Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015

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Page 1: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015
Page 2: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015
Page 3: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015
Page 4: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015
Page 5: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015

21 Qs

Qs 7, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20 are starred to resolve ties.

Still tied – sudden death

No negatives, all 1-pointers.


Page 6: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


The assembly of what began with the Zarya, also known as the Functional Cargo Block, and continued with the addition of Unity, Zvezda, Destiny, Quest, Pirs, Harmony, Columbus, Kibo, Cupola, Rassvet and Leonardo?

Page 7: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


A superconductor, during its transition to the superconducting state, expels a magnetic field. After which German physicist is this phenomenon which causes a magnet to levitate above a superconductor named?

Page 8: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


He was awarded the Nobel for Chemistry in 1908 for 'his investigations into the disintegration of elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances." While accepting the award, he joked that he had seen many transformations in his work, but the quickest ever had just been performed by the Nobel Committee, which had turned him from a physicist into a chemist.

Who are we talking about ?

Page 9: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


According to Native American legend, a set of people essential to mankind's survival will appear at that dark time when fish die in the streams, the birds fall from the air, the waters turn black and the trees disappear.

What are these people called?

Page 10: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015

5._____________ is usually denoted by _____, from the Latin celeritas (meaning "swiftness"). Originally, another common symbol was used for the same, introduced by James Clerk Maxwell in 1865.

In 1894, Paul Drude redefined _____ with its modern meaning.

Perhaps, the most famous exponent of a theory that revolved around _________, made the switch from the old to the new, a couple of years after his seminal work was published, albeit using the old notations.

What are we talking about ?

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6. Connect.

Page 12: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015

* 7.

1958: Bacterial sex1959: DNA replication1965: Gene regulation1968: The genetic code1969: Virus replication1978: Restriction enzymes1980: Recombinant DNA1989: RNA as an enzyme1997: ATP generation1999: Signal sequences on proteins2008: Green fluorescent protein ………

All the above mentioned Nobel Prizes in Medicine have one ‘thing’ in common, that has something to do with this gentleman [pic to follow]

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Page 14: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


Around 1940, X began spending a lot of money buying Y on his travels to Europe and United States, then going to Pannain central India and evaluating samples with official permission from the kingdom’s ruler.

A little later, X bought 11 of these from Hyderabad and to X’s surprise, even received a gift of 16 rare pieces from South Africa and 63 perfect specimens from the Maharaja of Mysore.

By the 1950s, X had more than 600 of these with him, the most by far for any common man in the country.

Who?What was X’s obsession ?

Page 15: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


____ ____ methods are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results; typically one runs simulations many times over in order to obtain the distribution of an unknown probabilistic entity.

The name comes from the resemblance of the technique to the act of playing and recording results in a real gambling casino.

Which method was named thus ?

Page 16: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


According to the 1st official system, from 1887-1907, Greek alphabet derivatives, Roman mythological characters etc were used.

Later, political figures became the favorite choices.

After a period of disuse due to the World Wars, the system got reinstated with excessive, rather exclusive biasing against a particular section of people, that has caused multiple protests.

The system has been improved ever since, but still, one can feel the bias visible even in the current state.

What are we talking about ?

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Shown is the headstone on the grave of one of the great scientists the world has ever seen.

Who ?

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The Institute of ________ _________is an American non-profit research institute, co-founded in 1973 by former astronaut Edgar Mitchell. The institute conducts research on such topics such as consciousness, alternative healing practices, consciousness-based healthcare, human potential, psychic abilities, psychokenesis and survival of consciousness after bodily death.

However, it came to limelight following the release of “The Lost Symbol” in 2009, owing to the prominent role the science/its results play in the plot.


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_________ belong to the genus Phoenicopterus the only genus in the family Phoenicopteridae.

The reason for their widespread acclaim is due to aqueous bacteria and beta-Carotene obtained from their food supply.

The nourishment and thus, the chances for a better mate can be easily inferred from the degree of the above-mentioned transformation.

What are we talking about ?

Page 20: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


Shown below is the exact answer to a question that normally yields estimates like “ millions & billions “.The actual number is a little above 43 quintillion.

So, What’s the relevant question ?

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“Do these people have no consideration ?Its ok to take pride in the event, but why bother me ?All sorts of people from ________ have been writing to me, clogging my inbox. It takes me an hour or two just to remove their mails. There are also people who have never bothered to be in touch with me for decades who suddenly feel the urge to connect. I find this strange.”

Whose reaction to a 2009 interview ?

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“Now a moon, a lover refulgent in flight,Sails the black silence’s loneliest ellipse.Computers use ___, the ______, when polite,Or gentle data for sad tracking aid at eclipse.”

Such poems are very popular and handy while pursuing a very special field of study.

The study of _________ ???

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According to the story, while washing a miner’s overalls, a washerwoman noticed that sand & dirt fell to the bottom of the tub, but the copper compunds were caught in the soapsuds. Hence, they came to the top. She told her story to a chemist, one of her clients.

The chemist, recginsed the significance of this observations and thus was born what ???

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23rd October [ any year ]6:02 pm to 6:03 pm.

Put funda.

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Simple, FITB.

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Modern X uses Y, a purified & powdered form of cinnabar, the chief form in which mercury sulfide naturally occurs.

As with others mercury compounds, Y should be handled carefully.

Sometimes, red lead or lead tetroxide is added to Y.

In 2008, allegations of high lead content led the USFDA to recall batches of X from several manufacturers

X please !!

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21. The cheque shown below is a representative of many others that flooded an address, that have gained widespread attention recently.

What is the motive behind this action ?

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Page 30: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


The assembly of what began with the Zarya, also known as the Functional Cargo Block, and continued with the addition of Unity, Zvezda, Destiny, Quest, Pirs, Harmony, Columbus, Kibo, Cupola, Rassvet and Leonardo?

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Page 32: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


A superconductor, during its transition to the superconducting state, expels a magnetic field. After which German physicist is this phenomenon which causes a magnet to levitate above a superconductor named?

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Page 34: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


He was awarded the Nobel for Chemistry in 1908 for 'his investigations into the disintegration of elements and the chemistry of radioactive substances." While accepting the award, he joked that he had seen many transformations in his work, but the quickest ever had just been performed by the Nobel Committee, which had turned him from a physicist into a chemist.

Who are we talking about ?

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Page 36: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


According to Native American legend, a set of people essential to mankind's survival will appear at that dark time when fish die in the streams, the birds fall from the air, the waters turn black and the trees disappear.

What are these people called?

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Page 38: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015

5._____________ is usually denoted by _____, from the Latin celeritas (meaning "swiftness"). Originally, another common symbol was used for the same, introduced by James Clerk Maxwell in 1865.

In 1894, Paul Drude redefined _____ with its modern meaning.

Perhaps, the most famous exponent of a theory that revolved around _________, made the switch from the old to the new, a couple of years after his seminal work was published, albeit using the old notations.

What are we talking about ?

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Symbol ‘c’ for speed of light

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6. Connect.

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Page 42: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015

* 7.

1958: Bacterial sex1959: DNA replication1965: Gene regulation1968: The genetic code1969: Virus replication1978: Restriction enzymes1980: Recombinant DNA1989: RNA as an enzyme1997: ATP generation1999: Signal sequences on proteins2008: Green fluorescent protein ………

All the above mentioned Nobel Prizes in Medicine have one ‘thing’ in common, that has something to do with this gentleman [pic to follow]

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Page 44: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015

THEODOR ESCHERICH Escherichia coli

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Around 1940, X began spending a lot of money buying Y on his travels to Europe and United States, then going to Pannain central India and evaluating samples with official permission from the kingdom’s ruler.

A little later, X bought 11 of these from Hyderabad and to X’s surprise, even received a gift of 16 rare pieces from South Africa and 63 perfect specimens from the Maharaja of Mysore.

By the 1950s, X had more than 600 of these with him, the most by far for any common man in the country.

Who?What was X’s obsession ?

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Page 47: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


____ ____ methods are a broad class of computational algorithms that rely on repeated random sampling to obtain numerical results; typically one runs simulations many times over in order to obtain the distribution of an unknown probabilistic entity.

The name comes from the resemblance of the technique to the act of playing and recording results in a real gambling casino.

Which method was named thus ?

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Page 49: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


According to the 1st official system, from 1887-1907, Greek alphabet derivatives, Roman mythological characters etc were used.

Later, political figures became the favorite choices.

After a period of disuse due to the World Wars, the system got reinstated with excessive, rather exclusive biasing against a particular section of people, that has caused multiple protests.

The system has been improved ever since, but still, one can feel the bias visible even in the current state.

What are we talking about ?

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Page 51: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


Shown is the headstone on the grave of one of the great scientists the world has ever seen.

Who ?

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James Prescott Joule

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The Institute of ________ _________is an American non-profit research institute, co-founded in 1973 by former astronaut Edgar Mitchell. The institute conducts research on such topics such as consciousness, alternative healing practices, consciousness-based healthcare, human potential, psychic abilities, psychokenesis and survival of consciousness after bodily death.

However, it came to limelight following the release of “The Lost Symbol” in 2009, owing to the prominent role the science/its results play in the plot.


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Page 55: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


_________ belong to the genus Phoenicopterus the only genus in the family Phoenicopteridae.

The reason for their widespread acclaim is due to aqueous bacteria and beta-Carotene obtained from their food supply.

The nourishment and thus, the chances for a better mate can be easily inferred from the degree of the above-mentioned transformation.

What are we talking about ?

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Page 57: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


Shown below is the exact answer to a question that normally yields estimates like “ millions & billions “.The actual number is a little above 43 quintillion.

So, What’s the relevant question ?

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Page 59: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


“Do these people have no consideration ?Its ok to take pride in the event, but why bother me ?All sorts of people from ________ have been writing to me, clogging my inbox. It takes me an hour or two just to remove their mails. There are also people who have never bothered to be in touch with me for decades who suddenly feel the urge to connect. I find this strange.”

Whose reaction to a 2009 interview ?

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Page 61: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


“Now a moon, a lover refulgent in flight,Sails the black silence’s loneliest ellipse.Computers use ___, the ______, when polite,Or gentle data for sad tracking aid at eclipse.”

Such poems are very popular and handy while pursuing a very special field of study.

The study of _________ ???

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Page 63: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


According to the story, while washing a miner’s overalls, a washerwoman noticed that sand & dirt fell to the bottom of the tub, but the copper compounds were caught in the soapsuds. Hence, they came to the top. She told her story to a chemist, one of her clients.

The chemist, recoginsed the significance of this observations and thus was born what ???

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23rd October [ any year ]6:02 pm to 6:03 pm.

Put funda.

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[6.O2 (2) PM, 10/23 ]

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Simple, FITB.

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Page 69: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015


Modern X uses Y, a purified & powdered form of cinnabar, the chief form in which mercury sulfide naturally occurs.

As with others mercury compounds, Y should be handled carefully.

Sometimes, red lead or lead tetroxide is added to Y.

In 2008, allegations of high lead content led the USFDA to recall batches of X from several manufacturers

X please !!

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Page 71: Vivaksha - The Science Quiz Prelims - 28/02/2015

21. The cheque shown below is a representative of many others that flooded an address, that have gained widespread attention recently.

What is the motive behind this action ?

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[ We are with you ! ]

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