Content Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce Website

Content Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce Website

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Content Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce


Page 2: Content Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce Website

“No one said that content marketing will be an easy task. Creating an article, presentation or infographic and then marketing the same are not easy things. You have to go an extra mile if you really want to get sales with the aid of content marketing.”

Page 3: Content Marketing Strategy for Ecommerce Website

Write interesting content

If you are writing boring content then it won’t get shares and likes. Write content which provides valuable information and readers will love to go through it. You can use the tools like Buzzsumo and Topsy to explore content ideas.

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Promote it

Use popular services like Buffer to add your article instantly to all your social media account at one time then set up a schedule and share accordingly. It will not only save your time but also help you in sharing the content timely on popular social media platforms.

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Promote it to the influencers

Reach out to industry influencers and tell them how your infographic or article can add value to their blogs. Although this method is really time consuming and I won’t suggest you to automate the process but end results are outstanding. Your article on popular blogs will get endless social media love and shares.

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Paid Promotion

Use this tactic if you want to get the snowball moving. Selection of network depends on the product or service. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Outbrain are some of the popular services in this category.

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Don’t forget to collect emails

Now is the time to collect emails of your visitors. A pop-up can do the wonders. Collect emails, create user groups and then send them blog updates periodically.