365 Motivational Business And Money Quotes From the Famous, Richest People, Businessmen and Entrepreneurs

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365 Motivational Business And

Money Quotes From the Famous,

Richest People, Businessmen and



Kathy Collins


This book is a compilation of the best

business, work and money quotes that

have ever been spoken or written. The

quotes which are featured here are not

your typical quotes. These quotes range

from earning money to saving, spending,

investing and starting up a business.

I trust you will find them insightful and

useful. I hope it helps to motivates and

inspires you to reach a new level of

success and personal greatness in your

life. Just as much as it does for me. Use

these quotes to fill your life with

positive, inspirational words that will fuel

the engine of your mind.  

When editing this book, I was tempted to

group the quotations by category or by

the author. But for me, one of the great

pleasures of reading quotes is stumbling

upon something by chance which

instantly inspires me. I want you to have

that same experience. These quotes are

randomly arranged for that reason.

I made every effort to correctly attribute

each quote to the original author, but in

some cases it was hard to identify who

first spoke or wrote a specific quote. In

some cases, there are quotes which are

not directly attributable to any person

despite research into their possible

origins. They are either assigned as

‘Author Unknown’ or they fall into the

categories of proverbs or sayings.

I made this ebook full of gaps and spaces

so that you can read them slowly. So,

take your time and absorb every words of

wisdom. If a particular quote strike you,

you may pause, write it down or post it in

a place where you can see it every day.

You may read this book from beginning

to end like any other book. But, I

recommend to read at least one or at

most ten quotes every day. A good quote

can be a great source of positive energy.

I believe that our circumstances can

change based on what words we read,

hear, and speak. 

I certainly hope that you will also see this

as a resource rather than just a quick

article to read. I encourage you to save

this as a resource so that you can come

back to it when you need to be


Thank you for downloading this ebook.

Feel free to share this on to your friends

or family to so all of us can be inspired

and motivated together.

1. Rule No 1: Never lose money.

Rule No 2: Never forget Rule No 1. -

Warren Buffett

2. I want to put a ding in the

universe. - Steve Jobs

3. All lasting business is built on

friendship. - Alfred A. Montapert

4. Nine out of ten businesses fail;

so I came up with a foolproof plan —

create ten businesses. - Robert


5. If you want to be inventive —

you have to be willing to fail. - Jeff


6. The only thing worse than

starting something and failing… is not

starting something. - Seth Godin

7. If you start with nothing and

end up with nothing, there’s nothing

lost. - Michael Dunlop

8. In the modern world of

business, it is useless to be a creative,

original thinker unless you can also

sell what you create. - David Ogilvy

9. To launch a business means

successfully solving problems. Solving

problems means listening. - Richard


10. A budget tells us what we can't

afford, but it doesn't keep us from

buying it. - William Feather

11. There are people who have money

and people who are rich. - Coco


12. You aren’t wealthy until you have

something money can’t buy. - Garth


13. I will tell you how to become rich.

Close the doors. Be fearful when

others are greedy. Be greedy when

others are fearful. - Warren Buffett

14. Remembering you are going to die

is the best way I know to avoid the

trap of thinking you have something

to lose. - Steve Jobs

15. I hate how many people think,

glass half-empty when their glass is

really four-fifths full. I’m grateful

when I have one drop in the glass

because I know exactly what to do

with it. - Gary Vaynerchuk

16. Rich people buy luxuries last,

while poor and middle class tend to

buy luxuries first. - Robert Kiyosaki

17. The philosophy of the rich versus

the poor is this: The rich invest their

money and spend what’s left; the poor

spend their money and invest what’s

left. - Jim Rohn

18. An investor without investment

objectives is like a traveler without a

destination. - Ralph Seger

19. Investing should be more like

watching paint dry or watching grass

grow. If you want excitement, take

$800 and go to Las Vegas. - Paul


20. Always deliver more than

expected. — Larry Page



