englishforeveryone.org Name________________ Date________________ Using Irregular Verbs that Stay the Same Some irregular verbs stay the same in the base form, simple past, and past participle. These irregular verbs act like regular verbs in the progressive aspect and for (he, she, it) subjects in the present tense. Example: base form (to cut) = Cut The irregular verb (to cut) stays the same in the simple aspect of the past tense: [Any Subject] cut the paper yesterday. (simple aspect of the past tense) The irregular verb (to cut) stays the same in the past participle form: [Any Subject] [has/have] cut the paper already. (perfect aspect of the present tense ) [Any Subject] [had] cut the paper before we arrived. (perfect aspect of the past tense ) The paper [is/was/will be/is going to be] cut . (past participle in all tenses) Directions: Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences. Cross out any verb forms that do not exist. Some verbs are regular, some are irregular. Example: He (quit, quits, quitted ) his job last week. 1) She always (put, puts, putted) lots of cream in her coffee. 2) He (hit, hits, hitted) his head last night. 3) His head (hurt, hurts, hurted) after he hit it. 4) The children (play, plays, played) soccer last weekend. 5) The arsonist (set, sets, setted) fire to several houses in our neighborhood last year. 6) The door is (shut, shuts, shutted). 7) The audience (laugh, laughs, laughed) at the joke. 8) My father (split, splits, splitted) lots of wood so that we could make a fire. 9) The chef has (bake, bakes, baked) three wedding cakes. 10) The trip is (plan, plans, planned). 11) I have never (like, likes, liked) chocolate. 12) The boy (touch, touches, touched) the painting while it was still wet. 13) My mother (let, lets, letted) me stay up late last night. 14) The kitten (try, tries, tried) to drink the milk every time I eat cereal. 15) The men (bet, bets, betted) on horses at the racetrack last Monday. 16) Janet has never (spread, spreads, spreaded) butter on her bread before. 17) The bubble (burst, bursts, bursted) and soap got in my eye. 18) The work is (finish, finishes, finished). 19) I (visit, visits, visited) my mother last week. 20) The dog (want, wants, wanted) to go outside. Please let him out. Directions: Now make your own sentences using irregular verbs that stay the same. 1) _____________________________________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________________________________

Using irregular verbs that stay the same

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englishforeveryone.org Name________________


UUssiinngg IIrrrreegguullaarr VVeerrbbss tthhaatt SSttaayy tthhee SSaammee

•• Some irregular verbs stay the same in the base form, simple past, and past participle.

•• These irregular verbs act like regular verbs in the progressive aspect and for (he, she, it)

subjects in the present tense.

EExxaammppllee:: bbaassee ffoorrmm ((ttoo ccuutt)) == CCuutt

The irregular verb (to cut) stays the same in the simple aspect of the past tense:

[Any Subject] cut the paper yesterday. (simple aspect of the past tense)

The irregular verb (to cut) stays the same in the past participle form:

[Any Subject] [has/have] cut the paper already. (perfect aspect of the present tense ) [Any Subject] [had] cut the paper before we arrived. (perfect aspect of the past tense )

The paper [is/was/will be/is going to be] cut. (past participle in all tenses)

DDiirreeccttiioonnss:: Choose the correct form of the verb in the following sentences. Cross out any verb

forms that do not exist. Some verbs are regular, some are irregular.

EExxaammppllee:: He (quit, quits, quitted) his job last week.

11)) She always (put, puts, putted) lots of cream in her coffee.

22)) He (hit, hits, hitted) his head last night.

33)) His head (hurt, hurts, hurted) after he hit it.

44)) The children (play, plays, played) soccer last weekend.

55)) The arsonist (set, sets, setted) fire to several houses in our neighborhood last year.

66)) The door is (shut, shuts, shutted).

77)) The audience (laugh, laughs, laughed) at the joke.

88)) My father (split, splits, splitted) lots of wood so that we could make a fire.

99)) The chef has (bake, bakes, baked) three wedding cakes.

1100)) The trip is (plan, plans, planned).

1111)) I have never (like, likes, liked) chocolate.

1122)) The boy (touch, touches, touched) the painting while it was still wet.

1133)) My mother (let, lets, letted) me stay up late last night.

1144)) The kitten (try, tries, tried) to drink the milk every time I eat cereal.

1155)) The men (bet, bets, betted) on horses at the racetrack last Monday.

1166)) Janet has never (spread, spreads, spreaded) butter on her bread before.

1177)) The bubble (burst, bursts, bursted) and soap got in my eye.

1188)) The work is (finish, finishes, finished).

1199)) I (visit, visits, visited) my mother last week.

2200)) The dog (want, wants, wanted) to go outside. Please let him out.

DDiirreeccttiioonnss:: Now make your own sentences using irregular verbs that stay the same.

11)) _____________________________________________________________________

22)) _____________________________________________________________________