Assert Yourself, Build Confidence and Realise Your Potential 16 th October 2017

Candlelighters Workshop Assert Yourself, Build Confidence and Develop Your Potential

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Assert Yourself, Build Confidence and

Realise Your Potential16th October 2017

Your agenda today

Success fundamentalsWhat is success?Success triadThe impact of attitude Strategies for building self confidenceAttitudes and communication

Your agenda today

Communicating effectively with different personalities

Why miscommunication occurs?6 key business communication issuesPersonality styles and communicationListening to truly understand peopleStyle compass

Your agenda todayThe mindset of influence

Attributes of influential peopleListening and influenceThe currency of influence- TrustConcepts of influence- Win-Win-WinWin people to your way of thinkingInfluencing behaviour change

Putting today into action- Assignments

Your Priorities

Tab 6


What does this mean to me?

How can I use this idea?

What can I do right away?

Success leaves clues...

What’s your definition of success?

"Success is peace of mind, which is a direct result of

self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best

to become the best you are capable of becoming’’

"Success in life could be defined as the continued expansion of happiness

and the progressive realization of worthy


Tab1 p1

"Success is going from failure to

failure without losing enthusiasm’’

"The more you're actively and

practically engaged, the more successful

you will feel’’

"Success is liking yourself, liking what

you do, and liking how you do it’’

"If you carefully consider what you want to be said of you in the funeral

experience, you will find your definition

of success"

‘’If you love what you’re doing and it

pays the bills......that’s success’’

Why are some people more

successful than others?

Your personal Challenge!

30% more! Attributes, traits, qualities



Find your replacement

Skills Attitude


• Communication• Influence• People• Trust

• Confidence• Enthusiasm• Drive• Resilience


Definition... p2

A manner of thinking, acting or feeling that shows your disposition

The way you dedicate yourself to the way you think

3 Times When Stress Can Happen




Key Question

Can we control our attitude regardless of the situation or experience we find

ourselves in? Please discuss p2

Key Question

Where does a positive attitude

come from


Key Question

Do you have a positive attitude?

Lets see...p5

Attitude self test p4

Attitude self test


Attitude self test25-35 Oh dear! A victim of stinkin thinking

36-55 You’ve got a negative attitude-and need to work at it56-75 In big group of people who think they’ve got a positive attitude but don’t realize it could be so much better

76-95 You’ve got a good attitude and understand it could still improve

96+ You’re the greatest- because you think you are!

Comfort ZoneWhat is a comfort zone?


Comfort ZoneWhat is a comfort zone?

Strategies for Developing Self Confidence

Self Acceptance

Positive personal traits, qualities, strengths



Why is this a challenge for many of us?

Why is this a challenge for many of us?

















Why is this a challenge for many of us?

















-- --


Our Focus

Strategies for Developing Self Confidence

Self Acceptance

Attitude we have towards our past successes and achievements


Self Respect


Strategies for Developing Self Confidence

Self Acceptance Self Respect

Self Confidence

Self Direction

Attitudes Towards Others and Our Jobs

Please Read Page 9

Attitudes Towards Others and Our Jobs

Please Read Page 9

How people judge us...

Attitudes Towards Others and Our Jobs

Please Read Page 9

How people judge us...

What you say

How you say it

What you say... what you mean...!



We need I want

I’m sorry You’ll be sorry

What you say... what you mean...!

You’re in trouble

Go ahead...

We need to talk

Do whatever you want...

You’d better notYou’ll pay for this


No...I’m not upset

Of course I am you moron!

Attitudes Towards Others and Our Jobs

Please Read Page 9

How people judge us...

What you say

How you say it

What you do

How you do it

How you look

4 Attitudes We Portray To Others


Attitudes and Communication


Attitudes and Communication


Attitudes and Communication

Attitudes and Communication

Attitudes and Communication

Attitudes and Communication

Attitudes and Communication

Scenario 1

Scenario 2


Something To Think About







Something To Think About



The field of study concerned with the transmission of information

The imparting or exchange of information by speaking, writing or

using some other medium

Tab 2 p1

Why Most Miscommunication Happens

1. The sender fails to send an appropriate message to the receiver/recipient

2. The language used in the message is insufficient or inappropriate to communicate it’s intended meaning

3. Recipients interpretation of the message is not identical to what sender had intended

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

‘’In the name of efficiency a major source of redundancy will be eliminated in the coming weeks... Stay tuned’’

‘’Over the next two weeks, all departments will no longer have to print and file paper copies of all patient correspondence as back up to the electronically saved files’’

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

‘’She cant do that’’

• SHE can’t do that• She CAN’T do that• She cant do THAT

‘I never said he stole money’

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

‘’She cant do that’’

• SHE can’t do that• She CAN’T do that• She cant do THAT

‘I never said he stole money’

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

‘’She cant do that’’

• SHE can’t do that• She CAN’T do that• She cant do THAT

‘I never said he stole money’

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

‘’She cant do that’’

• SHE can’t do that• She CAN’T do that• She cant do THAT

‘I never said he stole money’

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

‘’She cant do that’’

• SHE can’t do that• She CAN’T do that• She cant do THAT

‘I never said he stole money’

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

‘’She cant do that’’

• SHE can’t do that• She CAN’T do that• She cant do THAT

‘I never said he stole money’

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

‘’She cant do that’’

• SHE can’t do that• She CAN’T do that• She cant do THAT

‘I never said he stole money’

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

3. Trying to sound too professionalSenior leadership has determined via our process of blue-sky thinking, that to maximise our return on investment from employees the company must drill-down on the sources of departmental silo’ing

We believe employees must work more synergistically using best practices in conflict resolution to ensure we reach optimal productivity

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

3. Trying to sound too professionalSenior leadership has determined via our process of blue-sky thinking, that to maximise our return in investment from employees the company must drill-down on the sources of departmental silo’ing

We believe employees must work more synergistically using best practices in conflict resolution to ensure the reach optimal productivity

We want our staff to work better together so they get more work done!

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

3. Trying to sound too professional

4. Under explaining

Most Common Reasons for The Breakdown

1. Assuming presuming concluding

2. Avoiding face to face interaction

3. Trying to sound too professional

4. Under explaining

5. Over explaining

...’’did you understand that’’


Six Key Business Communication Issues

1. Language

2. Cultural diversity

Six Key Business Communication Issues

1. Language

2. Cultural diversity

3. Gender differences

4. Physical separation

5. Inter-personal; attitude, personalities

6. Status differences

Six Key Business Communication Issues

1. Language

2. Cultural diversity

3. Gender differences

4. Physical separation

5. Inter-personal; attitude, personalities

6. Status differences

Personality Stylesp2

Selling an Idea or Concept

Do’s and don’ts


Levels of Listening

Are you listening?






Exercise in Empathetic Listening

The Mindset of Influence

What is influence?Tab 3 p1

The Mindset of Influence

What is influence?

What attributes/qualities do you associate with

influential people?

The Mindset of Influence


The Mindset of Influence


Listening and Influence

What has listening got to do with



The Currency of InfluenceTrust

Definition of trust?One in which confidence is placed

The reliance on the character, ability, strength or truth about

someone or something p4

The Currency of InfluenceTrust

Definition of trust?List 5 people you trust

What actions and behaviours build trust?


The Currency of InfluenceTrust


The Currency of InfluenceTrust

Trust Works


Concepts of Influence

Concepts of Influence


Concepts of InfluenceHow to win people to your way of thinking- Selling your ideas.


Concepts of Influence


Concepts of InfluenceHow to win people to your way of thinking- Selling your ideas.

People I report to___________________________________________________

My peers___________________________________________________

My team___________________________________________________

My Family___________________________________________________

Clients/ customers___________________________________________________



My Sphere of Influence


My Sphere of Influence


Tab 9


Assert Yourself, Build Confidence and

Realise Your Potential16th October 2017