Nick Ransom and Brianna Smith NC State University WGS/STS 210 Women and Gender in Science and Technology WHITE RIBBON CAMPAIGN AND DASH stop dating violence and abuse

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White Ribbon Campaign

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  • 1.Nick Ransom and Brianna Smith NC State University WGS/STS 210 Women and Gender in Science and Technology WHITE RIBBON CAMPAIGN AND DASH stop dating violence and abuse

2. WHO ARE WE? WHITE RIBBON CAMPAIGN 3. CALLING MEN AND BOYS The White Ribbon Campaign works towards inspiring men of all ages to embrace change. Men can make a difference regarding violence, harassment and sexual assault. Their vision is for a masculinity that embodies the best qualities of being human. They believe that men are part of the solution and part of a future that is safe and equitable for all people. 4. Education White Ribbon positively teaches men and boys by offering educational programming that challenges patriarchal language and behaviors that lead to violence against women. 5. Violent relationships in adolescence can have serious ramifications for victims: Many will continue to be abused in their adult relationships and are at a higher risk for substance abuse, eating disorders, risky sexual behavior, and suicide. THE FUTURE 6. THINGS MEN CAN DO TO TAKE A STAND AGAINST SEXUAL ASSAULT AND HARASSMENT SIX 7. This issue is real. Believe survivors experiences. Your support will make a difference. Tell them its not your fault No one asks for or deserves to be sexually assaulted or harassed. BELIEVE its not your fault 8. Dont walk on by if you witness harassment or an assault on the street or anywhere: assess the risk, then intervene and confront or defuse the situation TRUST YOUR GUT Call 911. 9. Ask if you can help people who have experienced violence and connect them to support services. Help the organizations that support survivors of violence. OFFER SUPPORT 10. Lead by example. Question your own attitudes and behaviors and how they may disrespect or harm women. Sexist language and street harassment all contribute to a IT STARTS WITH YOU culture of violence. 11. Talk to your family, friends and co- workers about the roles they can play in ending violence against women. Challenge men and young men in your life to make a difference! BE A ROLE MODEL 12. The White Ribbon campaign offers the resources you need to get involved and make a difference. LEARN MORE GET INVOLVED! 13. MYTHS There are many misconceptions often used by individuals to justify the domestic abuse. Many do not want to believe they are in an abusive relationship or are abusing their partners and use the following statements to rationalize the abusive behavior from their partners or themselves: 14. Domestic violence is rare. Domestic violence is not a problem in my community. Domestic violence only happens to poor women. Domestic violence only happens to women of color. Some people deserve to be hit. Domestic violence is a personal problem between families. If it were that bad, they would just leave. Alcohol and drug abuse cause domestic violence. Domestic violence is only a one time, isolate incident. Domestic violence only happens between husband and wife. Domestic violence is not a crime. 15. DATING ABUSE STOPS HERE DASH 16. MISSION STATEMENT We strive to: Raise awareness in our community of the magnitude, proliferation and dangers of teen dating abuse; Educate and encourage teens to engage in healthy relationship behavior; Help teens, and parents, to recognize and act upon warning signs; Provide resources to identify places of help for teens in distress, or in potentially dangerous dating situations. 17. WHAT IS DATING ABUSE? Dating abuse is a pattern of controlling behavior that someone uses against a girlfriend or a boyfriend. At the heart of dating abuse is and .POWER CONTROL 18. VIOLENCE WHEEL OF POWER AND CONTROL 19. Girls are more likely to yell, threaten to hurt themselves, pinch, slap, scratch, or kick; Boys injure girls more severely and frequently; Some teen victims experience violence occasionally; Others are abused more often...sometimes daily. Prevalence Teen dating violence runs across race, gender, and socioeconomic lines. Both males and females are victims. 20. GUESS THE STATS - 1 1. A comparison of Intimate Partner Violence rates between teens and adults reveals that ________are at higher risk of intimate partner abuse. TEENS 21. LET YOUR HEART RULE 22. GUESS THE STATS - 2 2._______of female and _________of male high school students endorse some form of sexual coercion, including unwanted kissing, hugging, genital contact, and sexual intercourse. 77% 67% 23. GUESS THE STATS - 3 3. Teen dating abuse most often takes place in the _________of one of the partners. HOME 24. GUESS THE STATS - 4 4. About ___________teens report verbal, physical, emotional or sexual abuse each year 1 IN 4 25. GUESS THE STATS - 5 5. Only ___________ of teens who have been in or known about an abusive dating relationship report having told anyone about it. 33% 26. GUESS THE STATS - 6 6. ______ of parents surveyed either believe teen dating violence is not an issue or admit they dont know if its an issue. 81% 27. DATING VIOLENCE CAN TAKE PLACE IN PERSON OR ELECTRONICALLY, SUCH AS REPEATED TEXTING OR POSTING SEXUAL PICTURES OF A PARTNER ONLINE. UNDERSTANDING DATING VIOLENCE 28. Hitting Slapping Punching Shoving Pinching Kicking Pulling hair Throwing objects Choking Using a weapon PHYSICAL 29. Ignoring the partners feelings Intimidation and isolation Displaying inappropriate anger Damaging personal property Preventing the partner from leaving Humiliating a partner in public or private Excessive or abusive online contact Sharing private information online PSYCHOLOGICAL / EMOTIONAL 30. Unwanted touching, kissing, or other sexual activity Making unwanted sexual comments Posting the partners private sexual photos online Not allowing the partner to use birth control SEXUAL 31. Name calling Putdowns of the person or their family and friends Yelling or shouting Insulting the partners beliefs and values Using sexually derogatory names Threatening the person or their family and friends VERBAL 32. Stealing your money Using your ATM or credit card without your consent Deliberately breaking or damaging your possessions Not letting you go to work Stress leads to job loss FINANCIAL 33. Extreme jealousy Controlling behavior Quick sexual involvement Unpredictable mood wings Alcohol or drug use Explosive anger Isolating a partner from friends and family Using force during an argument Showing hypersensitivity Believes in rigid gender roles Blames others for his or her problems or feelings Cruel to animals or children Verbally abusive Abused former partners Threatens violence WARNING SIGNS 34. DATING ABUSE PSA 35. WHITE RIBBON DASH PROJECT Washington DC July 19, 2014 36. Nick Ransom with Wendy Claunch (Vice President of DASH) Wendy Claunch is the content manager and technical writer for DASH. 37. The combined DASH and WHITE RIBBON display Materials for our exhibit were provided by DASH. These items included a green throw for the table, a banner, about 200 bracelets that were inscribed with dating abuse stops here, 150 brochures and 100 flyers. In addition to these materials, we made about 100 white ribbons, and the trifold display board. 38. PEOPLE AT THE BOOTH ASKING QUESTIONS 39. PHOTOS FROM THE EVENT 40. SIGNATURES RECEIVED 41. QUESTION 1. Did you know that one in four people will be the victim of abuse? 42. QUESTION 2 Do you know anyone who has been the victim of abuse? 43. REFLECTIONS ON THE DAY My favorite male interview: "I think dating abuse is a system of patterns and behaviors that occur between a man and his spouse or whoever he or she is in a relationship with. This can be anything from sexual abuse to verbal abuse. I guess that would also include emotional and physical abuse too then." "I really like all the information that you have listed on your fliers and poster! But yeah, I always had a vague idea of what the warning signs were but never really knew for sure. I just figured I'd know it when I see it. It's like common sense. I didn't know that people in these kinds of relationships should create a safety plan for getting out. I guess you can never be to careful when it comes to protecting yourself" - Josh from Montgomery County Maryland (White male. He took one of everything) Favorite female interview: "WOW! Just WOW! I'm so happy all of yall are doing this! This makes my day so much better. Seeing young people, especially young men coming out here to educate the public." "Dating abuse to me is when a male tries to harm the female he is in a relationship with emotionally, mentally or physically. Sometimes I guess it could be the other way around too... But I don't think it's that common" "I didn't know people will try to limit your social circle. I mean I guess my boyfriend could want me to himself all the time. But hopefully he would never keep me from going out and getting some me time with my friends. That's eye opening." -Tahlya from Huston Texas (African American female. She took one of everything and a few extra for her friends) 44. WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED We have learned through this process that no one is immune to violence. We have learned that abuse strikes men, women, and children of all nationalities, ages, educational levels, and income levels. We have learned that even those that have a strong support system fall victim to abuse. We have learned that the abused is most often silent enabling the abuse to escalate. We have learned that there are warning signs that we need to be aware of so that we can help others in need. We have learned that we need to stop others from abusing by talking, educating, mentoring, and campaigning against abuse. 45. KEY POINTS TO REMEMBER ANYONEcan be a victim of dating violence. Victims (and abusers) come from all age groups, races, classes and backgrounds. ABUSEgets worse over time. It may begin with verbal abuse and escalate to physical or sexual assault or other violence. YOUcannot change the abuser. For any change to take place, the abuser must take responsibility for his/her behavior. 46. WHERE TO GO FOR HELP National TEEN Dating Abuse Helpline: 1-866-331-9474 TTY: 1-866-331-8453 National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) 47. Nickolas Ransom and Brianna Smith THANK YOU 48. WORKS CITED American Bar Association. (2009, February 22). Teen Dating Violence Facts. Retrieved July 20, 2014, from National Teen Dating Violence Prevention Initiative: http://www.clotheslineproject.org/teendatingviolencefacts.pdf Break The Cycle . (2014, March 8). College Dating Violence and Abuse Poll 2011. Retrieved July 21, 2014, from Break the Cycle: https://www.breakthecycle.org/college-dating-violence-and-abuse-poll Break the Cycle . (2014, July 26). Dating Violence 101. Retrieved July 26, 2014, from breakthecycle.org: http://www.breakthecycle.org/what- is-dating-violence Break the Cycle. (2011, February 9). Let Your Heart Rule. Washington , DC, United States of America. Decker M, Silverman J, Raj A.( 2005). Dating Violence and Sexually Transmitted Disease/HIV Testing and DiagnosisAmong Adolescent Females. Pediatrics. 116: 272-276 Do Something.org. (2014, July 22). 11 Facts About Domestic and Dating Violence . Retrieved July 22, 2014, from DoSomething.org: https://www.dosomething.org/facts/11-facts-about-domestic-and-dating-violence Fiore, B. Stop the Violence. Stop the Violence . Photobucket, New York. Foshee, V. A., & McNaughton Reyes, H. L. (2012). Dating Abuse: Prevalence, COnsequences, and Predictors. . Encyclopedia of Adolescence, 602-615. Foshee, V., Benefield, T., Suchindran , C., Ennett, S. T., Bauman, K. E., Karriker-Jaffe, K. J., et al. (2009). The Development of Four Types of Adolescent Dating Abuse and Selected Demographic Correlates. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 380-400. Heather A, S., Byers, E. S., Whelen, J. J., & Saint Pierre, M. (2006). "If It Hurts You, Then It Is Not A Joke": Adolescents' Ideas ABout Girls' and Boys' Use and Experience of Abusive Behavior in Dating Relationships. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 1191-1207. 49. Jezl, D., Molidor, C. E., & Wright, T. L. (1996). Physical, Sexual, and Psychological Abuse in High School Dating Relationships: Prevalence Rates and Self-Esteem Issues. Child & Adolescent Social Work Journal, 69-87. Jones, C. (2014, July 23). Consent: The Conversation That We Still Need To Urgently Have On Campuses. Retrieved July 23, 2014, from White Ribbon: http://www.whiteribbon.ca/news/consent-the-conversation-that-we-still-need-to-urgently- have-on-campuses/ National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. (2014, February 26). Understanding Teen Dating Violence. Retrieved July 21, 2014, from National Center for Injury Prevention and Control: http://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/pdf/teen- dating-violence-2014-a.pdf New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault. (2013, November 26). Factsheets: Teen Dating Violence. Retrieved July 20, 2014, from The New York City Against Sexual SAssault: http://www.svfreenyc.org/survivors_factsheet_48.html Safe and Respectful Relationships for All. (2007, December 20). Pictures PSA. Wilmington, Delaware, United States of America. Smith, P. H., White , J. W., & Holland, L. J. (2003). A Longitudinal Perspective on Dating Violence Among Adolescent and College-Age Women. American Journal of Public Health, 1104-1109. Sanchez, M. (2010). Contributing Facotrs to Teen Dating Violence. Chicago: Illinois Center for Violence Prevention. Teenage Research Unlimited. (2013, October 8). Dating Abuse Statistics. Retrieved July 21, 2014, from Love Is Respect.org: http://www.loveisrespect.org/pdf/Dating_Abuse_Statistics.pdf Veto Violence.org. (2014, July 26). Break the Cycle: Empowering Youth to End Domestic Violence. Retrieved July 26, 2014, from breakthecycle.org: http://www.breakthecycle.org/ What Can You Do. (2014, July 26). Retrieved July 26, 2014, from White Ribbon: http://www.whiteribbon.ca/what-you-can-do/ Wurx, K. (2013, October 6). Dating Abuse Tragedy - Siobhan Russell inspires DASH. Chantilly, VA, United States of America.