Kein Bock By David Navarro (Not in the Mood)

Not in the mood

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Page 1: Not in the mood

Kein Bock By David Navarro(Not in the Mood)

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Some people, no matter what you say or do, they never agree.They simply dislike everyting.

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Some people finds always a reason to be unsatisfied.

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In the other hand, there is people who always finds a reason to be optimisic, who are always lucky

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It is well known, that when the NASA makes a selection to send people to space, they take well care of their Optimistic Coeficient.

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Could you imagine flying to the moon with a pesimistic?

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Das wird nie funktionieren! Das ist unmöglich! Das haben wir noch nie anders gemacht!

It will never work!.......This is impossible!.............................. ..........................................We never did it this way!.....

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Are we born optimistic or pesimistic by nature?

Or is it something we learned?

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When you tell a child that next morning you are going to beach.....

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...it will not able to sleep, and at 3 in the morning will awaken you, asking: are we already leaving?...

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...when you tell your wife you are going to beach, she will say...it will rain...it will be overcrowded...

What has happened to us?

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When you start at a new job, you are excited, you stand up early morning, have all your things ready .............And now?

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We live in a world on which people think that you are not rational, if you are happy.

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We live in a world, that people think that you are not working if you are laughing.

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We have made the „bad mood“ a way of living.

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Companies have a major problem: People have lost the joy of living.

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It is known that between the 22 and 28% of productivity waste in a company is due to apathy and lack of working mood.

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Can we change this?

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A negative attitude is like a flat tire: your life will not go on until you replace it.

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To get lasting results on it, it is needed to work on two main aspects.External influences and self attitude.

One thing is clear: Your life will not change if you do not change it yourself.Sitting and waiting will not work.

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External influences

It is up to us, if we allow to be influenced by positive or negative energies.There is people who give you positive energy; others steal it

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No one can make you to have a miserable life. It is you who chooses to allow them to do it.

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How to identify a negative Person?

Always contradictive Is always the victimEnviousJealousOnly speaks about its own problemsMakes nothing to progressTakes no responsabilitiesLies and hidesIs against changesManipulative, creeepySearches and shows others failuresIs never wrongHappy with others miseries

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First of all, a negative person is like a hunchbaked: does not see its own hunchback

„Nobody can get out of his own Labyrinth with a foreign key“Lucia Tao

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You will never win a discussion with a negative person.Is only concerned about its own interest.Will only listen to talk back.

With these people you better avoid any contact,for misfortune sticks like glue.

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“You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks”

Winston Chuchill

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The only thing on we have real control, is on our own thoughts.

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Be careful with your own thoughts.Your unconscious is always listening, has no sense of humor, and will take it seriously.

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In order to control our own thoughts, we need to have a deeper look at our brain.

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Human brain has 3 levels.1-Reptilian brain. Takes care of all life sustain and reproductive processes, it regulates autonomous vital body processes such as breathing, heartbeat and blood pressure.2-Limbic System is responsible for emotions, memories (yes, they are there), and is where our unconscious resides.3-Neo Cortex. Here sensations are processed, here we are thinking and develop plans; actions such as walking, speaking or writing, are to be controlled here, and is where our conscious resides.

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Reptilian brain is not interested in our mood or will. Only in our survival.

As a perfect boss, will control us and let us do, as long as we do not act against our own survival.

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It will give us hints when we do it wrong.If we continue wrong, it will have no other choice than to stop us badly, no matter what it takes.

Headaches and sleepless nights use to be the first symthoms

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We need to take care of our body.We can‘t say our wife that she is the most important thing in our life, and put on her a pig every night.Even if she can be understanding, our reptilian brain will not, and will send us an unwanted warning, as serious and/or incurable disease.

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Therefore, after 35 years of age, it is a must having physical activity daily. No excuses, no exceptions.

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No one will love you more than you do, and no one will respect you more than you do

Your beloved ones will be thankful, you will be happier, and your reptilian brain will allow you going on.

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The limbic system.Here is where our feelings, emotions and memories reside. And more importantly, is where our unconscious lives.In a disorderly manner, receives all the available information, virtually with no filter or barrier.

Remember, it is always active,and only in the unconscious can be carried out complex cognitive processes.

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Therefore, be extremely careful about how and with what are you feeding it.

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Keep feeding it with good contents

Water it with high human values

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Neuro-Linguistic incitement.We are not what we are.We are what we want to be.Fate is not written.Brain does not understand the difference between fiction and reality.Only sees what it wants to see.Therefore, we can master our future.

Let us see how it works

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If last night you dreamed you spent whole night with Claudia or Antonio, your brain will not notice if it was true or not.You will feel exactly as if you effectively did.

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If you are to select someone for your company,added to professional skills..would you not choose someone cheerful, enthusiastic, tolerant, good worker, dynamic, good communicator, with joy for life?

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If you are to select someone for your life,added to having common interests..would you not choose someone cheerful, enthusiastic, tolerant, good worker, dynamic, good communicator, with joy for life?

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To be someone cheerful, enthusiastic, tolerant, good worker, dynamic, good communicator, with joy for life...

Are these things to be learned in a school, or attitudes you can choose?

If you would select such a person, it is logical to think that the rest of the world would do the same.

So it is obvious that when you are choosing your attitude, you are choosing your fate accordingly.

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You attract to your life and are attracted by similar to you

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Whenever bad things will happen in your life, ask yourself why did they happen, learn from it , and make the needful changes. This way you will master your entire life.The people just complaining about having bad luck, are victims, and acting as a victim, no one is able to get it changed

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Cortex: Our rational brain. In regards with attitude, its only function is to justify and make possible the decisions taken in our subconscious.

Its intellectual development is as follows:From 0 to 3 years of age, up to 65%From 3 to 6 years of age, up to 85%From 6 to 12 years of age, up to 98%

From that point, you learn nothing or almost nothing relevant.After 12 years old, 12.000 brain cells will die daily.Bad news, our brain is not prepared to last 95 years.

Do not allow your brain to fall in inactivity.Read, read and read. Do not stop learning.Is the only defense we have today against Alzheimer.

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Alzheimer is a neural-degenerative illness, due to the loss of acetylcholine, the substance that allows our brain cells to inter communicate.

Learning and reading promote and strengthen these interconnections.

The later you start to “exercise” your brain, the more probabilities you have to get this illness at a young age.

And above all, you owe it to you beloved ones, your husband, your wife, your children.

Nobody is ready to share its live with an Idiot along 50 years

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Remember: We are born to be happy…

…not to be perfect.

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Everything that makes us happy, to laugh, to dance, to jump, to make love, will mess your hair…

…keep messy…

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All humans smile in the same language.Keep smiling.

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Our lack of happiness due to the things we don’t have, has its inception in the lack of gratitude for the things we do have.

“You can only be always happy, if you are able to be happy with anything” Confucio

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“Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the blind can see” Mark Twain

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Only do the things you feel passion by doing them

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Life is too short.Don’t sell it cheap.

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Sometimes is not a matter of changing your whole life…

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…but the way you walk on it.

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Above all, if ithe ways seems to be tricky, maybe is simply because you are in the right way.When we try to be better than we are, our surroundings will be better too.You are free to choose, and to take decisions, even if you are the only who understands them.Take your decisions with courage, generosity and a little of madness.We will only understand life if we stop looking for explanations.To learn means to enter in a unknown world, where the most simple things use to be the most extraordinary.Be ready to change, to challenge yourself.Don’t be afraid of challenges. Keep going on and on.Remember that without faith, a battle can be lost even if it seemed it was won.Make sure to always remember what you want, and what you don’t.And start again.The secret resides on not being afraid to be wrong, and to know that it is a must to be humble to learn.Be patient to wait for the exact moment, and congratulate for your achievements.And if this was not enough, analize the causes, and try again with even more strength.The world is the hand of those who are brave enough to dream and take the risk to live their own dreams.

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Bibliography:Emilio Duró. “Optimismo e Ilusión” Conference in YouTube in SpanishDr. John Bargh, Yale’s University Psicologist, http://www.yale.edu/acmelab/Eduard Punset “Viaje al Optimismo” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_PunsetG.H.Eggetsberger Gerhard_H._Eggetsberger on WikipediaPaul MacLean https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_D._MacLeanJohn Grinder https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_GrinderRichard Bandler https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_BandlerChris Hadfield An Astronaut Guide to Optimism

Pictures:Faiza KhalidaEduardo UrdangaraiMatthew CoughlinDaniel LeeKevin MeredithOliver CharlesKatarina JungBrent YoungDeborah FaulknerHartwig HKDFrank FullardFabiana Zonca

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Do not miss the second part „Kein Bock reloaded“, Where we will have a deeper look at the issue.

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