Small Risks Are Essential

Embrace Risks To Create Wealth

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Small Risks Are Essential

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When I was a kid one of my favorite old movies was Trapeze, with Tony Curtis.

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He had struggled to complete the triple flip throughout the movie.

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In the final scene, he had finally gotten up the courage to try, just as they were removing the safety net, thinking the act was over.

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He did it anyway, and it went off perfectly.

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I also remember watching a REAL act, only the lady fell.

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She had spotters, but they didn't catch her in time, and she broke her wrist.

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I remember the VERY uncomfortable feeling that suddenly fell over the crowd when that happened.

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The truth about human life on Earth is that it is dangerous.

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We can try to avoid risk at all costs, but it's always there.

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The insurance industry has been around for centuries because of this.

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Nobody knows what's going to happen when they try something unfamiliar.

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Even the old days Western Imperialism, many of the ships wouldn't have sailed unless they knew they were covered against loss.

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On the other hand, if you never take any risks, you'll never have any fun.

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The trick is to know which risks are smart, and which aren't.

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The biggest risk you can take is not to take any risks at all.

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Then you'll be at the end of your life wondering why it was so frikking boring!

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Obviously, risks involving physical or financial danger should be undertaken with MASSIVE caution.

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On the other hand, risks involving social safety are usually not risky at all.

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We only think they are, since we're still carrying around those hunter-gatherer instincts from when we were surrounded by the SAME people our

entire lives.

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Sure, back then, if you looked like a goof in front of your peers, it may have cost you.

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But today? You can just laugh it off and try again.

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Even financial risks don't have to be life or death.

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Sure, a lot of people want to make a LOT of money in a SHORT amount of time, but this either involves MASSIVE luck, or MASSIVE risk.

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Luckily, the best way to get rich is to slowly grow your wealth.

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Take small risks you can afford.

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See what happens.

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If it pays off, take a little bigger one.

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If it doesn't, learn the valuable lesson, and take some time to digest it.

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This is PRECISELY the mindset that has turned even the simplest business ideas into MASSIVE fortunes.

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Sure, it didn't happen overnight.

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But it happened.

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Patience, SMALL risks, and persistence.

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Any idea you have now could be worth millions.

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