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5 Car Engine Detailing Tips

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5 Car Engine Detailing Tips

Engine is definitely the most important part of your car because it powers your car and obeys your order

whenever you ask it to run. Apart from the interior and exterior, car engine is the part that you should

take care off. People often ignore or forget to clean or conduct maintenance work on their car’s engine

until they encounter any problem with it, because unlike other parts car’s engine always sets inside.

However, many people do not like to wait for a problem they rather prefer to keep their engine fit

through car detailing service in Calgary. Here are five engine-detailing tips that can help you in taking

care of your car’s engine.

Always Work With Cool Engine

Before going for the engine detailing work, make sure that the engine is cool enough, because if you

throw cold water on hot engine surface it can cause huge damage. You can choose the morning time if

your car has got long time rest in the night. Professional detailers from car detailing service providers in

Calgary NW often suggest warming the engine, so that it loses build-up. However, make sure it is slightly

warm before spraying water on it.

Seal Open Filters, Alternator and Engine’s Air Intake

Before going further in the process make sure that all the areas from where water or degreaser can pool

inside are sealed. You can cover up all the air filters with bags, but never forget to remove them before

you start the engine.

However, if you think that the engine of your car is water-friendly and there is no need to cover up any

hole, then you should look at electrical wires and connections and protect them from water splashes

while detailing the engine.

Apply Suitable Degreaser with Water

You can apply intense degreaser on greasy engine bays. However, the painted surface of the engine can

be a place to apply degreaser, but it may wipe out the wax. Before going to other areas, de-grease the

fluid containers and hoses, because those areas receive extra dirt.

Clean the firewall and get down as far as you can in the area. After degreasing all the important area,

now you have to rinse with nominal water pressure, which is recommended by car detailing services in

Calgary service.

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Use Wash Mitt Designed for Engine Detailing

The next thing you will have to do is to take a wash mitt made for engine detailing and apply it after you

have rinsed the engine with water because there are some areas where you could not reach by hand.

However, wash mitt will be an effective tool in such cases. While purchasing wash mitt, be sure that it is

at least 18 inches long and covered with soft, nylon Nylex bristles.

Make the Engine Dry Before Proceeding for Wax

If possible, apply a hot air blower in every wet area to make the engine dry before going for the waxing

process, because you cannot wipe out water from every place by the hand. Waxing the paint can be a

good option to protect the surface, but quality paint sealant can be a better option and recommended

by many experts of car detailing services in Calgary since it lasts long even in hot conditions.

You should not wait for check up call from your car’s engine because occasional maintenance like engine

detailing can keep the engine more shiny and active for a long period of time.


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