SLIDESHARE.NET SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations. Besides presentations, SlideShare also supports documents, PDFs, videos and webinars. SlideShare content spreads virally through blogs and social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Individuals & organizations upload documents to SlideShare to share ideas, conduct research, connect with others, and generate leads for their businesses. Anyone can view presentations & documents on topics that interest them, download them and reuse or remix for their own work. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SlideShare -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- http://help.slideshare.com/entries/57394-what-file-formats-does-slideshare- support-what-is-the-maximum-allowed-file-size What file formats does SlideShare support? What is the maximum allowed file size? Supported Formats: Presentations: PDF, ppt, pps, pptx, ppsx, pot, potx (Powerpoint); odp (OpenOffice); key, zip (Apple Keynote). Documents: PDF, doc, docx, rtf (MSOffice); odt, ods (OpenOffice); Apple iWork Pages, txt File Size Allowed: Free Account (Basic) Max file size for presentations, documents, PDFs: 100MB PRO Account (any of the plans) Max file size for presentations, documents, PDFs: 300MB Max file size for videos: 500MB (N.B. video uploads are not allowed from Free Accounts; you need a SlideShare PRO account for this) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- https://www.slideshare.net/login Username : gps2012 Email Address : [email protected] http://www.slideshare.net/gps2012/hongkong-keyboard-encoder http://www.slideshare.net/upload http://www.slideshare.net/caskeyd/google-docs-uploading-and-downloading-files http://www.slideshare.net/AmitRanjan/quick-tour?from=ss_embed http://www.slideshare.net/about http://help.slideshare.com/home ===================================================

Slideshare Info

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SLIDESHARE.NETSlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations. Besides presentations, SlideShare also supports documents, PDFs, videos and webinars.

SlideShare content spreads virally through blogs and social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Individuals & organizations upload documents to SlideShare to share ideas, conduct research, connect with others, and generate leads for their businesses. Anyone can view presentations & documents on topics that interest them, download them and reuse or remix for their own work.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SlideShare------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://help.slideshare.com/entries/57394-what-file-formats-does-slideshare-support-what-is-the-maximum-allowed-file-sizeWhat file formats does SlideShare support? What is the maximum allowed file size?

Supported Formats:Presentations: PDF, ppt, pps, pptx, ppsx, pot, potx (Powerpoint); odp (OpenOffice); key, zip (Apple Keynote).Documents: PDF, doc, docx, rtf (MSOffice); odt, ods (OpenOffice); Apple iWork Pages, txt

File Size Allowed:Free Account (Basic)Max file size for presentations, documents, PDFs: 100MB

PRO Account (any of the plans)Max file size for presentations, documents, PDFs: 300MBMax file size for videos: 500MB

(N.B. video uploads are not allowed from Free Accounts; you need a SlideShare PRO account for this)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------https://www.slideshare.net/loginUsername : gps2012Email Address : [email protected]



