Best Practices and So Much More! Presented by Kelly Noble Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Facebook at lunch class oct 18 2011

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Best Practices and So Much More!

Presented by Kelly Noble

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Page 2: Facebook at lunch class oct 18 2011

• There are over 800 million active Facebook (500 million this time last year)

• Facebook supports over 70 languages

• 71.2% of the US web audience is on Facebook

• There are more than 350 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

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Main Changes to Facebook Profiles

• Subscribe Feature

• Enhanced Lists

• New Security Features

• The Ticker

• Advanced Sharing

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Subscribe Feature

• Now you can share with people even if you are not friends.

• Only People who allow subscribe buttons on their profile can have subscribers.

• You can subscribe to others even if you do not allow subscriptions yourself.

• You can control what subscribers see and don’t see.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

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Friend vs. Subscriber

• Can see what you post• You see what they post• You already subscribe to friends• Have more privileges

• Can only see what is publicly posted• Cannot see anything that is not open to the public• You won’t see their updates in your feed

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Subscriber vs. Fan

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Subscription Set UpTo allow subscriptions go to facebook.com/about/subscribe

After you accept subscriptions you will be prompted choose who can comment on your posts and what notifications you

want to receive when new people subscribe.

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Subscription Options

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1. Hover

2. Hover

Default Setting

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Share with Care

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

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Audience Selector

Public- Anyone can see these. These are also the updates that your subscribers will see in their feeds.

Friends - Only your friends can see these updates.

Friends except Acquaintances - Facebook determines who you associated with the least and calls these people “Acquaintances”. Only the people you interact with most will see these updates.

Custom - Allows you to post only to specific people, exclude certain people or so no one can see your post.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

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Manage Lists

• Click on list name

• Click on “Manage List” in the upper right corner

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Share with only that list

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TickerActivity Stories

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

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• Create a Facebook Fan Page

• fb.com/page

• Welcome visitors with a custom welcome page

• Have a larger custom logo

• At 25 Fans create a vanity URL

• fb.com/username

• Regular updates

• Always remember the 80/20 rule of posting

Facebook Page Best practices

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Develop a Posting Plan

Monday: Industry NewsTuesday: Sellers TipWednesday: Buyers TipThursday: Market UpdateFriday: Local Events & NewsSaturday: Question/AnswerSunday: Motivational

Goals: Attract a following of past customers, potential clients and real estate professionals. We want to help our followers understand how to finance and buy a home, sell a home or refinance a home.

Approach: Share a mix of helpful home owner and buyer tips, market updates and overall happenings in the real estate market in Colorado

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Now What?

• Share exclusive Content

• Encourage fan Participation

• Reward Fans

• Handling Negative Feedback

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Handling Negative Feedback

• Engage in genuine dialogue

• Transparency is key

• Address negative feedback honestly & openly but do not attack.

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Grow your audience

• Start with who you know

• Work with your existing assets

• Cross promote (tagging)

• Use Facebook Ads

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Like ButtonThe Like button lets users share pages from your site back to their Facebook profile with one click.

CommentsThe Comments plugin lets users comment on any piece of content on your site.

Like BoxThe Like Box enables users to like your Facebook Page and view its stream directly from your website.

RegistrationThe registration plugin allows users to easily sign up for your website with their Facebook account.

Live StreamThe Live Stream plugin lets your users share activity and comments in real-time as they interact during a live event.

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Tagging 101

Here I have tagged Wember Inc in my message so that this message not only shows up on my wall but also to the Wember Inc. Wall. Also the tag becomes a link to that page’s wall.

Steps:1.Your PAGE must like the page you wish to tag prior to doing a tag.2.Start typing your message and when you want to tag you use the “@” sign. So if you wanted to tag Stellar247 you would type @stellar247.3.Once you start typing the @username the page you wish to tag will show up in the drop down menu. Select the page you want to tag.4.Continue sharing your message as you normally would.

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Facebook Ads

‣ Target by Demographics, location & Interest

‣ Very inexpensive (ads start at .10 per click!)

‣ Direct to Facebook Business page or outside link.

‣ Easy to use

‣ Choose to target based upon CPC (Cost Per Click) or CPM (Cost Per Impression)

‣ Your ad can have up to 135 characters which is nearly twice as much as Google.

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Other FB Tips

• Now allowed 5000 characters for postings

• Doing away with Discussions and Reviews

• Required SSL

• No longer allowed to send massages to fans

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Give me a recommendation for this class on LinkedIn and I’ll send you:

Facebook Cheat SheetLinkedIn Cheat Sheet

Full of helpful tips and glossary of terms!

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Connect with me:




[email protected]

Wednesday, October 19, 2011