Online Dating Wingman Basic Report

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Page 3: Online Dating Wingman Basic  Report

Welcome. I am truly humbled that you have taken the time to download my

report. I promise if you follow the steps below you will begin to attract good

looking women on POF.

Here is image from my profile.

There is nothing special about me. I am Mr. Average in every department.

5’11” tall, 14 stone (196 lbs), average income and a 17 year old Peugeot car!

I’ve noticed by looking through dating forums that a lot of men struggle to get many messages from women. Worse still, when they do get a message it is from a woman that they don’t find attractive at all !

It used to be just like this for me as well. I haven’t always got lots of messages from attractive women. Up until a year ago I was frustrated the same as you are now.

However, by making simple changes to my profile that changed overnight. I went from two or three messages a week from ugly women to getting five or six a day from attractive women. They were contacting me!

This I promise is no exaggeration. It wasn’t difficult and took a couple of hours

to do. I will show you how you too can finally get the most out of online dating

and get a woman that’ll make your friends jealous!

To learn about the Advanced Online Dating Wingman Course visit me at


Page 4: Online Dating Wingman Basic  Report

Firstly, why online dating?

You can presell yourself via messages and build rapport before meeting.

Women feel a lot more comfortable approaching you first online than in person.

It is less competitive than trying to get a woman’s attention in a bar or club.

You don’t have to resort to spending money on drinks only to discover that’s all

she was interested in.

You don’t have to try lame chat up lines in an attempt to make her laugh.

Why it’s not working for you?

It’s your profile not you as a person. Don’t get down and think it’s because

you’re unattractive to women as this won’t be the case.

They are not attracted to your profile and that's why you aren't getting


You have to sell yourself on dating sites. It is competitive.

The good news is most men’s profiles on POF and other dating sites are boring,

lack anything to interest women and worse still are very similar to all the other

men’s profiles on dating sites.

Your profile is going to be different!

Open Up a New Account

There’s a good reason for this.

If your old boring profile was seen by an attractive woman who didn’t want to

meet up she may have blocked you. It happens.

An attractive woman will get 30+ messages a day and the easiest way to weed

out men she isn’t interested in is to block them. It’s nothing personal.

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So making changes to your existing profile will not unblock you. You will still

be blocked by that woman. It could be someone that would be very attracted to

your new improved profile.

Another advantage of actually opening up a new account your profile will now

appear on the first page of POF in the Newest Users section!

If you ignore this stage two things will happen.

Women will remain blind to you because you’ve been there for so long and

secondly, you may be unfairly judged as being unattractive to have not found a

match already.

When I see a woman that has been on there for months on end, I wonder

whether I should make the effort to meet her. Is something wrong with her if

she has been on there for that long? Awful I know but I don't think I'm the only

one who thinks this.

To learn my Advanced Online Dating Wingman secrets visit me at


Page 6: Online Dating Wingman Basic  Report

So the same applies to you. If you’ve had the same profile and you’ve had the

same picture on POF for a few months now, chances are women are looking at

you and just skipping by because you’ve been there for too long.

With a new profile, you will get attention that you haven’t had before.

New Account Creation

So the first thing you need to do is to create a new POF account. Now you can

either close your existing one and use that email address to open a new POF

account or keep both until you have seen for yourself how much more attention

your new profile is getting !!

But if you try and open up a new account with the email address of your

existing POF account, you won’t be able to. So you really do need to open up a

new email address (or close your old POF account down).

Google Mail or Yahoo offer free email addresses if you wish to keep your old

POF account open.

Then once you’ve opened up a new account, it’s time to actually create a new

profile. Now you will get out of this 10 times what you put into it. It’s

important that you do this correctly.

At the time of doing this book, I’ve got about 170 odd women, maybe

180 women that have asked to meet me on the Meet Me feature. I’ve been a

favorite in around 15 women who have chosen me as a favorite and I still get

lots of messages from new women each day.

Let’s get this party started!


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Choosing your Profile Pictures

The first thing a woman sees when she searches for men is the images.

You absolutely don’t have to be the best looking man in the world.

What you do need however is at least three pictures that you think show you in

a positive way.

If you don’t have three then go out and get three! It’s not difficult is it? Check

your computer’s hard drive, your cell phone picture gallery, ask your friends or

family to take some good pictures of you.

They haven’t got to be absolutely fantastic. It can be a headshot if you want.

But what you must do is take a lot of photos and choose the best three.

If you’ve got old photographs that you like and are still a good likeness of you,

don’t be afraid to use them. I’ve actually got photos on my POF profile of me

from four years ago.

When I’ve met women, they actually tell me that I look better now than I did on

the photograph.

One point to note though, some cameras will put a date stamp on them. Be

very, very wary and check that when you upload your image to POF.

Please don’t use a picture that shows you 40 or so pounds slimmer than what

you are now. Use a head shot picture instead.

You are only as good as your worst picture.

Now I’m a firm believer in this and it’s really important. Remember this.

To see real time proof of receiving 15 messages in 24 hours without ANY

contact by me visit me at www.kevinhallow.com

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I have never ever put up more than three pictures in POF ever.


Because if I put any more than that up, there will be ones I don’t rate that

highly of myself. I choose three that I think show me in a good light.

If you’re using more than two or three, you are going to have a photo on there

that the woman will find less attractive and you are only as good as your worst


There will be times when I have seen three pictures on a profile and thought the

woman was very pretty. I have looked at the fourth one and been disappointed.

You will be judged on your worst picture. It’s human nature.

So just check all your photos that you have and pick out the best two or three

to be uploaded to POF.

Now one thing that I tend to do is when I’ve uploaded my two or three is I

rotate my main image. That’s important. What we may think is our best photo

may not be our best photo as far as women are concerned. They may like your

second favorite photo.

Now I know you may think I’m going against what I said about uploading

images that are not that great. But the thing is if you upload eight photos, you

are giving the woman more chance to find something in your photos that she

seriously dislikes.

If you upload three of your better ones, even the one she finds least attractive

will still be more attractive to her than if you uploaded eight and she saw your

eighth worst photo.

I never upload just one image. I have found that I get fewer messages. Once

you have chosen your pictures it’s time to get to work on your profile

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Check Out Your Competitors

I’m calling them competitors because they are competitors. You have to sell yourself on POF and one way to do that is to see what the competition is doing. It'll make you realise how poor the competion is!

Businesses do this to see what their competitors are offering people that may

buy a product. So we need to do that. You need to sell yourself on POF.

Don’t think checking out to see what other men are writing about themselves

makes you gay. It doesn’t. Now one thing that I will do is I will actually log out

of POF before I search on men’s profiles. I don’t want men to know that I’m

searching and looking at their profile

So what I do is I log out of POF and you conduct a search on POF without

being logged in. So just go to POF. If you’re automatically logged in, click “log

off” and then conduct a search.

You change your settings to search for men. I’m a female and I’m seeking a

male. Not I am a man searching for a man because otherwise you will pull up

results for men that are homosexual.

Also you want to know what other men (your competition) are writing.

To see how I received 25 meet me requests in 24 hours with no initial contact

from me visit www.kevinhallow.com

Page 10: Online Dating Wingman Basic  Report

So once you’ve done that, just look down the profiles and you will see how

tame and absolutely mind numbingly boring these profiles are.

Please don’t take this wrong but it’s likely that your old profile will be very similar to 95 percent of the male profiles on POF. They’re extremely tedious.

Now that’s fine if you’ve got tons of money or you are fantastic looking with a great body with a six pack. But most blokes are not like that, are they? Let’s be fair. Most blokes are like me and you, fairly average. But to stand out, we need a better than average profile and that’s what we’re going to achieve in this report.

The one good thing about checking out other male profiles is you realize how

easy it’s going to be to actually improve on what the majority of men do!

While they are getting a few messages each week from women that they don’t

find attractive, you will be reaping the rewards of having a great profile. You

will start to get attractive women contacting you because your profile will stand

out from the rest.

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So let’s start improving our new profile. We’ve chosen the pictures that we will

rotate as discussed.

Choose Your Username & Title

The next thing we need to do is come up with a novel username and title. It’s

very important. That is the first thing a women sees alongside your main image

in the search results.

Most women that are on POF have come out of a stale relationship that was

lacking fun and laughter and was tired and boring. If we can portray ourselves

as a fun guy who likes to laugh we will get a women’s attention.

(If you did look at others men’s profiles as I suggested you will know how lame

and tedious they are)

OK ….. Genuinely off the cuff, as I’m typing.

Username – Laugh Collector, Miles More Smiles, Humo(u)r Machine etc etc

Title ….. If I was a boat could you float me?, Warm As A Summer Breeze, Buy

Me Now – Sale Ends Soon !

Now what I do sometimes on the title is I will actually ask a question. It doesn’t

really matter what the question is. You are asking for a response from the


I’ve used this one before and it has worked, believe me.

“I’ve Lost It. Can you help me find it?”

Get your hands on my 7 video course that'll teach you how to join the 5% of

guys that get 95% of the attention. Visit me at www.kevinhallow.com

Page 12: Online Dating Wingman Basic  Report

Women will ask, “Oh, what are you looking for?” Then you’ve got a

conversation going. It’s such a simple technique. Ask a question and you will

get an answer

We have successfully drawn a woman in to pay more attention and look in

deeper into your profile. I’ve also compared myself to a car before. I’ve said

before things like, “Old and battered! No, not me. My car.” It’s so simple. Just

think of something outside the box.

Please Don't Write This As A Title !!

“45-year-old male looking a good woman” or “Giving This One Last Chance”

or “Just an average guy” I mean how mind-numbingly boring and tedious are

these, yet I see them all the time.

You need something that’s going to stand out a bit. It doesn’t really matter what

you say. It really doesn’t. It has just got to be something out of the ordinary.

The Basics & About Me – Be Honest

The Basics and About Me sections are the drop down menu sections on your

profile. Age, occupation, your height, what you’re looking for, whether you’re a

smoker etc. Just be honest about that. Just say who you are.


I always put looking for a relationship. It’s the middle ground choice and

doesn’t scare women off either way! If you choose just dating or looking for

marriage you will scare a lot of potential partners off. Play safe no matter what

your intentions are.

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Description – Make it Interesting

Now I generally keep this section to around 200 to 450 words, no more than that. I don’t want to bore women but I also want to write enough to show that I’ve made an effort.

You see all the time really, really tedious stuff such as...

“I’ve been separated for five years now. I’m looking for Mrs. Right. I like

attractive women. I like fishing. I’ve got a daughter who I see every other

weekend. I like going to bars and hanging out with my mates. Feel free to drop

me a line.”

I mean there’s nothing in there that shows who you are or what sort out

personality you have.

You need to make this conversational. Maybe make it light-hearted and don’t

be afraid to poke fun at yourself within this. It’s your opportunity to get in front

of women that you may be are too shy to go and meet in the street or in the bar.

I sometimes use a double entendre (double meaning) in this section. I never write anything overly sexual, but enough to get a reaction and a response.

I used a car comparison once on a previous profile where I said, “Not a bad

starter on cold mornings but you may have to pull my choke to get the best out

of me.” And “Good honest older example looking for a nice drive to park in”

Lots of women reply to that and said, “Ha-ha, really, really good profile”

or “Made me laugh” etc.

Want to get your inbox bulging? Visit me at www.kevinhallow.com

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So you just need to experiment within this. You need to make it stand out. You

need to get the woman’s interest. Maybe poke fun at yourself.

This is a good paragraph that kills it

“I mean I’m not necessarily after Mrs. Right now. I want Mrs. Right and I’m

quite happy being on my own until I meet her. However, it would be nice to

have someone to look after and someone to be there for me although I’m

willing to wait until all that happens.”

Thing is, I can’t really write this section for you as there isn’t a one size fits all.

We are all different but take time on this. Don’t rush it or you will fail. Follow

the road map I have laid out and you will get more responses.

Mail Settings – Be Realistic

Now the next one down is mail settings, who you will accept messages from. Now I keep this fairly broad to be honest. I don’t want to discount anyone that may be of interest to me. So I just tend to have an upper age.

I’m 46. So my upper age is 48 for a woman. I have no minimum age on it. Generally I will get messages from anyone from the early 30s up.

You may want to change that. You may want to just receive messages from younger women although let’s be frank. We would all like someone who’s maybe say 10, 15 years younger than us and very attractive but chances of that happening even with a fantastic profile are slim. It does happen but it is slim.

Also, you may not want to travel too far to meet these women so you can

actually exclude women from more than say 75 miles away. I’m not willing to

travel more than say 75 miles to strike up a relationship with a woman.

To get your hands on 21 example killer profiles to copy and paste or tweak as

you see fit. Visit me at www.kevinhallow.com

Page 15: Online Dating Wingman Basic  Report

I only want messages from women with images though. So I go to mail settings

And then I choose this at the bottom of the page……

But fiddle around with your settings. Just do what’s best for you. All I will say

is just don’t discount too many women. Don’t have the mail criteria set too

narrow so that you miss out on many potential matches.

Finally the last thing that I want to mention is the first date. I’m going to generally leave this blank along with interests. I don’t think it has much credence. I don’t think it will really sway many women to contact me whether I say what I’m prepared to do in the first date. But if you think of something witty, then go ahead and put it in there.

Page 16: Online Dating Wingman Basic  Report

Seriously, if you follow the steps you cannot fail to have success on dating

sites. We know that 95% of men’s profiles are rubbish and turn women off.

Simply take a couple of hours to go through the steps above and reap the


Thank you for taking the time to read my report.

Visit me at www.kevinhallow.com and read about my Advanced Online Dating

Wingman course. Packed with advanced online dating tips, real life video case

studies and step by step talk throughs, golden rules on first messages and advice

on how to pick your best images to get maximum attraction.

Join me in the top 5% men group on POF who are never short of attention on

POF. Visit me at www.kevinhallow.com

Good dating

Kevin Hallow