Symbiosis International University Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research SICSR Verification and Validation Techniques: By: Daniel Ilunga Musenge Performance Testing with GCC Compiler Academic year: 2014 - 2015

GCC Compiler as a Performance Testing tool for C programs

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Page 1: GCC Compiler as a Performance Testing tool for C programs

Symbiosis International University Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research


Verification and Validation Techniques:

By: Daniel Ilunga Musenge

Performance Testing with GCC


Academic year: 2014 - 2015  

Page 2: GCC Compiler as a Performance Testing tool for C programs

Verification  and  Validation  Techniques  GCC  Compiler  as  a  Performance  Testing  tool  



Abstract This paper introduces you to GCC Compiler as a Performance testing tool. GCC

Compiler has never been used before as a Performance Testing, but in this

paper we’ll be discussing various points on how this can be implemented based

on the objective of a Performance testing.

In performance testing, we don’t focus on the bugs in the code that we are

testing, but its purpose being of removing the bottlenecks in the codes by taking

under consideration parameters like CPU time, memory usage, Speed, Stability,

scalability and so on.

To achieve this, we have used the GCC optimization options; different levels of

optimization are also discussed as well as a comparative study between manual

testing and automatic testing (by using Unix/Linux commands).


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Verification  and  Validation  Techniques  GCC  Compiler  as  a  Performance  Testing  tool  



1.  GCC:    Short  for  GNU  Compiler  Collection,  GCC  is  a  collection  of  programming  compilers  

including  C,  C++,  Objective-­‐C,  Fortran,  Java,  and  Ada.  And  the  current  release  of  GCC  

compiler  is  the  4.9.2  version.      

2.  Performance  Testing:    

• Software   performance   testing   is   a   means   of   quality   assurance   (QA).   It  

involves  testing  software  applications  to  ensure  they  will  performs  


• Features   and  Functionality   supported  by   a   software   system   is   not   the   only  

concern.   A   software   application's  performance   like   its   response   time,   do  

matter.   The   goal   of   performance   testing   is   not   to   find   bugs   but   to  

eliminate   performance   bottlenecks.   Bottlenecks   are   obstructions   in  

system,   which   degrade   overall   system   performance.   Bottlenecking   is  

when   either   coding   errors   or   hardware   issues   cause   a   decrease   of  

throughput  under  certain   loads.  Bottlenecking   is  often  caused  by  one  faulty  

section  of  code.  The  key  to  fixing  a  bottlenecking  issue  is  to  find  the  section  of  

code   that   is   causing   the   slow   down   and   try   to   fix   it   there.   We   usually  

eliminate   the   performance   bottlenecks   by   either   fixing   poor   running  

processes  or  adding  additional  hardware.  

 • The  focus  of  Performance  testing  is  checking  a  software  program's:  


– Speed  –  Here  we  check  whether  the  application  /  software  responds  

quickly  or  not.  


– Scalability  -­‐  Determines  maximum  user  load  the  software  application  

can  handle.  A  software  product  suffers   from  poor  scalability  when   it  

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cannot   handle   the   expected   number   of   users   or   when   it   does   not  

accommodate   a  wide   enough   range  of   users.   Load   testing   should  be  

done   to   be   certain   the   application   could   handle   the   anticipated  

number  of  users.  


– Stability  -­‐  Determines  if  the  application  is  stable  under  varying  loads  

as  well  under  their  expected  workload.    


• Some  common  performance  bottlenecks  are:      

– CPU  utilization  

– Memory  utilization  

– Operating  System  limitations  etc.  



à  GCC  as  a  Performance  Testing  tool:    As  we  all  know,  GCC  is  never  mentioned  to  be  a  testing  tool.  In  this  article,  we’ll  be  using  GCC  as  a  testing  tool  for  “Performance  Testing”  in  particular  apart  from  many  other   testing   techniques   that  we   can   use  with   the   help   of   GCC,   such   as  Black   box  Testing,  which  we  are  not  demonstrating  here.      To  begin,  I  would  like  to  start  with  how  we  can  execute  C  programs  using  the  GCC  compilers,  just  for  a  quick  review:    In  your  terminal:    dimsconsultants$  gcc  test.c  –o  test    The  above   line  will  make  the  gcc  compiler  use  the   ‘test  as  the  output   file  with  the  help  of  the  ‘-­‐o’  option  and  test.c  is  the  C  file  out  of  which  test.exe  will  be  created.      As   mentioned   above,   the   goal   of   performance   testing   is   not   to   find   bugs   but   to  eliminate   performance   bottlenecks.  And  we  shall   look  at   the   few   following  parameters  for  performance  Testing:    

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• Processor   Usage   -­‐   amount   of   time   processor   spends   executing   non-­‐idle  threads.  

• Memory   use   -­‐   amount   of   physical   memory   available   to   processes   on   a  computer.    

• Response   time   –   is   a   time   a   system   or   functional   unit   takes   to   react   to   a  given   input.   In   other  words,  we   can   say   that   the   response   time   is   the   total  amount  of  time  it  takes  to  respond  to  a  request  for  service.  That  service  can  be  anything  from  a  memory  fetch,  to  a  disk  IO,  to  a  complex  database  query,  or  loading  a  full  web  page  etc.  

• Throughput  -­‐  rate  a  computer  or  network  receives  requests  per  second.    

• Top  waits   -­‐   are  monitored   to  determine  what  wait   times   can  be   cut  down  when  dealing  with,  how  fast  data  is  retrieved  from  memory  

• Thread   counts   -­‐   An   applications   health   can   be   measured   by   the   no.   of  threads  that  are  running  and  currently  active.  

• Garbage   collection   -­‐  has  to  do  with  returning  unused  memory  back  to  the  system.  Garbage  collection  needs  to  be  monitored  for  efficiency  etc.    1. To  check  the  speed  of  you  C  program,  we  use  two  techniques:  

 a) Manual  time  calculation  as  in  the  below  example:  

 Test  programs:    a)  test01.c  program    #include  <stdio.h>  #include  <time.h>    //function  declaration  void  sum(int  no1,  int  no2);    int  main(){     clock_t  start  =  clock();  //starting  time     int  num1=10;     int  num2=10;     sum(num1,num2);  

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  clock_t  end  =  clock();  //end  time     clock_t  elapsed  =  (end  -­‐  start)  /  CLOCKS_PER_SEC;       printf("\nElapse  time:  %.8f\n",elapsed);     return  0;  }  void  sum(int  no1,  int  no2){     int  num1  =  no1;     int  num2  =  no2;     printf("%d",(num1+num2));  }      

b) test02.c  program    #include  <stdio.h>  #include  <time.h>    //function  declaration  void  sum(short  int  no1,  short  int  no2);    int  main(){     clock_t  start  =  clock();  //starting  time     short  int  num1=10,  num2  =  10;     sum(num1,num2);     clock_t  end  =  clock();  //end  time     clock_t  elapsed  =  (end  -­‐  start)  /  CLOCKS_PER_SEC;       printf("\nElapse  time:  %.8f\n",(float)elapsed);     return  0;  }  void  sum(short  int  no1,  short  int  no2){     printf("%d",(no1+no2));  }    

c) test03.c  program:    #include  <stdio.h>  #include  <stdlib.h>  #include  <time.h>  

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   int  main(int  argc,  char*argv[])  {          FILE  *fp;          char  ch;          int  count=0;            

printf("\n  Reading  a  file...\n");                    clock_t  start  =  clock(),  end;                            fp=fopen("objective.txt","r");          if(fp==NULL)          {                  printf("\n  File  not  found!fp=NULL\n\n");          }          else          {                //using  while  will  remove  that  extra  character  that  comes  after  reaching  the  end  of  file                  ch=fgetc(fp);//to  at  least  have  one  character  to  see  whether  enter  into  a  loop  or  not                  while(ch!=EOF)                  {                          //putchar(ch);                          ch=fgetc(fp);                          ++count;                  }                  printf("\n  the  no  of  char  is  =  %d\n\n",count);          }                  fclose(fp);//should  be  used  to  close  the  file.          printf  ("Calculating...\n");                 end  =  clock()  -­‐  start;       printf("\n\nElapsed  time:  %.8f\n\n",((float)end)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC  );    

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       return  0;  }        

d) test04.c  program:    #include  <stdio.h>  #include  <stdlib.h>      #define  SIZE  30      void  swap(int  *x,int  *y);    void  selection_sort(int*  a,  const  int  n);    void  display(int  a[],int  size);      void  main()  {              int  a[SIZE]  =  {8,5,2,3,1,6,9,4,0,7,8,5,2,3,12,36,9,44,102,71,8,45,22,3,11,66,9,4,0,7};              int  i;          printf("The  array  before  sorting:\n");          display(a,SIZE);              selection_sort(a,SIZE);              printf("The  array  after  sorting:\n");          display(a,SIZE);  }      /*          swap  two  integers  */  void  swap(int  *x,int  *y)  {  

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       int  temp;              temp  =  *x;          *x  =  *y;          *y  =  temp;  }  /*          perform  selection  sort  */  void  selection_sort(int*  a,const  int  size)  {          int  i,  j,  min;              for  (i  =  0;  i  <  size  -­‐  1;  i++)          {                  min  =  i;                  for  (j  =  i  +  1;  j  <  size;  j++)                  {                          if  (a[j]  <  a[min])                          {                                  min  =  j;                          }                  }                  swap(&a[i],  &a[min]);          }  }  /*          display  array  content  */  void  display(int  a[],const  int  size)  {          int  i;          for(i=0;  i<size;  i++)                  printf("%d  ",a[i]);          printf("\n");  }        

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e) test05.c  program:    /**    *  Test  C  program    *  Author:  Daniel  Ilunga    *  Edited:  02/02/2015    *  Version:  1.0    */    #include  <stdio.h>  #include  <stdlib.h>  #include  <math.h>      #include  "myctype.h"    #include  <time.h>      void  twinprime();    int  prime();    int  frequency_of_primes  (int  n)  ;    void  str_comb();    void  russianMethod();    void  reverseArray();    void  toupperCase1();      int  main(){     clock_t  start  =  clock(),  end;     //twin  prime       twinprime();       //str_comb     str_comb();       //Russian  method  of  multiplication     russianMethod();    

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  reverseArray();  //reverse  array  function       toupperCase1();  //toupperCase1()  function       printf  ("Calculating...\n");                 long  int  fq;           fq  =  frequency_of_primes  (499999);           printf  ("\nThe  number  of  primes  lower  than  500,000  is:  %ld\n",fq);     end  =  clock()  -­‐  start;       printf("\n\nElapsed  time:  %.8f\n\n",((float)end)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC  );     return  0;  }    void  twinprime()  {     int  no1=11;     int  no2=13;       printf("\n  *****  Twin  Prime  number  Program  ******  \n");       //printf("\nEnter  first  number  =  ");     //scanf("%d",&no1);       //printf("\nEnter  second  number  =  ");     //scanf("%d",&no2);         int  diff=0;     if(no1>no2)     {         diff=no1-­‐no2;         if(diff==2)         {           if(prime(no1)  &&  prime(no2))           {             printf("\n\nTwine  Pime!!\n\n");             }           else{             printf("\n\nNot  twine  prime!!\n\n");               }         }  

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  }     else{       if(no1==no2)       {         printf("\n\nNot  twine  prime!!\n\n");       }       else{         diff=no2-­‐no1;         if(diff==2)         {           if(prime(no1)  &&  prime(no2))           {             printf("\n\nTwine  Pime!!\n\n");             }           else{             printf("\n\nNot  twine  prime!!\n\n");               }         }else{           printf("\n\nNot  twine  prime!!\n\n");         }       }     }      }    int  prime(int  number)  {     int  cnt=2,  flag=0;       if(number==2)     {       //printf("Prime");       return  number;     }     else{         while(cnt<number/2)       {         if(number%cnt!=0)         {           flag  =  1;         }         cnt++;         }    

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    if(flag==1)         return  0;       else         return  1;         }  }    int  frequency_of_primes  (int  n)  {      printf("\n\n****  Count  of  all  Prime  Numbers  <  500000  ****\n\n");        int  i,j;      int  freq=n-­‐1;          for  (i=2;  i<=n;  ++i)               for  (j=sqrt(i);j>1;-­‐-­‐j)                 if  (i%j==0)  {                 -­‐-­‐freq;                   break;           }      return  freq;  }      void  str_comb(){         int  cnt=4;         printf("\n  *****  String  Combination  Program  ******  \n\n");       //printf("Enter  no  char  =  ");     //scanf("%d",&cnt);       char  str[]  =  {'a','b','c','d'};         //printf("Enter  a  string  =  ");     //scanf("%s",str);       for  (int  i  =  0;  i  <  cnt;  ++i)     {       printf("%c  ",str[i]  );  

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  }         printf("\n");     char  temp=0;     int  i=0;       while  (i<cnt)     {       for  (int  j  =  0;  j  <  cnt-­‐1;  ++j)       {         temp=str[j];         str[j]=str[j+1];         str[j+1]=temp;           for  (int  d  =  0;  d  <  cnt;  ++d)         {           printf("%c  ",str[d]  );         }         printf("\n");       }       i++;     }  }    void  russianMethod(){       int  num1=20,  num2=13,  num3;     int  j=0;//counter  variable       int  result=0;           printf("\n  *****  Russian  Method  of  Multiplication  Program  ******  \n\n");           //printf("\n  Enter  the  first  number  =  ");     //scanf("%d",&num1);     //printf("\n  Enter  the  second  number  =  ");     //scanf("%d",&num2);         num3=num1;//to  keep  track  of  the  initial  value  of  num2       int  count=0;       while(num1>0)     {  

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    num1=num1/2;       ++count;     }//finding  the  size  that  we  can  use  for  storing  the  values  in  the  arrays         //printf("count=  %d",count);     int  arrdiv[count];       int  arrmul[count];         arrdiv[0]=num3;     arrmul[0]=num2;         for(j=1;j<count;j++)     {       num3=num3/2;       num2=num2*2;       arrdiv[j]=(num3);       arrmul[j]=(num2);     }       for(j=0;j<count;j++)     {       if(arrdiv[j]%2!=0)       {         result=result+arrmul[j];       }       }     printf("\n   Using   -­‐   Russian   method   of   multiplication   the   result   is   =  %d\n\n",result);  }      void  toupperCase1()  {     printf("\n\n****  ToUpperCase  ****\n\n");       int  EXIT_SIZE  =  15,  START_SIZE  =  0;//the  size  of  the  array     //printf("\n  Enter  the  size  of  the  array  =  ");     //scanf("%d",&EXIT_SIZE);     int  i=0,count=0;     int  cnt=START_SIZE;//initialisation  of  cnt       char  *ptr;//declaration  of  the  pointer  that  will  point  at  the  array     char  *temp;         ptr=(char*)(malloc(EXIT_SIZE*sizeof(char)));  

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  temp=ptr;         printf("Enter  your  string    =  ");     scanf("%s",ptr);//reading  the  elements  of  the  array               for(i=START_SIZE;i<EXIT_SIZE;++i)     {       *(temp+i)=*(ptr+i);       ++count;     }         for(cnt=START_SIZE,i=START_SIZE;cnt<EXIT_SIZE;++cnt,++i)     {       if((*(ptr+i))>=97  &&  (*(ptr+i))<=122)       {         *(ptr+i)=(*(ptr+i)-­‐32);       }       if((*(ptr+i))>=65  &&  (*(ptr+i))<=90)       {         *(ptr+i)=*(temp+i);       }     }         printf("\n%s\n\n",ptr);     printf("The  length  of  the  array  is  =  %d\n\n",count);  }    void  reverseArray(){       printf("\n\n****  Reverse  array  ****\n\n");       int  START_SIZE  =  0,  EXIT_SIZE  =  20;//the  size  of  the  array         printf("\n  Enter  the  size  of  character  array  =  ");         scanf("%d",&EXIT_SIZE);         int  i=0,count=0;         int  cnt=START_SIZE;//initialisation  of  cnt           char  *ptr;//declaration  of  the  pointer  that  will  point  at  the  array      

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  char  *temp;         ptr=(char*)(malloc(EXIT_SIZE*sizeof(char)));//assigning   memory   that   will  be  pointed  by  ptr         temp=ptr;         printf("Enter  your  string    =  ");         scanf("%s",ptr);//reading  the  elements  of  the  array           //ptr=temp;//to  make  the  temp  pointer  point  at  the  initial  element     ptr=ptr-­‐EXIT_SIZE;         for(i=(EXIT_SIZE-­‐1),cnt=START_SIZE;i>=START_SIZE;-­‐-­‐i,++cnt)     {           *(ptr+i)=*(temp+cnt);         }     START_SIZE  =  0;       for(cnt=START_SIZE;cnt<EXIT_SIZE;++cnt)     {           printf("%c",*(ptr+cnt));           ++count;         }         printf("\n\nThe  length  of  the  array  is  %d\n\n",count);    }        à   Using   the   time   command,   will   return   the   output   and   the   elapsed   manually  calculated  in  the  test.c  program  depending  on  the  operating  system  on  which  it  runs  as  well  as  the  machine  characteristics.      dimsconsultants$  gcc  test.c  –Wall  –o  dims    

dimsconsultants$  ./dims  

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 Output:    Elapse  time:  0.00000000      -­‐         this  elapsed  time  is  equivalent  to  the  user  time  if  performed  automatically  with  the  help  of  the  time  command.      -­‐     the   “-­‐Wall”   option   is   to   enable   the   warnings   in   the   program.   To   silence   the  warning  we  should  use  “-­‐w”,  and  remember  both  options  are  case  sensitive.    

f) Automatic  time  calculation  using  the  time  command  as:         dimsconsultants$  gcc  test.c  –Wall  –o  dims    

dimsconsultants$  time  ./dims  #  will  return  the  time  with  three  components:    Output:        -­‐>  real   0m0.005s    -­‐>  user   0m0.001s    -­‐>  sys   0m0.002s      Note:      -­‐ the  above  program  is  executed  on  a  machine  with  the  following  characteristics:  

 -­‐ Processor:  2.3  GHz  Intel  Core  i7  -­‐ Memory:  16  GB  1600  MHz  DDR3  

 Which   also  means   that   the   output   will   vary   based   on   the   system   the   program   is  tested   or   executed.   For   instance,   on   a  multi-­‐processor  machine,   a  multi-­‐threaded  process  might  have  an  elapsed  time  lesser  than  the  total  CPU  time  –  due  to  the  fact  

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that,   threads  or  processes  may  run   in  parallel   and  also  because   the   time  statistics  reported  come  from  different  origins,  so  the  recorded  time  for  every  small  running  task  can  be  subject  to  rounding  errors,  etc.      The  meaning  of  the  above  output  is  explained  in  the  below  lines.    -­‐>  Real,  User  and  Sys  process  time  statistics:    One  of  these  things  is  not  like  the  other.  Real  refers  to  actual  elapsed  time;  User  and  Sys  refer  to  CPU  time  used  only  by  the  process.    • Real  is  wall  clock  time  -­‐  time  from  start  to  finish  of  the  call.  This  is  all  elapsed  time  

including  time  slices  used  by  other  processes  and  time  the  process  spends  blocked  (for  example  if  it  is  waiting  for  I/O  to  complete).    

• User  is   the   amount   of   CPU   time   spent   in   user-­‐mode   code   (outside   the  kernel)  within  the   process.   This   is   only   actual   CPU   time   used   in   executing   the  process.   Other   processes   and   time   the   process   spends   blocked   do   not   count  towards  this  figure.  

 • Sys  is   the  amount  of  CPU  time  spent   in  the  kernel  within  the  process.  This  means  

executing   CPU   time   spent   in   system   calls  within   the  kernel,  as   opposed   to   library  code,  which  is  still  running  in  user-­‐space.  Like  'user',  this  is  only  CPU  time  used  by  the   process.   See   below   for   a   brief   description   of   kernel   mode   (also   known   as  'supervisor'  mode)  and  the  system  call  mechanism.  

 To  find  out  the  CPU  time  how  process  has  used  for  its  execution,  we’ll  have  to  sum  the  User  time  and  The  System  time  -­‐  User  +  Sys.  We  must  remember  also  that  this  is  on  all  CPUs,  so  if  the  process  has  multiple  threads,  it  could  exceed  the  time  reported  by  Real.   In   The   output   we   get,   the   figures   include   the   User   and   Sys   time   of   all   child  processes  or  threads  associated  to  the  process.      à  More  about  'sys'    Normally,   there   are  many   things   that   the   programmers   code   can’t   do   in   the  user  mode,   such  as  allocating  memory  or  accessing  or  requesting  some  I/o.  Everything  within   an   operating   system   is   under   supervision   of   the  kernel.     Some   operations  like  malloc,  calloc,   fread  /   fwrte  etc.  will  invoke  the  kernel   functions  and  will  be  counted   under   ‘sys’   time.   But,   this   does   not   mean,   "every   call   to  malloc   will   be  

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counted   in   'sys'   time".  The   call   to  malloc  will   do   some  processing  of   its  own   (still  counted   in   'user'   time)   and   then   somewhere   along   the   way   call   the   function   in  kernel   (counted   in   'sys'   time).   After   returning   from   the  kernel   call,   there  will   be  some  more  time  in  'user'  and  then  malloc  will  return  to  your  code.  As  for  when  the  context   switches   happen,   and   how   much   time   associated   to   it   is   counted   in   the  kernel   mode   (sys   time).   It   depends   on   the   implementation   of   the   library.   Also,  other   seemingly   innocent   functions   might   also   use  malloc  and   the   like   in   the  background,  which  will  again  have  some  time  in  'sys'  time.  

How do I test the Performance of my C Code? There  are  two  techniques  to  achieve  this:    

• Enable  a  higher  level  of  compiler  optimization  (-­‐O  in  gcc),  which  we  are  going  to  discuss  about  with  more  details  on  how  this  can  be  done.

• And   turn   off   the   debug   option   if   it's   enabled   (-­‐g   in   gcc).     Depending   on   your  workload,  this  may  improve  performance  by  10  to  50%.  We  can  also  use  the  (-­‐pg  in  gcc)  to  reduce  the  execution  time  of  our  code.  By  default,  the  debugging  mode  is  enabled.

 à  Brief  introduction  to  different  levels  of  optimization:    There   are   seven  -­‐O  settings   or   seven   levels   of   optimization:  -­‐O0,  -­‐O1,  -­‐O2,  -­‐O3,  -­‐Os,    Og,  and  -­‐Ofast.  Only  use  one  of  option  at  a  time.  Some  users  boast  about  even  better  performance  obtained  by  using  -­‐O4,  -­‐O9,   and   so  on,   but   the   reality   is   that  -­‐O  levels  higher  than  3  have  no  effect.  The  compiler  may  accept  CFLAGS  like  -­‐O4,  but  it   actually  doesn't  do  anything  with   them.   It   only  performs   the  optimizations   for  -­‐O3,  nothing  more.    Now,  we’ll  be  learning  the  different  level  of  optimization  one  by  one  and  what  they  do:    With  the  exception  of  -­‐O0,  the  -­‐O  settings  each  activate  several  additional  flags,  so  be  sure  to  read  the  GCC  manual's  chapter  on  optimization  options  to  learn  which  flags  are  activated  at  each  -­‐O  level,  as  well  as  some  explanations  as  to  what  they  do.    

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Let  us  examine  each  optimization  level:    -­‐O0:   This   level   (that   is   the   letter   "O"   followed   by   a   zero)   turns   off   optimization  entirely   and   is   the   default   if   no  -­‐O  level   is   specified   in  CFLAGS  or  CXXFLAGS.   This  reduces   compilation   time   and   can   improve   debugging   info,   but   some   applications  will   not   work   properly   without   optimization   enabled.   This   option   is   not  recommended  except  for  debugging  purposes.    -­‐O1:   the   most   basic   optimization   level.   The   compiler   will   try   to   produce   faster,  smaller  code  without  taking  much  compilation  time.  It  is  basic,  but  it  should  get  the  job  done  all  the  time.    -­‐O2:  A  step  up  from  -­‐O1.  The  recommended  level  of  optimization  unless  the  system  has  special  needs.  -­‐O2  will  activate  a  few  more  flags  in  addition  to  the  ones  activated  by  -­‐O1.  With  -­‐O2,   the   compiler  will   attempt   to   increase   code  performance  without  compromising  on  size,  and  without  taking  too  much  compilation  time.    -­‐O3:   the   highest   level   of   optimization   possible.   It   enables   optimizations   that   are  expensive  in  terms  of  compile  time  and  memory  usage.  Compiling  with  -­‐O3  is  not  a  guaranteed  way  to  improve  performance,  and  in  fact,  in  many  cases,  can  slow  down  a  system  due  to   larger  binaries  and  increased  memory  usage.  -­‐O3  is  also  known  to  break  several  packages.  Using  -­‐O3  is  not  recommended.    -­‐Os:  optimizes  code  for  size.  It  activates  all  -­‐O2  options  that  do  not  increase  the  size  of  the  generated  code.  It  can  be  useful  for  machines  that  have  extremely  limited  disk  storage  space  and/or  CPUs  with  small  cache  sizes.    -­‐Og:   In   GCC   4.8,   a   new   general   optimization   level,  -­‐Og,   has   been   introduced.   It  addresses  the  need  for  fast  compilation  and  a  superior  debugging  experience  while  providing   a   reasonable   level   of   runtime   performance.   Overall   experience   for  development   should   be   better   than   the   default   optimization   level  -­‐O0.   Note   that  -­‐Og  does   not   imply  -­‐g,   it   simply   disables   optimizations   that   may   interfere   with  debugging.    -­‐Ofast:   New   in   GCC   4.7,   consists   of  -­‐O3  plus  -­‐ffast-­‐math,  -­‐fno-­‐protect-­‐parens,   and  -­‐fstack-­‐arrays.   This   option   breaks   strict   standards   compliance,   and   is   not  recommended  for  use.    

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As  previously  mentioned,  -­‐O2  is  the  recommended  optimization  level.  If  package  compilation  fails  and  while  not  using  -­‐O2,  try  rebuilding  with  that  option.    -­‐pipe    A  common  flag  is  -­‐pipe.  This  flag  has  no  effect  on  the  generated  code,  but  it  makes  the   compilation   process  faster.   It   tells   the   compiler   to   use   pipes   instead   of  temporary   files   during   the   different   stages   of   compilation,   which   uses   more  memory.  On  systems  with  low  memory,  GCC  might  get  killed.  In  those  cases  do  not  use  this  flag.    Now,  let  say  we  do:    dimsconsultants$  gcc  test.c  –o  dims    

è use  the  time  command  to  view  how  much  time  this  gives  you:    dimsconsultants$  time  ./dims        -­‐ Remember   that   the   above   commands   are   tested   on   a   machine   with   the  

following  characteristics:    

-­‐ Processor:  2.3  GHz  Intel  Core  i7  -­‐ Memory:  16  GB  1600  MHz  DDR3  

 Therefore,  the  output  might  different  from  one  machine  to  another.  But,  the  concept  will  remain  the  same.                  

Table  1:  Speed  Test  –  before  removing  the  bottlenecks    Program   Response   Throughput   CPU  Time   System  time  

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time  (User)   (Real)   (User  +  Sys)   (Sys)  test01.c   0m0.001s   0m0.005s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

test02.c   0m0.001s   0m0.005s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

test03.c   0m0.005s   0m0.009s   0m0.007s   0m0.002s  

test04.c   0m0.001s   0m0.005s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

test05.c   0m0.535s   0m9.702s   0m0.537s   0m0.002s  

 Remember   that   the   goal   of   performance   testing   is   not   to   find   bugs   but   to  

eliminate   performance   bottlenecks.   A   good   question   should   be,   how   do   we  

eliminate  the  performance  bottlenecks?  


We’ll  use  optimization  levels  to  eliminate  the  bottlenecks  in  our  programs  without  

we   doing   any   change   within   our   codes   but   making   them   better   code   with   good  



dimsconsultants$  gcc  test.c  –g  –o  dims        #or  also  the  below  can  be  used:    dimsconsultants$  gcc  test.c  –o  dims  –O1    #first  level  of  optimization    

è use  the  time  command  to  view  how  much  time  this  gives  you:    dimsconsultants$  time  ./dims        

Table  2:  Speed  Test  –  after  removing  the  bottlenecks:  -­‐O1  (level)    Program   Response  

time  (User)  Throughput  

(Real)  CPU  Time  (User  +  Sys)  

System  time  (Sys)  

test01.c   0m0.001s   0m0.004s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

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test02.c   0m0.001s   0m0.005s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

test03.c   0m0.005s   0m0.008s   0m0.007s   0m0.002s  

test04.c   0m0.001s   0m0.004s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

test05.c   0m0.465s   0m6.600s   0m0.468s   0m0.003s  

   Table  3:  


Before  removing  bottlenecks   After  removing  bottlenecks  User   Real   CPU   Sys   User   Real   CPU   Sys  

test01.c   0m0.001s   0m0.005s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s   0m0.001s   0m0.004s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

test02.c   0m0.001s   0m0.005s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s   0m0.001s   0m0.004s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

test03.c   0m0.005s   0m0.009s   0m0.007s   0m0.002s   0m0.005s   0m0.008s   0m0.007s   0m0.002s  

test04.c   0m0.001s   0m0.005s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s   0m0.001s   0m0.004s   0m0.003s   0m0.002s  

test05.c   0m0.535s   0m9.702s   0m0.537s   0m0.002s   0m0.465s   0m6.600s   0m0.468s   0m0.003s    















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è Comparison  of  different  levels  of  optimization:    

Program   Level   Response  time  (User)  

Throughput  (Real)  

CPU  Time  (User  +  Sys)  

System  time  (Sys)  







-­‐00   0m0.559s   0m4.879s   0m0.540s   0m0.003s  

-­‐01   0m0.465s   0m6.600s   0m0.468s   0m0.003s  

-­‐02   0m0.460s   0m5.299s   0m0.462s   0m0.002s  

-­‐03   0m0.467s   0m6.179s   0m0.470s   0m0.003s  

-­‐O4   0m0.467s   0m5.066s   0m0.470s   0m0.003s  

-­‐0s   0m0.458s 0m5.129s 0m0.460s 0m0.002s

-­‐0fast   0m0.449s 0m6.301s 0m0.451s 0m0.002s

Other  options  

-­‐g   0m0.548s 0m5.615s 0m0.550s 0m0.002s

-­‐pg   0m0.528s 0m6.179s 0m0.531s 0m0.003s

-­‐pipe   0m0.543s 0m4.812s 0m0.545s 0m0.002s



à  Things  to  remember:    

Ø -­‐O1:      The  purpose  of  the  first  level  of  optimization  is  to  produce  an  optimized  image  in  a  short   amount   of   time.   These   optimizations   typically   don't   require   significant  amounts  of  compile  time  to  complete.      dimsconsultants$  gcc  -­‐O1  -­‐o  test  test.c      Any  optimization  can  be  enabled  outside  of  any  level  simply  by  specifying  its  name  with  the  -­‐f  prefix,  as:    dimsconsultants$  gcc  -­‐fdefer-­‐pop  -­‐o  test  test.c    

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 We   also   could   enable   level   1   optimization   and   then   disable   any   particular  optimization  using  the  -­‐fno-­‐  prefix,  like  this:    dimsconsultants$  gcc  -­‐O1  -­‐fno-­‐defer-­‐pop  -­‐o  test  test.c      This   command   would   enable   the   first   level   of   optimization   and   then   specifically  disable  the  defer-­‐pop  optimization.    

Ø -­‐O2:    The  level  -­‐O2  optimizations  include  all  of  the  -­‐O1  optimizations,  plus  a  large  number  of  others.      dimsconsultants$  gcc  -­‐O2  -­‐o  test  test.c        

Ø -­‐Os:    The  special  optimization  level  (-­‐Os  or  size)  enables  all  -­‐O2  optimizations  that  do  not  increase   code   size;   it   puts   the   emphasis   on   size   over   speed.   This   includes   all  second-­‐level  optimizations,  except  for  the  alignment  optimizations.    dimsconsultants$  gcc  -­‐Os  -­‐o  test  test.c        

Ø -­‐O3:    

The   third  and  highest   level  enables  even  more  optimizations   like  described   in   the  below  table  by  putting  emphasis  on   speed   over   size.  This   includes  optimizations  enabled  at  -­‐O2.    dimsconsultants$  gcc  -­‐O3  -­‐o  test  test.c      Although,  -­‐O3  and  –Ofast  can  produce  fast  code.  But,  it  is  recommended  to  use  the  second  level  of  optimization  -­‐O2  to  increase  the  performance  of  your  code.  

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 Table  4:  Memory  usage  before  removal  of  bottlenecks    dimsconsultants$  gcc    test01.c  –c  –o  dims      

dimsconsultants$  size  dims  




Memory  usage  

TEXT   DATA   OBJC   Others   Dec   Hex  test01.c   312   0   0   64   376   178  

test02.c   326   0   0   64   390   186  

test03.c   577   0   0   32   609   261  

test04.c   975   0   0   128   1103   44F  

test05.c   3559   0   0   256   3815   EE7        

Table  5:  Memory  usage  after  removal  of  bottlenecks    dimsconsultants$  gcc    test01.c  –c  –o  dims  -­‐Os    

dimsconsultants$  size  dims        



Memory  usage    

TEXT   DATA   OBJC   Others   Dec   Hex  test01.c   231   0   0   62   295   127  test02.c   238   0   0   64   302   12E  test03.c   448   0   0   32   480   1E0  test04.c   734   0   0   128   862   35E  test05.c   2071   0   0   256   2327   917  


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Memory  usage  -­‐  Before   Memory  usage  -­‐  After  TEXT   DATA   OBJC   Others   Dec   Hex   TEXT   DATA   OBJC   Others   Dec   Hex  

test01.c   312   0   0   64   376   178   231   0   0   62   295   127  

test02.c   326   0   0   64   390   186   238   0   0   64   302   12E  

test03.c   577   0   0   32   609   261   448   0   0   32   480   1E0  

test04.c   975   0   0   128   1103   44F   734   0   0   128   862   35E  

test05.c   3559   0   0   256   3815   EE7   2071   0   0   256   2327   917  

   Table  6:  Memory  usage  in  a  more  human  readable  form    dimsconsultants$  gcc    test01.c  –c  –o  dims    

dimsconsultants$  ls  –hl  dims    #size  in  KB    

dimsconsultants$  ls  –l  dims    #  size  in  Bytes      


Program   Before  removing  bottlenecks  

test01.c   1192B | 1.2KB  

test02.c   1208B | 1.2KB  

test03.c   1656B | 1.6KB  

test04.c   2368B | 2.3KB  

test05.c   6320B | 6.2KB    

   Table  7:  Memory  usage  in  a  more  human  readable  form  -­‐  Optimized    dimsconsultants$  gcc    test01.c  –c  –o  dims  -­‐Os    

dimsconsultants$  ls  –hl  dims    #size  in  KB    

dimsconsultants$  ls  –l  dims    #  size  in  Bytes      


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Program   After  removing  bottlenecks  

test01.c   1120B | 1.1KB  

test02.c   1128B | 1.1KB  

test03.c   1644B | 1.6KB  

test04.c   2124B | 2.1KB  

test05.c   4784B | 4.7KB      Table  8:      


Memory  usage    

Before   After  test01.c   1192B | 1.2KB   1120B | 1.1KB  test02.c   1208B | 1.2KB   1128B | 1.1KB  test03.c   1656B | 1.6KB   1644B | 1.6KB  test04.c   2368B | 2.3KB   2124B | 2.1KB  test05.c   6320B | 6.2KB   4784B | 4.7KB  

 -­‐>   The   above   command   is   used   to   show   how   much   memory   is   reduced.   To   just  execute   the   code   with   the   optimization   levels   do:   (without   the   ‘-­‐c’   option   which  stops  the  entire  process  at  the  compilation  level  only).  But  the  easiest  way  is  to  use  the  –save-­‐temps  command  that  will  allow  you  test  all  different  files  involved  in  the  compilation  process.      dimsconsultants$  gcc    test01.c  –o  dims  –Os    

   dimsconsultants$  size  ./dims    #ls  –lh  dims      Note:  There  is  quite  a  lot  to  explore  when  it  comes  to  using  time  command,  such  as  the  time  taken  by  the  gcc  command  to  compile,  execute  etc.,  and  how  much  memory  the  program  under  test  takes  at  every  compilation  stage.  

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Ø Conclusion:      

We  can  therefore  say  that,  though  not  known  as  a  tool  for  Performance  Testing,  GCC  

compiler   has   lots   of   abilities   that  we   should   look   at   and   exploit.  With   the   help   of  

various   Linux   commands,   we   were   able   to   test   parameters   such   as, CPU time,

memory usage, Speed, Stability, scalability and so on.

To achieve this, we have used the GCC optimization options; different levels of

optimization we of great help for us. Though these options are of great help, one

should know which level to use based on the understanding of each optimization


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 Ø  References:  

 1.  GCC  Documentation:      -­‐  https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-­‐Options.html