habits of the world's super rich and successful

10 Habits of the World's Super Rich and Successful

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It's almost the start of a new year and some people have already started discussing what their resolutions for 2014 are going to be. Other than the usual weight-loss and travel goals, how about taking a leaf out of the habits of the world's super rich and successful people, and try something different? Entertainment and news site Lifehack has compiled a list comprising of 10 habits of the richest people in the world. According to Lifehack, these habits can help you become rich if you follow them. www.andrewchow.sg

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habits of the world's

super rich and


Page 2: 10 Habits of the World's Super Rich and Successful

It's almost the start of a new year and some people have already started discussing what

their resolutions for 2014 are going to be. Other than the usual weight-loss and travel

goals, how about taking a leaf out of the habits of the world's super rich and successful people,

and try something different? Entertainment and news site Lifehack has

compiled a list comprising of 10 habits of the richest people in the world. According to

Lifehack, these habits can help you become rich if you follow them.

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Page 4: 10 Habits of the World's Super Rich and Successful

1. Reflect on the success you want and set goals to achieve it. Lifehack said people don't become rich by

accident. They set targets for themselves, achieve them and even

surpass their goals.

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2. After setting your goals, Lifehack said it is important to stay focused

on them. Direct all your energy and commitment into achieving the goal.

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Life Hack, using a laser beam to illustrate its point, said that the laser is able to cut through the strongest

mental because its energy are all focused on one single point.

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These days, we have relationships with our family and friends,

distractions from work, advertisements telling us what to

do, buy and wear. The rich and successful are unfazed by them. For the new year, make goals and don't

lose focus on them.

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3. Motivational speaker Brian Tracy said rich people don't think what

they can monthly or annually, they think about growing their fortune by

the hour.

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The tycoons of the world have respect for time, said Lifehack.

Follow their example and do not waste it, and spend every waking

moment making the most out of it.

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4. An important habit to cultivate is to spend less than what you earn,

said Lifehack. Businessman Warren Buffett once said, "Do not save what

is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving."

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A tip by Lifehack is not purchase bigger homes and cars if your

income increases. If the expenses keep going up, the person will

remain 'poor or average'.

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5. Another habit Lifehack observed about rich people, is that they work

really hard to achieve their goals. They put in a lot of effort and perseverance to achieve their

dreams and always go one step further than ordinary employees.

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6. Want to be rich? Lifehack said you can do so by enriching yourself.

Before you add value to your work and clients, add value to yourself by increase your knowledge. Make it a

habit to learn new skills and information every day, suggested


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7. Another useful habit to have, says Lifehack, is to have 'rich company'.

According to the entertainment site, Lifehack said 'rich people don't have

poor friends'.

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They suggest associating with wealthy people or those who have

potential to become a tycoon someday. Above: Russian oil tycoon Roman Abramovich with ex-football

star David Beckham.

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8. A habit, or rather, a trait, that Lifehack suggests is to be persistent. Don't give up on your goals, even if you failed. Even if money was lost in the process, take it as an experience

and learn from it.

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Above: Writer JK Rowling was rejected 12 times before her 'Harry Potter' books were accepted by a

publisher. In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, she said she kept

going after the rejections because she believed the books will be a

huge success.

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9. To be rich, Lifehack said one must not be afraid to take risks. However, they also said one must know very clearly what the decision will cost

and also, not to throw all your money in at one shot.

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10. Lastly, the final habit that will make you rich, said Lifehack, is to be

generous. Above: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has his own

foundation which he set up with his wife, Melinda.

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www www

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Many schools, hospitals and charitable causes in society have

benefited greatly from donations. Above: President Tan receiving a

cheque from Kelvin Yue, on behalf of his late aunt Tan Sew Kee, to the

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School.

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