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WWP4 The Stolen Wand

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e Stolen Wand

ere was a land far far away called BooGaBooGa, there was something special about this land, a land full of magical creatures and magic! Now let’s get started.

Everything was perfect in BooGaBooGa, except for one thing, or should we all say onae person. is isn’t a normal person, this person is a horrible, nasty, mean, ugly witch. She would kill anything that was in her way, she even poisoned the king and queen of BooGaBooGa. But she always hides in her dark and scary castle, no one wanted to go there. All they wanted to do was to kill her or destroy her. e bad witch is called Gruella. She has horrible green skin, she wears a sharp black dress all the time and never lets go of her broom. Her biggest wish was to destroy her sister, the good witch, who was caring, helpful, beautiful and everything you would like. She is called Diana the good witch. Gruella wanted to destroy Diana by stealing her wand and destroying it, which was the only thing that could kill Diana, because all of her power was in it. Nobody knew what Gruella’s weakness was, but they are pleading to "nd out.

News spread all over BooGaBooGa about Gruella’s plan. When the news got to Diana, she wasn’t surprised because, she already knew that it would happen one day. So she had to keep her wand away from her sister. Everyday Gruella would have her pets go around BooGaBooGa trying to steal Diana’s wand. A few weeks later, Diana was walking around the woods, then she found two mortal girls wandering in the woods. Diana walked over to them and asked, “Who are you two and why are you both wandering around a dangerous place?”

“My name is Becky and this is Lauren, and we’re wandering around this place because we thought there was something strange about this place.”

Becky has blonde wavy hair and beautiful blue eyes. Lauren also has blonde wavy hair and blue eyes and they both looked exactly the same, so they were probably twins. Becky and Lauren looked like they were around 12 years old.

Diana asked, “Where are your parents?”

“Our parents died a long time ago, neither of us know what happened to them. So we were both adopted.”

Eugenie ! May 7th 2013

Page 2: WWP4 The Stolen Wand

“What are your parents names?” asked Diana

“eir names are Fredrick and Eleanor McBooGa.”

Diana gasped, those were the names of the queen and king of BooGaBooGa. And they died exactly 12 years ago, and the twins were both 12. Could these twins be the king and queens daughters. Diana knew how to "nd out if they were or not. Diana took out her wand and thought about her happiest thoughts, then her wand spoke in her mind “ese two girls are the daughters of the queen and king of BooGaBooGa, they are both very powerful.”

Diana was so surprised she almost fainted. en a creature which was probably Gruella’s slaves snatched her wand out of her hand. Diana was so sad that she wept for around "ve minutes. Becky and Lauren asked, “What just happened?”

Diana sobbed “at was the evil witch’s slaves and they just stole my wand and she is going to try to destroy it, which will kill me because she wants to take over the world.”

Becky said “We must stop her.”

Diana and the twins #ew to Gruella’s castle. When they "nally arrived, they saw Gruella holding the wand. “STOP Gruella!” screamed Diana. Gruella cackled. When she saw Becky and Lauren, she asked “Who are these two darlings?”

“ey are the twins of the queen and king you killed.”

“WHAT! IMPOSSIBLE! ey did not have any children.”

“Yes they did but they didn’t want anyone to knew because they know that you would do anything to destroy them!” yelled Diana.

“True,” Gruella agreed.

“Hold on a second, what is going on?” asked the twins.

Eugenie ! May 7th 2013

Page 3: WWP4 The Stolen Wand

“Your parents are actually the queen and king of BooGaBooGa, which is here.” replied Diana softly.

“en where are they?”Diana had a tear trickle down her cheek and said “is horrible witch killed them.”

“WHAT! All these years we both thought that they died in a car crash. And all this time we were lonely and upset and it was just because Gruella killed her. Ohhhh, REVENGE!” screamed Lauren.

Lauren grabbed the bucket next to her which was full of water and threw the whole thing on Gruella’s head. en Gruella started to melt. After a few seconds she was dead.

Lauren had found Gruella’s weak point, it was water. Everyone in BooGaBooGa was celebrating and they made Lauren and Becky queen, just like their mother. And they all lived happily ever after.


Eugenie ! May 7th 2013