SEO Made Easy

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Made Easy

Why do you need your website search engine optimized?

Made Easy

SEO| or Search Engine Optimization

is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines (Google, Yahoo, Ask, Bing, etc.) via the "natural" or un-paid (organic or "algorithmic") search results. (Wikipedia)

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In general, the earlier (or higher on the page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search and industry-specific vertical search engines. This gives a website web presence. (Wikipedia)

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First you have to find the best keywords that.

Describe your business and services Have an acceptable level of traffic that you can compete with That you know your target customers are using to search for you That are embedded in your website That the Search Engines will find and list

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Many people think if they type in the name of their Company and it pops up in the 1st spot on the Google page, then they assume that their site is optimized.

well it is but that is because their site is optimized for their Company name.

Let`s say the business name is Jane`s Coffee Spot. But if Jane types in the word coffee, will the search show her business on the top listing on the 1st page of Google? Most likely the answer is NO!

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Lets look at an example

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Keywords found on this site:Tim Hortons, coffee, baked goods, homestyle lunches, donuts, always fresh, about us, in our store, join our team, community & goodwill, quickpay tim card, nutrition calculator, store locator, contact us, gourmet cookies, reload your tim card, fresh new

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Lets type in Tim Hortons, for example:

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You can see that Tim Hortons comes up 1st in organic traffic, directly under a paid ad.

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Now lets type in coffee

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Tim Hortons did come up on the 1st Page, but then we know it is optimized with the keyword coffee, is a very popular site and has been on the web for a long time.

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Now lets type in coffee shop

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It did not come up in the 1st 5 listings

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and it did not come up in the 2nd five listings either

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These are the results that come up in Google`s keyword tool for `coffee`.

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You can see that `coffee` is a very popular term that people type in the Search Bar. But `coffee shop` has a very acceptable number of hits per month and is a more competititve keyword/phrase.

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Now.would Jane choose to optimize the keyword coffee for her site and go up against competition like Tim Hortons, or would she choose coffee shop?

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Going back to the 1st five listings in Google for coffee shop, you will also see that Google has found images that have been optimized with the keyword/phrase coffee shop.

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And there you have it! SEO made easy!