Egg Drop

Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

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Page 1: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Egg Drop

Page 2: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Group Members:Destiny Ginger Tierney

Page 3: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Question:Is it possible to drop an egg into a glass of water without

touching the egg?

Page 4: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Hypothesis:I do not think that the egg

will go into the glass of water because when you

hit the tin, the egg will most likely keep moving with

the tin and crack on the table.

Page 5: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Materials:Cardboard Tube

Pie Tin Eggs Water

A large drinking glass Tray (Optional)

Page 6: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Variables:Control: The controls are the amount of water in the

glass, the pie tin, and the egg.

Independent Variable: The independent variable is that the tube length changed.

Dependent Variable: The dependent variable is that the tube got taller. The effect was that

the splash was larger.

Page 7: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Procedures:1) Fill the drinking glass about three-quarters full

with water.Center a pie tin on top of the glass.2)

3) Place the cardboard tube on the pie tin, positioning it directly over the water.

Carefully set the egg on top of the cardboard tube.4)5)With your writing hand, smack the pie tin on the edge

horizontally. Don't swing up, and don't swing down! It's important that you hit the pie tin horizontally and use a pretty solid hit, so plan on chasing the pie tin

and tube.6) Record your observations.Repeat steps 1-6 using each of the

different tube sizes.7)

Page 8: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger


4 inches Short splashThe tube moves

with the tin an the egg does not move with them and falls.

8 inches Tall splashThe egg picks up more momentum because it has a longer way to fall.

Tube SizeApproximate

measurement of water splash


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In the investigation one person hit the pie pan (with the tube and egg on top it and a cup of water below it ) that made the egg fall into the glass of water. We can visually represent our

data by showing our videos and pictures.

Page 12: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

ConclusionOur conclusion is that we learned that we can move an egg

without touching the egg by hitting the pie tin,which makes the tube follow along with the pie tin and the egg falls into the cup

of water.(The egg was on top of the tube.)

Page 13: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Newtons First Law Of Motion

This experiment is an example of....

Page 14: Egg Drop--Destiny, Tierney and Ginger

Tierney Destiny Ginger


I understand completely.


I understand completely.


I understand completely.

Line of learning (law of inertia)