Areas of success Production of “Finding

Q2- Areas of success

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Page 1: Q2- Areas of success

Areas of success

Production of “Finding Toby”

Page 2: Q2- Areas of success

Planning stageBefore we started to film the

project, our group had to set out a formal plan explaining what shots was going to be in each scene and what our project would consist off. In my opinion, this went very well

as we created a great idea on what the story would be based on. This meant we could get straight onto producing the film. We created a storyboard which went great and then gave each one of our group members roles and set tasks for

the project.

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Time ManagementWe organised our time effectively as

we had enough time to plan the production, film the production and then edit the whole project in the

deadline set. Within my group, we had set different days which was just

focused on certain bits of the production. For example, we booked out a room where we could film the project but we was only allowed one

hour in that specific area. This is where we worked together and filmed in the

scenes within that time scale of an hour which was set. In my opinion this

was very efficient and helped our group have more time to edit the film.

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Group DynamicAs a whole, I believe me and my group

worked well together, helping each other out with any task the other individuals didn’t understand. Even though we all had different roles to play, we helped

each other to try and make our production the best it can be. When it

came to editing our film, we all took it in turns to add new features in and make it

the best quality. This is also where we worked as a team as we needed to all

learn how to use Premiere Pro as we will all be using it in future projects.

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Effective shots or use of editing

softwareWe used a range of shots throughout the film e.g. low shot, mid shot, shot/reserve

shot etc. This made the film flow and look more effective when changing from

different scenes. We used a close up when one of the characters was opening the door, this created suspense on the audience on what might be behind the door. While editing the project, we used a lot of affects to make the production look more effective, we also added in

sound to create tension and anticipation.

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Finished VersionOverall, I believe our production of

‘Finding Toby’ was a great success for it being our first project. We have learnt a new set of technical skills when filming shots and scenes which will come into great practice when shooting different projects. We did a lot of editing which

improved our film and created it to look realistic as well as have that gloomy look about it, as we wanted to have an affect

of apprehension on the audience. I believe as a whole, my group worked at

a high standard.