By: Mama Gusta n Guna My friends in the ocean

DIY My friends in the ocean, learning the marine life and rhyme

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By: Mama Gusta n Guna

My friends in the ocean

One little octopus

crawling on the sea floorTaking one, two, three steps and


A school of fish

swimming here and


some food to eat and


Big and graceful is the whaleFlipping so

high, gasping for

air to inhale

Turtles twist and turn moving their flippers

round and roundThey really are good

dancer that’s what I found

Look at the crabs doing their funny


They move sideways and snapping their

claws click clack click


Arround the garden of sea weeds

the sea horse hop

Taking care of the eggs

is the male’s job

With teeth so sharp it swims swiftly under

the seaLook out, the shark is

coming and it’s staring at me

Three lovely dolphins

jumping in the air

Such a sight is beautiful and rare

Star fish in the ocean, star fish on the shore

I see red, I see orange,but I want to

see more

Jelly fish swimming arround the deep blue sea

They look like

umbrellas can you
