Attitude the power of success

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Page 1: Attitude   the power of success

By - GSG


Page 2: Attitude   the power of success


The foundation of success.

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What is Attitude ?

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An attitude is an expression

of favour or disfavour toward

a person, place, thing, event

or just about anything in

your environment.

What is Attitude ?

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For Example

If you think


You are Right

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If you think

You cannot ???

You are Right Again !

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It is a matter of


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Attitude – The Foundation

You can't build anything without a

solid foundation.

Attitude is both our best friend and

our worst enemy.

It is more honest and more consistent

than our words.

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(Actions & Reactions)

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Examples of three components of Attitude

Cognitions (My job is interesting).

Feelings (I love my job).

Behaviour (I am going to get to

work early with a smile on my face-

my intention to act).

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Positive Thinking


Negative Thinking.

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A small case study

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A small case study on Attitude

Many years ago two salesmen

were sent by a British shoe

manufacturer to Africa to

investigate and report back on

Market Potential.

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The first salesman reported back

“ There is no potential here –

Nobody wears shoes.“

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The second salesman reported back;

“ There is Massive Potential here.

- Nobody wears shoes.”

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See how a single situation may be viewed in

two quite different ways both.

– (Negatively and Positively).

Note that both the salesmen used exactly the

same set of words to prove their point.

(“Nobody wears shoes").

This also emphasizes how important it is to

clearly communicate your view.

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Positive Attitude

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The Iceberg

How much do you see of an iceberg???

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The IcebergOnly 10% of any iceberg is visible.

The remaining 90% is below sea level.

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The Iceberg

phenomena is also

applicable on human

beings …

The Iceberg

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The Iceberg







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Now this What is a Positive Attitude .

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Choose Your Attitude

Attitude is the way you

communicate your mood to others.

Your choice of attitude can decide

the out come of your life.

Negative thoughts have no power

unless you empower them.

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Why do we fail ???


Why don’t we set

Goals in life ???

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A Pessimistic Attitude.

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Lack of Ambition.

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Fear of Failure.

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Fear of Rejection.

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Low Self-esteem.

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How to overcome

these problems?

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What words can you see?

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What words can you see?

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What words can you see?

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What words can you see?

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What do you see?

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What do you see?

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for the better

So what is required ?

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First let us

decide the

Factors determining



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Factors determining your attitude.


Environment Experience


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How do you react to failure?

Do you walk away discouraged and

complain about it ?


Do you take control; stay focused;

accept a lesson learned and go on with

your life?

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Common reaction

to failures ?

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Ways to improve your Attitude

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Your attitude is 100% within your control!

There are plenty of things in life that we

have no control over.

For example there is absolutely nothing we

could do about how people react to us or our

products and services.

All we can do is control the manner in which we

react to the situation.

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Success is based on good judgment.

Good judgment is founded on experience.

The only way one can gain experience is

through failure.

We may have to fail often to succeed once.

The way you react during failures is a

reflection of Attitude.

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How to improve your Attitude ?

1. Always act with a purpose.

2. Stretch yourself past limits every day.

3. Use setbacks to improve your skills.

4. Seek out those who share your positive


5. Forgive the limitations of others.

6. Use appropriate words while talking.

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8 Highly Dangerous


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This word negates everything said before it.

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Substitute And Statement for But Statement

But Statement And Statement

I respect your work

but I don’t agree with

this new idea.

I respect your work and

I have reservations about this

new idea.

I hear what you are saying but

I don’t agree.

I hear what you are saying and

I have different views.

I understand your point but

you are missing mine.

I understand your view and

I would like you to understand


You are dependable but

you are impulsive.

You are dependable and

you are also impulsive.

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This word presupposes failure.

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Refuse to be Seduced by ‘TRY’

Don’t say this Say this

I will try I promise to ……..

I will try very hard I commit to …….

I will try my best I will……

I will try all I can I give you my word…..

I will pull all the stops I will make it happen

I will attempt all I can I will take care of…..

I will do my utmost You can count on me to.

I will take a shot at it I take responsibility for…

I will make an effort to I am accountable for….

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This word presupposes that you might not.

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Don’t Say Say

If you work hard you will succeed.

When you work hard you will succeed.

If he comeswe will go to the class.

When he comes we will go to the class.

If you meet 100 prospects you will get 25 orders.

When you meet 100 prospects

you will get 25 orders.

Replace ‘IF’ with ‘WHEN’

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This word is in a class of words called negations.

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Don’t Say Say

I can’t complete this order in 10 days.

I will complete this order in 14 days.

He can’t make 100 calls in a day.

He can make 90 calls in a day.

As you can’t meet 100 prospects in a day

you will get only 25 orders.

As you meet 80 prospects in a day you will get only 25 orders.

Eliminate the word Can’t from your sentences

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This word meansMaybe yes-May be not.

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Don’t Say Say

We might fulfill your order in 10 days.

We will full fill your order in 14 days.

He might not make 100 calls in a day.

He can make 70 calls in a day.

As you might not meet 100 prospects

in a day you might get only 25 orders.

As you don’t meet 80 prospects in a day

You will get less than 25 orders.

Replace might by will/do/can/don’t

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All these have negative impact on power of your message.

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Use Strong Verbs

Lackluster Powerful

I would like tocomplete this by


I will complete this by tomorrow.


Perhaps you couldconsider our new


Our new products will definitely excite you.

We should offer better service to the customers.

I must provide better service to our customers.

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Is it possible to change your


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Test on your


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Once there was an

young couple

travelling in a bus in

a mountainous area.

Bus was travelling in

sharp hairpin bends.

Through the

window, the couple

could see beautiful

scenarios outside.

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They decided to get

down at some place.

After the couple got

down, the bus

moved on.

The couple tied their

hands and walked

on to the edge of the

road side.

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Suddenly they heard a

big noise behind and

they rushed to see

what had happened.

A huge rock fell on

the bus from the

mountain and crushed

the bus to crumbs.

Everybody on board

was killed..

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The couple upon seeing that, said,

"We wish we were on that bus“.

?Let's take a pause to think why did they

say like this ?

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Let's take a pause to think why did they

say like this ?

Your Guess could be wrong.

Think Positively

Come on think again.......

Come on try hard.....

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What would have happened if they

travelled in the same bus ?

If they had remained on the bus

instead of deciding to get down, the

resulting time delay could have been

avoided and the rock would have fallen

after the bus had passed ...!!!

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Think positive in life always and look for

opportunities when you can help others.

Many times in life, the opposite of

Success is not Failure, its Quitting.

Because Winners never quit,

Quitters never Win….

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Having a positive attitude makes you


It would also help in attracting others to

you, as they would enjoy being in your


Over a period of time you would develop a

great character that everyone would look

forward and it would help you to improve

your personal and professional life.

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Finally ?

It is up to you whether you would like

to build a positive or negative attitude.

After all the control is with you, and

you decide what is to be done.

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