HYDERABAD A joint program of incubators at IIIT, IIT, BITS, ISB and TiE, with mentoring and oversight by LetStartup.hyd group. Starting with startup seeding/discovery event IdeaCarnival & the H4I Accelerator Program Hyderabad4Innovation LetStartup.hyd

TiE hyd4innovation Idea Carnival

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Page 1: TiE hyd4innovation Idea Carnival


A joint program of incubators at IIIT, IIT, BITS, ISB and TiE, with mentoring and oversight by LetStartup.hyd group. Starting with startup seeding/discovery event

IdeaCarnival & the H4I

Accelerator Program



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HYDERABADSummary Program• Opening session in a lecture hall

• Few talks. Program overview

• Idea pitches (1 minute each)

• Team formation (2 hour open networking over tea)

• Then we will have time for teams to work on their start-ups biz/demo prototype• Thru Saturday and sunday

• Saturday afternoon- mentoring sessions• This can be in the AC hall itself? So long as there can be some meeting space

outside (or possible get access to another lecture hall close by?)

• Sunday evening- demos and finale- atrium possible? with speakers and projector?• We will have the hyd4innovation group present. Inspirational talks. And the final


• Followed by networking event- teams can meet any of the hyd4innovation group and also with angels/incubators/VCs to be invited

2Apr 11, 2023

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The context for Ideacarnival:

Hyd4Innovation program

3Apr 11, 2023

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Objective- help create strong tech-startups

Seed and nurture new ideas

•Get students/professionals/researchers excited about starting up!

•Encourage ideation, and nurturing/refining/Validating tech-startup product ideas

Aggressive Mentoring

•Discover promising early stage startups

•Help curate the ideas to a state that team can make informed go-noGo decision


•Get seed funding & co-working space

•Extensive Guidance & Mentoring


•Not-so-early-stage Startups with small teams, can take space & mentorship (no acceleration)

•Mentorship mandatory



Hyderabad4Innovation is a group of leading IT leaders/VCs, academic institution heads and startup ecosystem

players, that have come together to help accelerate the tech-startuip movement in Hyderabad. Seed and grow more

tech startups. Create an environment that increases probability of success.

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•Leads the collective program

•Overall oversight and excitement


•Enable Administrative support

Hyderabad Angels

•Mentorship & Guidance (for stake)

•Downstream fudning (angel/VC)



•Incubation facility

•For additional stake in each startup



•Biz guidance/mentoring (not for


5Apr 11, 2023

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Thru events

Like IdeaCarnival

Selection Criteria: First prototype/solution in

place. Basic biz/market/bizplan in place.

Founders full-time on the venture


Aggressive mentoring- weekly meetings

Product/Market/Business planning

Pilot GTM enablement

Market/biz/funding plan preparation

Assistance with fund raising (angel round)


Initial pilots to be scaled

GTM & Biz Dev Mentoring

Enable Biz Scaling

GTM assistance/Networking

Assistance with biz plan preparation and

series A/B fund raising


Mandatory exit

Will continue to be an alumini and receive

passive mentoring/guidance

6Apr 11, 2023 Duration?

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First one end-Jan at ISB. Jan 25-28.

The ideation &startup seeding program


7Apr 11, 2023

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Objective: To create a forum and framework to "seed" tech product entrepreneurship idea among students, faculty and professionals

•Once a quarter event at ISB/IIIT/... Where students and faculty interested in products attend along with angels/mentors/VCs.


•Through an inspirational networking and idea sharing event with awards and recognitions for good ideas. Short idea pitches (3-4 mts) and featured talks (8 mts). Inspirational in nature, with secondary objective to forge networks & partnerships. Maybe even founding teams that spans tech & biz.

8Apr 11, 2023

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Outcomes expected from Idea Carnival

•Among graduating students, faculty and professionals, Thru..

•Inspirational narratives of entrepreneurial success stories

•First-person Narratives about interesting innovative tech products/startups built

•Interactions with leaders and successful entrepreneurs

•Idea presentations (listening to ideas, triggers new ideas)

•Thru resonance/amplification of ideas that happens when discussing with others (possible co-foudenrs or investors or even employees)

"seed" the idea of starting up..

•students, faculty, engg & biz, professionals, Vcs/Mentors,..

•students and alumni across engineering (IIT/IIIT-H/BITS) and biz (ISB),

•professionals with students (possible co-foudners or hires),

•faculty in specific research areas with professionals (for engineering and productizing the ideas),

•engineering research faculty with biz faculty, and..

•all of above with startup investors/mentors

Multi-way Networking-

•encourage those with ideas to actually move further and "start up"

•Ready Funding commitments for good ideas

•Support Eco-system awareness-

•Create awareness about (and confidence in) the support eco-system available for new tech startups in Hyderabad

"Nudge" new startups-

• Encourage starting of new academic incubation centers (invite leaders/directors of forward-looking engineering colleges to attend)

New acad Incubators

9Apr 11, 2023

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HighlightsWhat A Very visible and well-attended 'rapid idea submission' exercise- to lead student ideas & ideas from professionals

Format: A multi-faceted event every 3-6 months (hosted in one of the institutes).

Who Participants- Tech students from IIT/IIIT-H/BITS, Biz grads from ISBs, aluminii from ISB/IIT/IIIT/BITS

Enablers: HydAngels, TiE charter members, faculty/researches & students from IIT/IIIT-H/BITS/ISB and professionals

Participants Faculty/researchers round table;

Students' (final year engg/MBA) idea sharing and meet-the-successful-entrepreneur/VC;

Professionals- a chance to explore interests in building a product?

Hyderabad4Innovation awards Cash award for winning ideas (no strings attached.. to incentivise )

Committed funding (to build prototypes) for winning ideas

IdeaExchange- Academic –

Entrepenurial ecosystem Integration.

Ideation and brainstorming on Research-to-product_business - enable taking research from labs to markets.

Students/Professionals/Faculty- ideate and form teams

Active collaboration between engineering and business schools. VCs. Mentors.10

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IdeaXchange: Three parts of the event

Post-event- kickstart startup teams

•Shortlisted ideas from IdeaCarnival refined over 2


•Teams to bond


•Weejend Prototyping event

•Faculty/research connect

•Student/alum inspire and connect



Pre-Event- whip up interest

in each college

11Apr 11, 2023

Jan 5th

or 6th

Jan 25-27


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Idea Carnival


12Apr 11, 2023

To get students excited about startups!

Curtain raiser for ideaCarnival

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HYDERABADFormat of the pre-event- the “Pre Carnival”

• Announce: Director of each college to send mail• 2 week lead-up.. Publicize and encourage idea seeding

• Encourage students to think of product ideas

• Publicize the IdeaCarnival event.

• Announce Exciting prizes for best ideas• This will be required to be considered for the IdeaCarnival main event

• The Pre-Event- Program (2 hours)• Intro to event

• Idea Pitches- 30 seconds each

• Inspirational talks (by successful/inspirational entrepreneurs)

• Announce: Hyderabad4Innovation Uber-Incubation Program• Investors speak- on incubation and other support ecosystem for students

• Announce IdeaCarnival

• Give away prizes for best ideas

• Open Networking

• Networking 13Apr 11, 2023

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HYDERABADWhat we need..

• Schedule- all 4 for January 18th/19th (post Sankranti))

• Directors: To give contacts- Incubator and student e-cells• Work with them on the campaign

• Prepare announcements

• Invite: Each college to own. Reach out to students, alumini and faculty of that college

• Leverage: e-clubs, incubation centers, alumini networks• Partner: Need volunteers from above to “own” event

• Fix Inspirational speakers for each college session• From among Srini Raju, BVR, Srini K, JA Chowdary

• VCs: Sateesh, others?

• Host institution Director

• Atleast one other Director (IIT/IIIT/BITS/ISB)

• 14

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The ideation &startup seeding program


15Apr 11, 2023

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HYDERABADIdeaCarnival- the main event

• One weekend. Three stages• Saturday morning- Ideation/Research (Researcher-VC connect)

• Ideation Research. Researchers on their research. Pros/student startup Ideas.

• Students/professionals encouraged to explore ideasd

• Sat-IdeaCarnival Weekend- the Startup Prototyping event • Pitch startup ideas (for weekend prototyping). Select. Form teams.

• Teams formed. Ideas prototyped. Mentors provided.

• Sunday: ideacarnival Finale • Inspirational leaders in attendance

• Listen to pitch/demos

• Pick winning ideas (for 2 week Idea Curation/refinement)

• Two dimensions to ideation• Closed-group Faculty/researchers entrepreneurship connect

• Round table; Researchers, biz school profs, VCs, mentors; Branstorm on research work and possible products there from

• Open Startup Idea pitches• Students' & Professionals- pitch ideas; (final year engg/MBA) idea sharing and meet-the-successful-

entrepreneur/VC; 16Apr 11, 2023

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TBD: Saturday morning: IdeaCarnival researchResearch-Entrepeneurial connect- Ideation• Objective: Explore product opportunities in research work

• Seed product-market ideas into researchers!

• By Invitation event: Researchers • from IIT/IIIT/BITS/ISB and few key labs (CCMB,…)

• Connect with Entrepernuerial leaders & eco-system players• Inspirational leaders; Investors & Incubators; Successful entrepreneurs

• Format:• Kickoff comments on opportunity to ‘productize’ research, Dr.Ajit R.

• Challenges productising research- Dr.Rajeev Sangal

• Research –to-product Ideation• 1 minute intro of mentors/VCs/successful entrepreneurs/incubators

• 3 minute intros of researchers (profs/faculty)- brief on them, and brief on their research areas/work

• After each, without discussion- whole group to reflect on possible product usecases for this research work/area. 2 minute

• Document all ideas against researcher+his work/area

• Brian storm at end on serious opportunities from all ideas that came up

• Open networking- to reinforce any possible ideas

17Apr 11, 2023

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Saturday 9am: IdeaCarnival Weekend: kickoff Weekend Prototyping Event

• Students, professionals and researchers to participate• Pitch ideas. Ideas get voted. Teams formed. Then prototype over the

weekend; Finale, Sunday evening. Demo to high profile VCs/Mentors/Leaders

• Format: StartupWeekend structure (http://startupweekend.org/ )

• Program (7pm, friday)• Inspirational talks

• Weekend hackfest. Build on a product idea. Compelling prizes.

• Friday: Idea pitch. Top 10 picked. Teams formed. Start 48 hr Prototyping

• Saturday: validate biz. Build. Use Mentors/and guides on Saturday

• Sunday: Prepare a 5 minute pitch (slides + demo)

• High Profile panel to listen

• Open networking

18Apr 11, 2023

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HYDERABADIdeaCarnival weekend: How Teams Formed

• At start of Ideacarnival weekend: Ideas pitched by all attendees (60 seconds each)• Share one idea

• And a brief intro to self (edu, strengths, et al)

• Ideas voted. Top 20 (1/5th of the ideas pitched) to be picked

• Form Teams for each of the ideas (30 minutes)• Tech students with other tech; Tech students with Biz

• Students with working professionals

• Students with tech researchers/Profs

• Mentors to be assigned for the weekend• Students with mentors/accomplished entrepreneurs

• Students/pros with investors/incubators

• Hope: Thru interactions, ‘startup’ founding teams may be formed• Teams with Synergies

• Teams with ideas resonating

• Teams with researchers, biz & techies19

Apr 11, 2023

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Saturday: IdeaCarnival IdeaXchange Mentors

• Teams work on their prototype- ieda, biz, markets, technology• Teams encouraged to validate idea. Meet prospective customers.

Research the net

• Identify competition. And establish USP

• Mentors• VC/Investors: to discuss the base idea and market

• UI designers: to review the product UI/interactions

• Successful entrepreneurs

• Senior Technology professionals/architects- validate the design and technology used in solution

20Apr 11, 2023

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Sunday: ideacarnival FinaleIdeaExchange- Inspire & GetToKNow

Main event

Students, professionals, investors, incubators,



10 minute blocks followed by 10 minute networking

•1 minute intros

•Inspirational talks

•VC/incubator conn

1 minute idea centered intros

•of participants. Brief profile. Share a product idea

•10 per block

Inspirational talks (5/10 mts)

•Accomplished entrepreneurs

•Share success stories. Create excitement

Tech inspire (Directors)


Networking- establish resonance/synergies between

•Aggressive speed-dating format

•Meet the last block of pitchers

21Apr 11, 2023

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22Apr 11, 2023