Emma’s Guide to Great BarCamping Emma Persky storyteller, geek, believer, etc.

Emma's Guide to Great BarCamping

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Emma’s Guide to Great BarCamping

Emma Perskystoryteller, geek, believer, etc.

How to make the most of barcamp in 10 easy

to follow steps

Step 1:Be Prepared

Be Prepared

• Make slides and notes in advance

• Free to listen and partake in other sessions

• Iron out those glitches

Step 2:Go Alone

Go Alone or in a Small Group

• Greater opportunity to meet people

• Network in groups of 2 or 3

• Introduce to each other

Step 3:Arrive Early

Arrive Early

• Barcamps not every weekend

• Get your session on the grid

• Breakfast (if your lucky)

Step 4:Be Prepared for


Be Prepared for Change

• Barcamp is all about challenging convention

• Be open to adapting your session

• Consider entirely new sessions on the back of discussions at barcamp

Step 5:Don’t Be Afraid

Don’t Be Afraid(to leave a session)

• Not every session is for every one - multiple trakcs

• Engage with the group before you leave

• Find another session!

Step 6:Make Few Plans

Make Few Plans

• Anything can happen at barcamp. No, really!

• Opportunities to socialise outside barcamp, or perhaps share a ride

• If you make plans, you will miss out!

Step 7:Bring Cards

Bring Personal and Business Cards

• Don’t let people forget you

• Business cards for those interested in your work

• Personal cards for everyone (else)

• Online contact details

Step 8:Keep in Contact

Keep in Contact

• Collect those business cards

• Add people to your gmail account, and import to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Upcoming, Dopplr etc.

• If your really keen, do it on the way home, but whatever you do, don’t wait!

Step 9:Have Fun!

Have Fun

• Really! Barcamp is not just about networking and learning

• Fun with likeminded people

• Play werewolf, uncricket, buzzword bingo, etc.

• Take your eyes away from the screen

Step 10:Organise Your Own


Organise Your Own Barcamp

• Most important step of all

• Give back to the community, locally or for a specialist topic

• Don’t worry about it, just do it!

Emma Persky

emmapersky everywhere online

[email protected]