Street team giveaway ideas

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Today's series is on "How to Use Products in the Real World." We're going to touch base on how street teams can use promotional giveaways to get some great responses from their target market. Going to cover four bases. Conferences, campuses, trade shows, and outdoor events.

Starting with conferences, outside of the regular tote bags and lanyards and badges, you can do things like pens and pad combos depending on your target market. Notebooks, clipboards, jotters. Basically, inexpensive things. If you wanted to get even more creative, you could do beach balls. You could do mirrors.

There's almost an unlimited number of things you can do as a conference giveaway depending on your target market, and depending on the action that you want them to take, and where the application is actually being used.

The second application is campuses. Now, campuses are great for promoting to the younger crowd obviously. These people are short of a few fundamentals a lot of times, so the more useful that you can make items, the longer they'll stay with those people.

Things like calendars, alarm clocks, planners, anything mobile related from mobile screen cleaners to mobile covers, laundry bags, different tote bags, even lanyards to hold their keys. There's a lot of different applications for campuses and targeting to that market.

The next application is trade shows. Trade shows themselves are very specific to a target market. Depending on who your street team is going after, themed t-shirts are a great application for those individuals so that there's a great unified presence. Coffee mugs, key rings, USB drives, depending on what type of messaging you're trying to get across and how much your budget is per unit.

The USB drives are always coming down in price, which is a great thing. If you have a themed product, if you're doing a doctors-type theme or if you're doing a health checkup for the business, depending on what your target market is and what you're looking to promote, there's a lot of great themed products out there that you can do as well.

The last type of street team promotional giveaway is at outdoor events. I'm sure that you have seen different people on the street corners with lots of signage, a lot of point-of-purchase product, maybe a vehicle of some kind parked up on the curb, all decorated out with a different brand, giving away free product.

Now there's a lot of different things you can do other than just giving away a sample of the product, which is a great application, but there are things that you want them to keep around as well. Everything from balloons to gain attention, temporary tattoos depending on whether or not it's a festival, hats and caps to protect from the sun.

Along those lines, sunscreen, sunglasses, and even water bottles as long as there's a good source of water nearby as opposed to bottled water. It's a great way to get your name out there and have the individuals in your target market keep your product.

Thank you very much. Hope this brief summary has been helpful and good luck with your next promotion.

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