant online community and contribute

Every niche has communities online that you can get involved in. But just signing up for a forum and posting every once in a while about your business isn't beneficial for anyone, and will likely just annoy people. Actively contribute and build a rapport with the community, while keeping your business out of it. Passively promote your business by putting a link in your signature or mentioning it only when the context is appropriate.

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BULK SMS Marketing

DefinitionBulk Messaging is the transmission of large numbers of SMS messages for delivery to mobile phone terminals. It is used by media companies, enterprises, banks (for marketing and fraud control) and consumer brands for a variety of purposes including entertainment, enterprise and mobile marketing.

Advantages of Bulk SMS Marketing Instant Deliverability

SMS is lightning fast, literally putting your message into your subscribers’ pockets or purses seconds after you send. The average time for all mobile carriers and SMS services is less than 7 seconds from send to received.

Flexible Platform

Either send a handful of messages to a targeted group or send thousands of SMS messages to your entire list. A great SMS marketing service makes it easy to customize your text message campaigns to the needs of your SMS subscribers.

Instant Opt-In and Opt-Out

With the advent of short codes, opting in and opting out of your SMS stream is, like everything else associated with SMS - instant. Unlike other opt-in or opt-out options, there is only one step, and besides entering a mobile number, there is rarely any personal information required up front.

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High Open Rate

Compared to email marketing, SMS has a staggeringly high open rate. Essentially, almost every SMS sent is opened (and read), whereas only a fraction of emails sent are read. When a subscriber feels that buzz in their pocket or hears that trill signaling a text message, they always look.

High Conversion Rate

With SMS, there is an incredibly high rate of subscriber action. Whatever your SMS is – promotions or contests – there is more action taken compared to any other marketing or promotion strategies.


Unlike email, SMS doesn’t have to battle against spam or other email filters. If anything, SMS is more of a direct connection to your customer base than any other marketing strategy, and there aren’t any barriers.

Short Messages

Though this is a challenge for some businesses, the 160-character length of SMS is a boon for marketing. It forces you to be clear and concise. Instead of having your subscribers slog through content that isn’t always relevant, SMS gets to the point immediately without anything that is unnecessary. To make this even easier, Simply Cast offers short codes for easy two-way communication.

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 Cool Factor

A large demographic of consumers have abandoned the email and have turned to text messages. Show your client list that you are keeping up with the technology by sending targeted promotions via text. It will give your company a head start in winning the battle for the next generation of shoppers. This can be a great strategy for smaller businesses who are looking to create a buzz locally.

Limitless Market Potential

Do you even know how many mobile phones are out there? An absolutely ridiculous amount. And since mobile phones and text messaging especially, are the way that people communicate now, there isn’t any reason why you can’t tap into this virtually limitless market potential. Mobile phone users represent all demographics – a marketing gold mine!


Green is in! Though most online marketing strategies are naturally green, it is incredibly important to reiterate. Green is not only great for the environment but for the bottom line.

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